Monthly Astrology Forecasts

Find each month's forecast video here:

Monthly Best-Worst Days planetary info and full transcripts below.

March 2025

Planetary Info/Mini-Lesson

A general mini-lesson and some notes before we dive into March.

As my research expands into ever-more-untraveled space and spaces, [cue the Star Trek theme] I’m needing to ditch clumsy, no-longer-usable symbols and nomenclature.

We have to be able to note new understandings consistently for each other. It was easy to memorize glyphs for signs, planets, and aspects when there weren’t many to identify, but it’s impossible when working with the whole galaxy. Dive with me into astro-nerd-world, where things are getting more interesting every day…


My current system

Abbreviations you probably already know

Geo = Geocentric
Helio = Heliocentric
Dek or Deks = Geo Declinations
Lat or Lats = Helio Latitudes
MP = Midpoint
Deg = Degree or degrees


If I’ve ever used the words Planet and Point interchangeably… Not every point is a planet. A point can be anything: A planet, asteroid, dwarf planet, midpoint. A point is a “traveler”, a body in motion, as differentiated from a fixed star.


I still do not use the following techniques: they include anything derived from so-called “exact” birth times:

They have been impossible to prove with verifiable data or with a broad-enough data pool. Maybe they can be useful once in a while, but I stick to methods I can count on to work consistently…

Here’s what I don’t bother with, and won’t, until and unless I see some proof of reliable results: Houses, Angles, Triplicities, Quadruplicities, Composite charts, Coalescent charts, Gauquelin Sectors, Solar and Lunar Returns, Solar and Lunar Eclipses, Arabic parts, Rulerships, Dignities….

I continue to use sun signs for my syndicated horoscope column, sun sign forecasts are a way to deliver the broadest and most general predictions. I do not use signs in the algorithms which power my proprietary products.


Planets and asteroids are designated by their full name or first 3 letters. [So far, 3 letters has been enough]

Venus = Ven
Ves = Ves
Jup = Jupiter
Jun = Juno


Midpoints are separated by a /.

Jup/Odi = the Jupiter/Odin midpoint.

The near and/or far midpoint in Longitudes in Zodiacs with an even number of houses.
Example: Standard Zodiac 12

The near midpoint in Longitudes in Zodiacs with an odd number of houses.
Example: Zodiac 7

The single midpoint in Geo Deks and Helio Lats.


Aspects in longitudes are numerical. Decimal places if any are omitted.

0 = Conjunction
120 = Trine
154 = Zodiac 7 angle
163 = Zodiac 11 angle

p = parallel
cp = contra-parallel
cl – contra-latitude

There are MANY significant angles/aspects.

Geometries are still King.


The orbs the old Society taught to the public [such as 3° for Longitudes] are far too big and sloppy for many applications, I’ve tightened them up a lot. I only analyze geometries and aspects that fit within newer, tighter orbs.


Points I’m currently using
Solar system planets
Named Kuiper belt points
Many asteroids
Many MPs.


A description of a point that can impact many areas of life, a point that is generally influential, generally helpful, or even generally harmful. Overarching points tend to have broad effects, non-overarching points have meanings that are more granular/specific. Some overarching points: Jup, Chi, Odi, Sat.


I’m experimenting with some completely new stuff that’s never been seen/done, there wasn’t the tech for it before now. I hope to have something to show you before the end of 2025.

I know this isn’t a comprehensive lesson and leaves many unanswered questions. I’m building new lessons on my site as I can. I also offer free classes with my former Society colleague Kevin McCorry. Get on the list here:

My rollout toward greater support of the astro community has been much slower than I originally hoped. The study program I co-authored and co-taught for the old Society for their paid members ended when Kevin and I left the Society in 2022. Even though student participants paid the Society, it felt like we were giving free community support from our perspective, our efforts were donated to students as volunteers. And we still love teaching.

There’s an obvious need for truly substantive lessons into what astrology can do and understand now that we have the tech to take it to the next level. Even the high-priced astro training currently offered out there is still flogging the same old one-dimensional, flat-Universe, tic-tac-toe astrology. Kids, we’re in the 3-D chess-verse now.

I’m doing my best: It takes a lot to weather life’s firestorms and continue work in all my passions: 1. Data-driven astro-sci-pioneering, 2. Keeping bills paid, and 3. Build free stuff for our community. The work continues… If you’re on the Free Class list, you’ll get periodic updates. We’re doing all we can.


March Lesson:

March’s Best Day, March 2, sees support for Sun in geometries with Jupiter, Logos, Mjölnir, Makemake, and Chi/Plu. Sun also gets a nice parallel from Odi/Ixi. Earth is buoyed by geometry with Mjölnir and Jup/Plu. The Jupiter-Logos combo can bring real insights; truths and greater clarity can emerge. I love doing research under this combo. Day Score: +524

The higher-scoring, but less long-term Second-Best Day for March, March 22, brings Sun geometries with Venus, Haumea, Excalibur, and Ven/Nep. Earth is in a conjuncted 120 with Ven and Plu. FYI, a conjuncted 120 gets the amplification effect of a geometry. Sun is cp Nep, 150 Haumea, 0 Ven. Earth is 120 Plu, 0 Ven and 150 Cer. Plenty of $$ in this day, but insufficient lasting, helpful progressions for anything beyond a 1-day situation. Day Score: +651

March’s Worst Day, March 29, first of all fails to have enough truly helpful support for Sun or Earth. Therefore, there is no meaningful support for whatever entity these points would represent in the charts of any FIRSTS initiated on this day. Day Score: -473

>>>This right here is why Sun and Earth are SO crucial to any FIRST! If the entity: the relationship, the business, the product, the offering, that you are creating a new chart for has no support, no life force, it can’t live, can’t grow, can’t deliver the results you dream of. Just that simple.

