It makes sense that every day isn’t equally great for love and super-success....
otherwise everyone would be a billionaire happily married to their soulmate!
Star-Timer® Personal Calendars are just that... A calendar of your PERSONAL best days for Love and Success.
"I LOVE my Star-Timer! It is clear, concise & easy to refer to when planning the future."
"My Star-Timer really matched what was going on in my life...”
"... now I can better strategize and plan my goals, projects, meetings and initiations on favorable days."
Personal cycles which help you make the most money are called Golden cycles.
Personal cycles which help you be the most charismatic and also help you in love are called Cinderella cycles.
Personal cycles which can be deadly to both success and love are called Heartbreak cycles.
Everyone has ALL 3 - now you can find out instantly EXACTLY WHEN your own Golden, Cinderella and Heartbreak cycles are.
Start a new business for maximum success
Make the most money
Get a promotion or a raise
Get a profitable new job
Be your most convincing & charismatic
Get a promotion or raise
Ace an interview
Successfully submit applications
Meet your Soulmate or push for commitment
Fail at a new venture
Risk your career if you aren't cautious
Lose money in new investments
Risk disaster in a new job or project
Meet a heartbreaker or risk your relationship
Like grabbing the golden ring on a carousel, success can hinge on precise timing. Use the Science of Star-Timing to maximize your day-to-day opportunities. Harness the power of the stars to super-charge your career and finances. Note: If your business is incorporated, use the incorporation date to order a company calendar to time important corporate actions.
Know when you can meet your Soulmate, when to push for commitment, and when to walk on eggshells in your relationship.
I personally designed Star-Timer® Calendars to be AFFORDABLE and INSTANT.
I used everything I've learned in 17 years of studying Magi Astrology and reading for 1000's of people, so you can harness the proven power of Star-Timing to achieve the success and love you want.
Using your personal super-charged dates can open doors to rare opportunity...
but you still have to do the real world stuff.
Since you are going to do that anyway, add TIMING to your recipe for success.
You’re tired of disappointment.
You’re tired of heartbreak.
You’re tired of going nowhere.
You’re willing to wait for YOUR best days.
You’re ready for Success and Love!
Heartbreak & failure don’t bother you.
You're not in a hurry to get what you want.
You don’t want to wait for your special days-
you’d rather just be spontaneous.
You’re not ready take destiny into your own hands.
"My first calendar was a great help... Here's my new order - looking forward to another year of guidance!"
"Thank you so much for the calendar! I really enjoyed my last one and am excited to see what patterns the next year has in store!
“Thanks so much for the calendar, what a fantastic tool! I'm going to make the best use of it."
When your cycles are best - Take Action.
When the stars are against you - wait it out.
It's the only way you can harness the power of the stars.
If you want Love: Work out your issues, be your best, and get out there and meet people!
If you want Success: Work hard,be smart and never give up!
You’ve probably been doing all this, but still don’t have everything you want.
"... I have found your principles for picking days extremely useful."
"I am sure by now you know how much I appreciate your star timer calendars..."
"Thank you so much for your calendar service. It has been a great help in dealing with my life... I don't know how bad it could have been had I not avoided unfavorable times. So far, I am moving along and I can say that knowing when to act and when to hold off is of tremendous benefit to me. I can deal with issues much more confidently with this knowledge. Thank you!"
Golden cycles and Silver cycles- The best days for business and financial opportunity. Meet new people in business, start a new venture or a new job, sign important agreements, incorporate a business, launch a product or website for maximum profitability. Silver cycles are similar, and about 1/2 as strong as Golden cycles.
Cinderella cycles- When people see you in your best possible light. In business: meet new people for greatest acceptance, sell yourself and your ideas, go on an interview, ask for a promotion or a raise, start a new venture or job, launch a product for maximum popularity. In love: meet your soulmate, push for greater commitment, get married.
Nuclear cycles- Relationships and new initiatives begun under these cycles are seldom a "fit" for you and you will likely find yourself with serious and irreconcilable differences with whatever was begun during these times. Nuclear cycles are also representative of severe bad judgment and are included in Blunder cycles.
Blackout (Heartbreak) cycles- The worst possible times for almost anything, including meeting new people. Starting anything new or trying to push your agenda during a Blackout cycle most often leads to failure or heartbreak. People see you in your worst possible light. In business: the worst possible times to meet new people, to start a new venture or a new job, to invest, to sign important agreements, to incorporate, or to launch a product or website. In love: the times when meeting anyone new is likely to lead to heartbreak, the times when you could make a critical error in your relationship, when you must be on your very best behavior to avoid problems.
Star-Timer Key- Star-Timer Keys are detailed guides to understanding and using your Star-Timer. Star-Timer keys are regularly updated and incorporate the most frequently-asked questions about using your Star-Timer - the current version for most calendars is 15 pages long. Your key will include detailed information about each cycle you order. It also includes strategic planning advice for making the most of your Star-Timer, such as how to choose the best days for every activity, how to get the most out of negative cycles, and how to make the best choices of days during bad cycles when necessary. It also teaches you how to combine your personal days with Universal Days for maximum advantage.
Star-Timers shown are examples; your calendar will vary based upon your personal cycles.
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