Astrology for the Self

Discover and Achieve your Highest Potentials

Multi-dimensional scientific astrology picks on up things everyone else misses!


“The best astrologer on Planet Earth: Magi Helena. ♥”



Who am I? How can I know myself better? What are my major strengths and challenges? What career fields would bring me the most satisfaction and the most income? Where should I live: for the greatest inner happiness? to meet the most kindred spirits? for the greatest success?



How can I use my energies more constructively & productively? How can I best handle anger? How do I sabotage myself? How can I eliminate self-sabotage? How can I break negative patterns? How can I turn my challenges into strengths?


Self-Acceptance & Self-Care

How can I accept myself more completely? How can I learn to love myself? How can I learn to nurture myself?


Spiritual Development

What is my Soul Mission? What are my Soul strengths? What are my Soul lessons? What is the Soul purpose of challenging experiences? What is the Universe trying to tell me? How can I become more aligned with Spirit?


Heal the Past

What are the residues of my childhood and past lives? How can I heal old wounds? Why did I incarnate into my family? How can I learn the needed lessons in my life? How can I let go of the past?


Understand the Present

What is going on? Why am I feeling this way? When will things change? What can I do to make things better right now? What is the cosmic purpose of this experience?


Plan the Future

What can I expect in the next year/ 5 years/ 10 years? Where are my best & worst places to live, work or visit? How can I fulfill my Soul hunger for ultimate life satisfaction?


Set up a Consultation with Magi Helena