… Also on this day, there’s a plethora of negative aspects, many overarching: Sun cp Sat, Sat/Chi cp Chi, Sat/Jup 154 Ven, Sat/Var cp Plu, Sat/Jup 150 Ear, Ear 154 Sap.

Check my lessons every month here. Some will be basic, some will throw in added stuff when time, energy, and inspo align…


Forecast Video Full Transcript 

Hey Superstars, Happy March! I’m Helena. Here’s your monthly forecast for March 2025.

As an internationally syndicated columnist I offer daily forecasts, find my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes in print or search them online.

I work for power players around the world both famous, and behind-the-scenes, but my proprietary advice is also available affordably and instantly. Check out my personal best timing calendars, Universal Best-Worst Days Advance Calendars, and relationship reports.

Best-Worst Days Advance Calendars are available for instant download. Personal timing calendars and relationship reports deliver to your inbox in less than one hour, calculated from the unique birth data you input before checkout.

Here’s your forecast for March 2025. A reminder that I’m more data-driven than ever before!!! I keep the monthly videos light and informative for everyone, but the intel behind my forecasts is the tightest ever. You can always see the technical explanation for every month’s forecast at the link in the text below the video. There’s a lot of bonus content posted for March, if you’re a serious student, check it out.

Here’s the March Star-Power graph for the Americas region. March is a decent month. Most days are above zero, and even the very worst day does not score horribly.

March’s Best Day early in the month isn’t quite the highest-scoring day but it’s pretty close. It got a Best Day designation both for score, and because it offers a nice run of sunshine-y days afterward to give whatever you begin on that day, a longer run of sunshine. I like this day for clear thinking and settling misunderstandings. It could be a great day for research and making new discoveries and could bring some real A-Ha moments. Creativity in any form of art or music will likely be enhanced. This day offers a benevolent umbrella for new beginnings, and there is also a ton of money in the day to support business and finance. All this said, it’s only a mid-Best day in terms of scores for the year. We are getting MUCH stronger, much higher-scoring opportunity days as we continue through 2025. The highest-scoring days bring the most momentum for happy and winning outcomes. Also, if your personal cycles are bad or just are not good enough, if they don’t overlay right for a WIN, it’s just not a WIN day for YOU. You have to factor in your personal cycles too to really align for the outcome.

The slightly-higher scoring day later in March can be a good day for business dealings. Groups and organizations may be able to boost membership or deepen loyalty. This day is also highly creative and also supports career, business and finance. The downside of this day is that the positive energy in the day plummets quickly after reaching its apex. It’s not a day to start new situations or new relationships that you really want to last. But it could be great for an announcement for something happening within a few months, or a one-day event.

March’s only really dark day can destroy almost any new initiative or new relationship begun then. It’s got all kinds of tools to brew up chaos. Even if you’re in the best personal cycles of your life, this is a day to sit out for any important action. Not only are rulers of destruction throwing a rave, but anxiety is likely to be off the charts too. Cocoon, do what’s necessary, talk softly, walk softly, do proactive self-care, and wait it out. If you don’t start anything new or meet anyone new, if you don’t make any big decisions or big mistakes, this day can pass you by with no future bad effects.

Planning something special in 2025? It’s another very strong year for planting the seeds to grow your best life. Calendar up and start getting better traction toward your dreams.

Want advance notice of the very most horrible days to sit out and the very most powerful action days of rarest opportunity? Get the very best and very worst days in advance in your inbox. Sign up at the link below the video.

I hope you’ll come hang out with me at Get tools to keep your life strong and moving in the right direction.

Got Astrology Questions? Check out my FAQ!

Happy March! Happy Spring. Wishing you all joy and all blessings.

February 2025

Planetary Info/Mini-Lesson

The dark days around Feb. 6 in the Americas region are dragged down by a Sun-Sappho-Sat/Lil multi-conjunction/opposition. There’s a peaking Heartbreak Clash in the Deks, a peaking 102 Nuclear Clash with Earth, and Sun is making a 102 clash with Sat/Odi. Day Score: -467.

The beneficial days around Feb. 10 are pretty good. Sun gets support from Mercury, Uranus, Excalibur, and Odi/Hau, Earth is strengthened by Midas, Chiron, Huya, and Jup/Chi. Day Score: 508.

Feb. 13th’s dark days bring Earth-Sappho-Sat/Sed. Mars playing with Varuna, Xanthus, and Sat/Hau can create discord and aggression. Earth in a 154 clash with Saturn and in a 150 clash with Sat/Nep drag things down further. Day Score: -456.

Valentine’s Day Feb. 14 is rated as a 2nd-Best Day in a not-great month. It’s not a day to lock-in a love milestone despite what Hallmark may say. Sun with Juno and Sat/Var supports dating and illusion rather than commitment and reality. The day also has a Heartbreak Clash. It’s usable for something not important if you can’t wait, but don’t set up a love milestone. Love milestones are discussed in this month’s video. Day Score: 281

Feb. 17 is the worst day of the month. Some of the issues are a Sun-Sedna-Juno T-Square, a Sun-Juno-Sat/Var T-Square and a Sun-Juno-Sat/Odi T-Square. There’s also an Earth-Sappho-Sat/Var T-Square. These turbulent geometries brew up a combination of bad analysis and bad execution, with every obstacle the Universe can throw at you. There are also these clashes: Heartbreak Clash, Earth 154 Sat/Nep and Earth 90 Sat/Var. Day Score: -724.

