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35+ years of statistical research shows what really works in astrology.
One important discovery is that…. SPACE IS NOT FLAT. I know, seriously.
The Universe is not one-dimensional. But one dimension is all that old-school astrology uses. To work, astrology has to be an accurate model of what is really going on up there. To be accurate, astrology HAS TO BE multi-dimensional.
Traditional astrology has primarily used the geocentric longitudes. In super- simple terms, these are the locations of the planets on the horizontal plane (around the chart wheel) as viewed from the Earth. The significant data used are the mathematical (angular) interrelationships between the planets. The geocentric longitudes are the 1st dimension used in Scientific Astrology.
The chart above is a typical geocentric astrological chart, which shows one dimension only. It is shown with 0° Libra on the ascendant, to make it easier to compare to a this multi-dimensional chart in its default position as shown below.
Above is the multi-dimensional chart of the same date as the western chart above.
Research has demonstrated conclusively that there are (at least) 5 more dimensions of equal importance in chart analysis. Working with only 1 dimension is truly working with only 16% (or less) of the necessary data for accuracy! Though western astrology does at times reference the other 5 dimensions, they are not given remotely the same importance as the geocentric longitudes.
The 2nd dimension is the geocentric declinations. Again in super-simple terms, these are the locations of the planets in the vertical plane (their “altitude” north or south) as viewed from Earth. Statistical research has irrefutably demonstrated the importance of these” vertical” interrelationships between planets (the parallel and contra-parallel) in the declinations.
In both types of charts, direct planetary motion in the longitudes is counter-clockwise. In the multi-dimensional chart, declinational motion is shown like this: Planets shown inside the polygon on the left are moving northward (up.) Planets shown in inside the polygon on the right are moving southward (down.)
And, research has clearly demonstrated that the 3rd and 4th dimensions are equally as important as the 1st and 2nd dimensions described above.
The 3rd dimension – the heliocentric longitudes- is the locations of the planets in the horizontal plane (around the chart wheel) as viewed from the Sun rather than the Earth.
The 4th dimension is the equivalent to the geocentric declinations- the locations of the planets in the vertical plane (their “altitude” north or south) as viewed from the Sun- though in heliocentric charts, this dimension is called the heliocentric latitudes.
The 5th and 6th dimensions are also Geocentric and Heliocentric Longitudes, but planetary locations are calculated by dividing the wheel into 7 equal parts of 51.429° each rather than 12 parts of 30° each. Call this Zodiac7. Zodiac7 has conclusively proven itself to be of equal importance as standard Zodiac12 charts.
The chart above is a heliocentric multi-dimensional chart showing the same date as the previous charts. Note in the heliocentric chart that there is no glyph for the Sun (since we’re theoretically standing on it) but that there is a glyph for Earth, which is called the Earth/Moon complex – viewed from the Sun, the Earth and Moon are too close together to be distinguishable from one another. The motion in the helio latitudes in indicated the same way as in the declinations, though in the latitudes, the Earth is always centered.
Above is the Zodiac7 multi-dimensional chart of the same date as all charts shown in this lesson. Compare to the Heliocentric Zodiac12 chart at left to see how different the Planetary Geometry and aspects are in Zodiac7.
Whether you’re doing a natal reading, a relationship analysis, choosing a wedding date or an incorporation date, or anything else, you have to always give all 6 dimensions equal weight. The use of all 6 dimensions is one of the proven principles of pinpoint accuracy!
Online lessons in Scientific Astrology are tutorials in elementary and essential principles. They are not intended to teach basic astrological concepts – some knowledge of simple astrology is very helpful.
Each lesson is an important building block in learning to be proficient in Scientific Astrology. This system makes chart analysis much easier by providing clear-cut guidelines to understanding and interpretation.
Formerly Co-Director of the Magi Certification Program and formerly a Certified Level IV Magi Astrologer, I left the Society in 2022. When I was a member of the Society I was limited in what I could reveal. Now, I can tell you about many exciting discoveries. Check back periodically to see new material.
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