Feb. 24 and the days leading up to it include 3 Heartbreak Clashes, a Nuclear Clash, and an Earth 90 with Sat/Odi. There are plenty of other negatives too.

Feb. 27 and 28 are the best days of February. Sun is supported by Jupiter, Odin, Mjolnir, Makemake, Chi/Plu, Chi/Nep and Jup/Odi. Earth gets juice from Mercury, Huya, Achilles, Mjolnir, Jup/Odi, Jup/Nep, and Chi/Nep. The 28th is the strongest-scoring day, but a FIRST on the 27th brings a stronger upward path to success. Day Score for Feb. 28: 851.

Forecast Video Full Transcript 

Hey Superstars, Happy February! I’m Helena. Here’s your monthly forecast for February 2025 including Valentine’s Day.

I offer daily forecasts through my internationally syndicated column... Find my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes in print or search them online.

I work personally for people of accomplishment around the world in many fields. Some famous, some intentionally behind the scenes. I provide them actionable intel and they continue to rise. Do they reveal me as their consultant? Most don’t.

You can get my input instantly and affordably with my astro-timing calendars and relationship reports. My proprietary insta-products are 100% personalized, you’ll input all required astro-data before you check out. Birth times are welcome but optional. Get accurate, actionable answers in less than 1 hour.

Here’s your forecast for February 2025. See the technical lesson at the link in the text below the video.

Here is February’s Star-Power graph for the America’s region. February is the second-worst month of the overall good year of 2025. There are not a lot of WIN days and plenty of FAIL days. Like many months, February doesn’t give us any longer spans of positive days. These are great when you get them because you can lock-in long-term positive progressions for anything you start.

Dark days #1 for February could bring feelings of despair, hopelessness, anxiety, fear, or negative obsessions. These are both Heartbreak days and Nuclear days.

Dark days #2 brings similar unhelpful energies, and more. There is the added dimension of power struggles, aggression, and a push to push hard. It could be easy to succumb to your worst impulses. Obstacles are likely to arise, and you may feel trapped or at least limited.

Dark days #3 brings vaulting yet likely-mistaken ambitions. There’s little or no ability to see things clearly or make good decisions. Fear, illusion, extremism and lack of hope will lead you if you allow it. Energy and enthusiasm will likely lag, you may have to drag yourself around on these days.

During dark days #4 a sexual mistake could easily happen. This is a double-Heartbreak day and a Nuclear Day and is horrible for money. These days are just about as bad as you can get for a spontaneous hookup in terms of good outcomes.

On ALL these dark days, do not initiate anything. Don’t meet anyone new. Don’t make a big decision. Worst Days lead to worst outcomes in every part of life. Even if there are also great alignments concurrently in the Universal stars. Even if you’re having great personal transits. Worst Days lead to worst outcomes.

When you start something new or meet someone new, you create a new birth chart for the thing or relationship. If the ultimate destiny in the new chart is disaster, no amount of concurrent good stars, either Universally or personally, can change that. Time your new beginnings so things aren’t doomed from the get-go.

Best Days #1 for February support powerful thinking, writing and speaking. These are charisma days and also good money days. These are not top-tier days for the year by any means but could work for beginnings of mid-level importance if your personal transits align. Media and fame, money, creativity and the arts, and overcoming obstacles are some things supported by the stars. These days also support true love and commitment, so could be days for a love milestone if both peoples’ personal cycles work well for this too.

Valentine’s Day February 14 is a 2nd-Best Day but is not a great day for love. There’s more planetary support for freedom and independence than for commitment. This means that love milestones on Val Day 2025 will not serve to solidify a relationship. Instead, a milestone on this day can spark a desire for other pastures.

Let’s talk about love milestones for just a minute. The 4 key love milestones are these: Your first face-to-face meeting, your first lovemaking, your engagement date, and your wedding date. Strong love milestone dates can help bind a couple and get the relationship to the next milestone. Worst-day love milestones can break you up before you get to the next one. If you find someone special, give the relationship every shot at success with careful timing of love milestones. Both people’s personal love cycles must factor into this too.

Best Day #2 is a stronger day than #1 to start something just because whatever you start has a stronger upward trajectory going forward. This would be assuming that your personal cycles align equally well in relevant areas. This day can bring powerful resources, support good thinking and communication, and make a lot happen. The energies are both expansive and protective. Fame, friendship, teamwork, beauty, and the arts are all supported.

Planning something big in 2025? It’s another very strong year for planting seeds to grow your dreams. Get Universal Best-Worst Days for all or part of 2025 in 4 regional time zones for instant download on my website.

Want to be prepared? Get the very best and very worst days in advance in your inbox. Sign up at the link below the video.

Come visit me at for instant personal-best timing calendars, relationship reports, and lots more ways to make 2025 a great year.

Got Astrology Questions? Check out my FAQ!

Happy, happy February! I love you!!!

January 2025

Planetary Info/Mini-Lesson

The first run of Worst days in January are especially dragged down by Sun-Juno-Saturn/Mars energy. This delivers what could be a potentially violent sexual vibe. It can also bring serious confrontations based on complete misunderstandings.

Juno pops up in other geometries too, continuing the lack of truth, and the sexual emphasis.

Multiple Nuclear clashes are peaking across dimensions, both Saturn square Jupiter in Helio and the Sat/Jup midpoint in a 102 clash with Sun. Earth is in a 154 clash with the Saturn/Ixion Blunder midpoint.

January’s highest-scoring day features a Sun-Odin-Chi/Odi Yod and Sun-Odin Mystical Triangles with both Chiron and Excalibur. Earth and Jup/Chi form wedges with both Mercury and Mjolnir. Earth also forms a 154 with Huya and a 150 with Ceres.

The very Worst Days near the end of January bring very negative energies. Some of the worst geometries and aspects, not all are in effect for all days: An Earth-Juno-Sat/Chi Mystical Triangle. An Earth-Varuna-Saturn/Haumea Yod. Mars, Lilith and Xanthus are up to no good in multiple combinations, also in some cases with a Saturn midpoint. A Varuna-Juno-Sat/Chi Mystical Triangle. A Helio Nuclear clash of Saturn 90 Jupiter, either tightly applying or applying by progression. Earth 102 Saturn/Sedna. Earth 154 Saturn/Haumea. Sun 30/150 Saturn/Haumea. Earth 154 Lilith. Sun 180 Varuna. Earth 90 Juno.

Forecast Video Full Transcript 

Hey Superstars, Happy January! Happy New Year! I’m Helena. Here’s your monthly forecast for January 2025.

I offer daily forecasts through my internationally syndicated column... Find my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes in print or search them online.

My one-to-one clients can be found in Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Zurich, London, Sydney, New York, and Hollywood. Find them on racetracks, on fields and pitches, in capitol buildings, at summits, in film festivals, on honors lists, on catwalks, and in c-suites across Europe, Australia, Asia, and the Americas. I provide them actionable intel and they continue to uplevel. Do they out my involvement? Most do not.

You can get my proprietary advice instantly with my astro-timing calendars and relationship reports. My proprietary instant products are 100% personalized, you’ll input all required astro-data before you check out. Birth times are welcome but optional. Get accurate, actionable answers in less than 1 hour.

Here’s your forecast for January 2025. See the technical lesson at the link in the text below the video.

2025 offers even slightly more opportunity than 2024. Rated numerically, it’s an even better year by a small margin. Keep planting seeds. The seeds you plant month by month and year by year, are what set up your future harvest.

Don’t worry if 2024’s seeds haven’t brought you your harvest yet. They will when the season is right. You can’t worry about it. You incarnated with your own unique timeline. Your harvests will come in, in perfect alignment with that. Keep planting seeds under the right stars. Keep building. Build until you get there. The stronger your timing and the stronger your build, the greater your ultimate harvest. That’s how you get there.

Here is January’s Star-Power graph for the America’s region. January gives us a decent month with plenty of good-enough days for small or possibly medium-level FIRSTS, if your personal stars align.

The long span of above-zero days beginning January 9th can bring years of relative safety and ease to a relationship or project begun then, again, if the personal stars also line up.

January’s first dip into dark waters brings a vibe of conflict and aggression. The energies are very extreme, and the truth will likely be hidden behind genuine or willed ignorance, or intentional lies. You or others may be both confused and agitated. Clarity and calm are unlikely. Try not to engage, no minds are likely to be changed under these influences. Teamwork and progress will likely be stalled. Tread carefully. Make no new beginnings.

January’s first higher-scoring day supports love, commitment, and any kind of gig or course of study relating to thinking and/or communication. This can be a day which brings the necessary resources for success. There’s a nice balance between the pragmatic and the magical. It also offers years of not stellar but decent protection and success.

January’s very Best day is not quite the highest-scoring day for the Americas region, but it features a  run of somewhat higher-scoring days afterward. This gives anything you start a shorter, but slightly better period of opportunity going forward. Some of the areas of life supported by this day are land and real estate, sports and athletics, beauty, design, manufacturing and labor. Analysis and light-bulb a-ha insights are also supported. There’s love in the air but also game in the air, charm may run stronger than commitment. These aren’t the very strongest days for a love milestone.

January’s return to darkness late in the month brings days with can easily lead you or others astray. Truth and reality may again be hidden, so these are horrible days for decision-making. These are also days with a lot of aggro energy, combined with a strong inward push to “F” around and find out. I recommend sitting tight if you don’t enjoy especially unfun consequences… These are Nuclear days that can deliver a mushroom cloud and leave toxic fallout behind. Keep everything low key and don’t start anything new or meet anyone new on these days, even if your personal stars are great.

The one good thing about bad stars is the bump we get afterward. It’s always such a relief. After darkness, we pop right back up into the sunshine. Good stars always follow bad stars and good times follow bad.

Planning something important in 2025? It’s another very strong year for sowing seeds to build your dreams. Get Universal Best-Worst Days for all or part of 2025 in 4 regional time zones for instant download on my website.

Want the very best and very worst days in advance in your inbox? Sign up at the link below the video.

I invite you to visit me at for instant, affordable personal timing calendars, relationship reports, and lots more ways to make 2025 a great year.

Got Astrology Questions? Check out my FAQ!

Remember that you have a unique mission and a unique timeline.
Remember no one can ever get what has been staged for you.
Remember you’ll get everything you need, when you need it.

The hard times are training exercises – boot camp or recurrent training. The glimmers are gifts.

Move slowly enough, remain quiet enough, to hear your own Guidance. Slow and quiet is the REAL secret. It’s that simple. And it’s that hard to do.

Seek quality inspo. Beyond that, your answers are all within. Be slow. Be quiet. Be undistracted. It’s this easy and this hard.

It’s soooo hard to turn your back on the glittering, tantalizing world. But you have to, if you want something more than glitter.

Listen. You can only listen when it’s quiet.

Think. You can only think when you’re still and undistracted.

Plan. Delineate your dreams. Be specific.

Notice. The things which always draw you. They’re clues.

Learn. Pursue skills you’ll need for your future.

Heal. Whatever holds you back. You’re the only one who can.

Pivot. When the Universe says, “not this” or “not now.”

Act. When the time is right.

Listening in silence builds the bridge. You have to build it yourself, no one can build it for you. Once you build your bridge, you will KNOW.

Happy January! Happy New Year! I love you!!!

December 2024

Planetary Info/Mini-Lesson

The strongest and most positive days in December get their juice as always from powerful geometric alignments with Sun and Earth. The nature of the alignments determines the flavor of the day, and which sectors of life can be promoted on the day.

In December, the primary support for Sun and Earth comes from Uranus, Odin, and Huya. Uranus makes these outstanding days for media, internet, and fame, but despite Chiron’s help, there isn’t really much support for family or marriage.

Odin’s power comes from bringing in resources. Odin will move mountains, but while it brings intense upgrades, they can at times feel costly. Sometimes the most powerful upgrades can come from something or someone being removed from your life.

Huya I’m going to leave something of the mystery for now. I’m digging in to the broadest astrological research project ever done, and I want more clarity before I try to teach about some of these points. I’m also looking forward to adding to the symbolisms of some better-known points too.

The worst days of December are really disgusting. Here are some of the worst alignments: Earth-Juno-Sappho-Saturn/Chiron Iron Butterfly, Earth-Juno-Saturn/Jupiter Fulcrum, Saturn 90-clash Jupiter in Geo and Helio, Earth 102-clash Saturn, Sun 150-clash Saturn/Odin, Saturn/Chiron 90-clash Earth.

Forecast Video Full Transcript 

Hey Superstars, Happy December! I’m Helena. Here’s your monthly forecast for December and the December holiday season.

Get a daily forecast through my internationally syndicated column... Find my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes in print or search them online.

I work for people around the world as a business, career, and performance timing coach and relationship advisor. You can also get my advice instantly. I’ve distilled all my knowledge and experience into my astro-timing calendars and relationship reports. My proprietary instant products are 100% personalized, you’ll input all required astro-data before you buy. Birth times are welcome but optional. Get accurate, actionable answers in less than 1 hour.

Here’s your life advice forecast for December 2024. The technical lesson for the month is on my website, see the link in the text below the video.

Here's the Star-Power graph for December for the America’s region. December is all over the place.

A mostly-good first half of the month, a bit of real opportunity mid-month, an unfortunately awful week during many holiday celebrations, then finishing with a decent few days at month-end.

December’s mid-month Best Days offer good opportunity if your personal cycles also line up. There is a lot of free-spirited energy in these days which can support media, fame, and web-based businesses. These are also days which can summon powerful resources. Beauty and design are also part of the energies of these overall very helpful days. There is plenty of romantic vibe, but there even more of a “grass could be greener” urge for freedom. You can intentionally use love milestones to deepen a relationship, but these days are not recommended. These days do not support committed love enough to harness them for this purpose. These can be building days, just not the best for love. Save these days to build things other than the foundations of future commitment.

Sadly, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa this year fall during a longer than usual run of dark stars. The energies in these days can feed phantom fears and aggressive responses. These days feel constricted and pessimistic. The Nuclear and Heartbreak peaks at this time bring a take-no-prisoners vibe. I’m so sorry to have to bring this news but it would do more harm to leave you unprepared. Here are your strategies for coping:

The #1 overarching strategy when the stars are not in your favor is to mitigate risk. Keep your exposure as minimal as possible.

I hope by now it can go without saying that these are disastrous days for any kind of FIRST. Do not start anything significant or meet anyone new if at all possible. The negativity of these days is not something you want to live on in your life.

In terms of all the behind-the-scenes work of holiday prep, here’s how mitigating risk could specifically look:
Cook, bake, decorate and gift-shop early in the month. Simplify every step and every plan.
If you will be traveling during the holidays, try to avoid travel on the worst days. If you’re shipping gifts, send them extra early.
If your celebration date can be flexible, choose the better days before or after the very worst stars.
Curate your guest lists. Bad stars bring out the worst in everyone.
Save big announcements for days when people are more likely to be cooperative and receptive.
Don’t try to correct misunderstandings. Bad stars don’t facilitate improved outcomes.
Do what you can to make the holiday loving and magical, then let go.
Keep expectations realistic. This isn’t likely to be anyone’s favorite holiday year. OK. Onward.

Fortunately, New Year’s looks much more benevolent.

Reminder that 2025 is another very strong year for sowing seeds which can bring you an awesome harvest. Get Universal Best-Worst Days for all or part of 2025 in 4 regional time zones for instant download on my website.

Sign up to get advance notice of the very best and very worst days in your inbox in the link below the video.

I hope you’ll visit me at for instant and affordable personal timing calendars, relationship reports, and lots more ways to support your journey.

Got Astrology Questions? Check out my FAQ!

We are in a very challenging period, timelines are splitting dramatically and people are living in 2 distinct realities. It’s gotten harder to keep one foot in the 3-D world of career, family, and romantic love, and the other in the spiritual realm.

As I learn more things which can help you with either quest, you’ll be the first to know.

I do know that a very significant and very long-awaited shift has now taken place. It will become harder and harder for negative forms to gain or maintain traction, it will become easier for the forms of love and beauty to be built and sustained.

Though the energy has shifted and realigned, form is much slower to reflect changes. Form must follow energy, but the more entrenched it has become, the slower it is to move.

It took eons of misalignment to get us here. Think decades, even millennia, not days or weeks. But eventually, negative forms will fully crumble and be replaced with forms of Light. Expect things to slowly, painfully slowly perhaps, become both clearer and easier.

It was just a seemingly normal day and it happened without more than a few moments of warning. There was no Event on Social. But I was among those there then, and the post-shift astro analysis has revealed very, very unusual things that will be a jumping-off point for new research.

I love you dearly. Now there is REAL cause for hope. Happy Solstice, Joyous Yule, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy anything I missed. I wish you a truly happy, a blessedly happy, New Year.

November 2024

Planetary Info/Mini-Lesson

US Election day is our first challenge in November. The only real support for either Sun or Earth is a Heliocentric Earth-Pluto 102. A Pluto aspect can be very helpful for power, traction, business and finance. Pluto rules confidence. Pluto also rules oligarchs and oligarch wanna-bes. Without the support of more selfless and benevolent points, on this day, in Helio, I’m mostly seeing ape-like chest-beating.

What I find more concerning on this day are the tight geometries with Mars, Sedna, Sappho, Juno and various Saturn midpoints. Sedna and Sappho together reveal potential power struggles. Mars rules discord and war. When Mars is on deck, disagreements are more likely to be settled physically rather than with words. I’m concerned for people’s safety on this day.

The first run of Worst days in November begins by having very, very few empowering geometries or aspects with Sun or Earth. Remember that the foundational support of Sun and/or Earth by powerful and benevolent planets, asteroids and midpoints is what gives a day the ability to empower whatever you begin on the day.

Lots of unhelpful energies abound in geometries including Mars, Sappho, Saturn, Sedna, Juno, and Varuna with Saturn mid-points. All of these planets can have benevolent influences, but all also have a much more challenging side. When we look at ANY group of planets, isolating the common denominator is usually the best way to understand how they will work together.

Think of it like this: A gang-banger might sweetly hold Grandma’s yarn on a visit, but hanging with gang homies is likely to bring out different behavior. Points with a “bad side” will likely bring out the worst in each other. I will have a lot more to say about the “negatives” in planetary themes soon, my understanding has evolved dramatically so of course I want to teach it ASAP.

Also in these first FAIL days is a peaking Heartbreak. And, both Sun and Earth are poisoned by Saturn midpoint aspects.

After this we bounce upward dramatically. Sun gets a glow-up from Neptune, Excalibur, Uranus, and Eris, Earth also gets love from Excalibur and Uranus, along with Haumea and Huya. Both central points also enjoy help from powerfully-positive and supportive midpoints.

Then, down we go again. Again we see Sun and Earth hanging around with a group which become bad actors when they hang out as a group. Sedna, Juno, and Saturn midpoints can’t bring much grace. In 2-planet aspects Sun is torpedoed by Saturn in a 102 clash. These are also peaking Nuclear days with the Saturn/Jupiter midpoint in a peaking 30/150 clash with Earth in Helio.

Forecast Video Full Transcript 

Hey Superstars, Happy November! I’m Helena.

Get a free daily forecast through my internationally syndicated column... Find my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes in print or search them online.

The notables I advise around the world use me as a business, career, and performance timing coach and relationship advisor. You can also get my advice without the long wait or the big bucks. I’ve distilled all my knowledge and experience into my instant and affordable timing calendars and relationship reports.

My proprietary insta-products are 100% personalized, you’ll input all required astro-data before you buy. Birth times are welcome but optional. Get accurate, actionable answers in less than 1 hour.

Here’s your life advice forecast for November 2024. Technical deets like every month now, are on my website. See the link in the text below the video.

Before we launch into the Universal forecast for November, always remember that these monthly forecasts speak to the planetary trends affecting everyone. These trends are only PART of how you experience a day. Your own personal cycles are a much bigger influence on how you feel day to day. But when you want to strategize your timing to create a game-changer for your life, you have to look at the Universal Star-Power.

Star-Power is what pushes the needle up or down. The less Star-Power in a day, the more chaos, the more trouble, the fewer resources, the more daunting the obstacles--- whether you see them in advance, or not. More Star-Power brings more order, more organic flow, more momentum, more support from the Universe. Time your bigger moves with Star-Power in mind, and you bring those resources, that support, into what you are building in your life.

Obviously 2024 has been an unbelievably dramatic year with catastrophic human suffering. But it’s still a better year in this way: We have had lots more opportunity days to start things which CAN succeed. Which CAN work out.

It takes time to lay down millions of new charts with better vibes. It takes time to build a better world based on successfully-timed initiations. Like 2024, 2025 again offers us a lot of hope.

I will not be making a US election forecast though I do work one-on-one as a timing coach for politicians whose platforms I respect. I am accumulating a lot of data around what makes the win. When I finalize this and can confidently make election predictions I will do so. In the meantime, what I have learned is helping some good people do more good.

OK, here's the Star-Power graph for November for the America’s region. November is one of only two months in 2024 whose average day score is below zero. As a comparison, 2023 had 5 months with day averages below zero. Better day scores just mean more better outcomes on things you do. Doesn’t matter whether it’s a big move where you waited months for the right day, or just day-to-day decisions and beginnings, better days just make better outcomes.

November has some medium opportunity days mid-month, bracketed by FAIL days on either side.

US Election Day, November 5 scores at -305 below zero. It’s a poor day, but not even Second-Worst in such an overall poor month. Remember, day colors are always relative based on what is available inside the calendar month. So, November 5 can bring chaos and problems. Just what we all need. Please vote early if you can. Regardless of the quality of this day though, PLEASE VOTE.

Expect some ongoing election chaos at least for the first half of November. My hope is that in the better days mid-month, order can prevail and Lady Liberty can dust herself off and straighten her crown. This is not a prediction. This is just my hope.

The Cosmic Caution Worst days just before mid-month have the vibe of disappointment and failed ambitions. Expect energies of me versus you or us versus them which are unlikely to resolve peacefully. Expect force, frustration and toxic control. As with all Worst days, start nothing new, meet no one new, try not to engage.

November’s mid-month Best Days offer medium-level opportunity. There’s a lot of fresh, Spring-cleaning kind of energy in these days. New inventions, new ideas, new ways of doing things are favored. Activities and career fields supported during these days are music, media, fame, research and development, real estate, land use, natural resources, health and healing. Relationships could be under examination: Commit or Bounce? These stars could push things either way. Don’t push anyone if you’re not prepared for either outcome. Because these days are followed so quickly by Worst Days, they are not ideal for starting anything you want to last more than a few years. But they certainly can serve in some situations.

After these few days of light, we plunge back into darkness. Expect agitation and confusion and feeling cross-ways with the world during these FAIL days. Few things are likely to go smoothly and nothing begun, neither a project nor a relationship, is likely to finish well. Decisions made at this time are likely to be 180 degrees wrong. Sit tight and wait these days out.

US Thanksgiving and Black Friday are both decent, above-zero days.

You can sign up to get Cosmic Caution and Cosmic Opportunity emails in advance, in the link below the video.

2025 Best & Worst Days have now dropped for all 4 regional time zones. Look ahead and plan travel or retreats with intel for the correct time zone. Get them at the link in the text below.

Check out my website for instant and affordable personal timing calendars, relationship reports, and lots more ways to support you on your journey. Got Astrology Questions? Check out my FAQ!

Reminder that there’s a link to the technical lesson for this month in the text below the video under More...

Hang in through uncertain times; circumstances, and stars, are ever-changing. You and I signed up for these incarnations. As nutso and as brutal as incarnation can seem, you have gifts to navigate it.

Your natal chart is your playbook and your tool belt. Your progressions are your unique timeline. Your transits are your windows of opportunity for making FIRSTS that can change your life. Your transits are also your day-to-day Easter eggs and day-to-day challenges.

When you see yourself as a student, every situation offers the potential for learning. I wish you a Very NICE November!

October 2024

Planetary Info/Mini-Lesson

The early Best Days in October feature Mercury geometries with Sun and various power midpoints. Earth is enhanced by Jupiter and Makemake. Logos is included and adds to the high-minded vibe. Additional support for Sun and/or Earth come from Mjölnir, Midas, Venus. Chiron gets enough action to help with committed relationships.

The mid-month Best Days include tons of Jupiter and Chiron, making these days with a great vibe for true love. These days can solidly support relationships. Midas brings plenty of money. Mercury is part of the mix but less so than earlier in October. Isis and Huya lend further support.

October’s Worst Day gets destroyed by multiple peaking Heartbreaks: a Heartbreak Yod with Sun and Sedna, a Heartbreak in the Geo Longitudes, one in the Geo Declinations, another Heartbreak in the Helio Longitudes. And a peaking nuclear clash in Geo 12.

Forecast Video Transcript 

Hey Superstars, Happy October! I’m Helena.

I’m an internationally syndicated columnist. Find my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes in your local paper or search them online.

I am a secret weapon behind successful people you’ve probably heard of. My top-tier clients: athletes, tech sisters and bros, politicians, entertainers, money people in the US and internationally, use me as a Performance Timing Coach and Relationship Advisor. Regular people get my advice instantly and affordably thru my calendars and relationship reports. Delivery for my unique,100% personalized, timing calendars and reports is less than 1 hour!

Here’s your monthly forecast for October 2024. I’m staying with life advice for the general interest forecast videos. Get the technical deets on my website, see the link in the text below the video.

Here is the Star-Power graph for October for the America’s region. Star-Power is the relative amount of energy a day has to create positive outcomes. Just as I warned you, 2024 goes downhill somewhat in the fourth quarter.

October is a meh month which mostly hovers around the zero mark. There are a few opportunity days, and October also brings us the very darkest day of 2024. Fewer good days just means fewer open doors for making good things happen. Good news is that you don’t need tons of great days, just enough great days, that line up well enough, for you and for what you want to make happen. Improve your timing and you improve your odds.

October’s early Best Days put the spotlight on thinking, communication, and higher knowledge. Inventors and developers should set aside time to tune into top-level guidance if their personal cycles support clarity and insight. Anyone who works with speaking or writing can also benefit. There is also plenty of money in these days, and travel should go fairly smoothly. Some sectors/industries supported by these days are film, television, travel, publishing, inventing and many kinds of research and development.

The decent days mid-month have nice expansive and protective energy. Money is highlighted and so is magic-making through charisma. These days are very benevolent and gentle, though if you or someone is in terrible personal cycles you might not feel the goodness as much. True love, commitment and marriage are supported too. These aren’t the best days to get married, but could potentially work for a lower-level love milestone if both people’s cycles line up right. Careers and industries supported by these days are the law & judicial system, banking and financial services, investments, the wedding industry, family counseling, beauty, and design.

October gets darkest near month-end and it’s not a fun pre-Halloween Wednesday Addams kind of darkness. It’s a muck-up-your-life kind of darkness. October’s very Worst Day is the worst-scoring day in all of 2024. If you can’t wait out this day with the blankets over your head, just keep everything low key and don’t muddy any waters. Don’t try anything new or meet anyone new. This is a multi-Heartbreak day, with a Nuclear Clash just to blow all those broken hearts sky-high. No matter your own personal cycles, nothing begun on this day is likely to go well. September’s forecast video has a good list of Worst Day survival hacks, check it out. This day is a full Cosmic Caution day. Signup to get Cosmic Caution and Cosmic Opportunity emails in advance, in the link below the video.

From this point on in October, we ratchet a bit but overall head back down into fairly dark waters. Make your Halloween plans with the understanding that the stars are likely to present challenges: keep things simple, be extra cautious, keep expectations low.

2025 Best & Worst Days have now dropped, get them at the link in the text below. We have lots of opportunity in 2025, it’s even a slightly better year than 2024 has been for super-charged new beginnings.

Don’t ever worry about great stars slipping away. If you’re not ready quite yet for your big move, or if your stars don’t align well enough, use the extra time to get staged. Build it right, build it strong, be ready. When you get the right overlay of Universal stars with personal stars, it’s go time.

Check out my website for free stuff, for instant and affordable personal astrology calendars and relationship reports, and lots more.
Got Astrology Questions? Check out my FAQ!

Here is wishing you an awesome October!

September 2024

Planetary Info/Mini-Lesson

As always, the most significant things in any chart are multi-planet geometries with Sun and/or Earth. September’s early mid-high scoring days offer more support for Earth rather than Sun. Sun gets some support from Huya, Uranus, Diana, and major midpoints. Earth gets power from Excalibur, Logos, Makemake, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and more major midpoints. Aphrodite quincunx Sun brings sexy vibes, but with Aphrodite opposite Logos, there could be some tension between mental focus and pleasure.

September’s highest-scoring days near mid-month feature Sun geometries or aspects with Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, Odin, Eris, Isis, and Ceres, + massive midpoints. On these days, most of the power comes from Sun, rather than Earth, though Earth is graced by Neptune and Diana.

September’s Worst Day fails to offer significant support for Sun or Earth, but there’s always much more on the very Worst days. A peaking Nuclear Clash is always a real kiss of death. Sun is dragged by the Saturn/Haumea midpoint in a bi-level clash, and Sun and Earth both are in geometries with Varuna, negative Lilith, and toxic Saturn midpoints.

Forecast Video Transcript 

Hey Superstars, Happy September! I’m Helena.

I’m an internationally syndicated columnist. Find my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes in your local paper, or search them online.

I work for notables in the US and internationally as essentially a Performance Timing Coach and Relationship Advisor. My instant, but 100% personalized timing calendars and relationship reports are an affordable way to get my unique, precision advice for your life.

Here’s your monthly forecast for September 2024. September again offers plenty of opportunity! Better months offer more windows to use your personal Right Timing to get the outcomes you want in love, career, fame, beauty, etc. Your timing will absolutely sweeten or tank your odds in everything you do.

Your feedback has encouraged me to stay with life advice for the monthly forecast videos, though as I’ve said, in my own R&D process I’m getting a lot tighter with the science, not less so.

Students can get technical intel for each month on my website at the link in the text below the video. Some months include a mini lesson.

Here is the Star-Power graph for September for the America’s region. September kicks off with reasonably strong days, followed by a longer-than-usual run of some good-enough days. If your personal cycles are worthy, this scenario could set up a very nice FIRST with extra-long-lasting benefits.

Later, just past mid-month we have several more-stellar days. These days are more powerful for creating mega-outcomes but don’t have the staying power for creating the long-term easier road brought by September’s earlier Best Days.

Just before month-end we get one very dark day. Please sit this day out. It’s a full-on Cosmic Caution day and the worst-scoring day we’ve seen since March. Doesn’t matter what personal cycles you are in, avoid this day for any new start or new meetup.

Signup to get Cosmic Caution and Cosmic Opportunity emails in the link below the video.

Our pickings get slimmer after September for the remainder of 2024 – fewer good days, more bad ones. This means 2 things: fewer windows of opportunity to make a life changing FIRST, AND just more day-to-day garbage to muck through.

The last quarter of ‘24 is more like 2023, I’m so sorry. It’s just what is. And you know I tell the truth. Nobody can build any kind of foundation on wishful thinking so I stick with the real-real. If you’ve got personal cycles which support a power move or a love milestone, and the vibes match all around, consider taking action. If you can’t, there still are few windows left this year if your own stars are well-enough aligned.

As I’ve said, we have lots of great days coming in 2025. If the Universe is saying “not now,” know that there will always be more windows of opportunity, and you can get them in advance. I’m putting the finishing touches on 2025’s Best-Worst Days Advance Calendars now for 4 regional time zones, they’ll launch with a flash sale soon! Watch your emails, signup at the link in the text below.

Here's a thing about success, love, and anything else you’re aiming at: It’s the continuing investment that brings the ongoing rewards.

Focus less on trying to get one viral moment. Roller coasters are fun at the theme park, not so much fun in high-stakes life moves in your career or your relationship.

A house of cards won’t stand up to tough transits and progressions, and we all get them. Build your foundations, water your gardens, make one strong and aligned move after another.

When you can’t make the right move, for timing reasons or anything else, stage it for the next window. This is how you build a future that’s a lot harder for bad cycles to tip over. Ask me how I know…

OK! September deets: September opens with 3 WIN Days, and these are followed by a nice long “comet tail” of good days. If your personal cycles have the right overlays, something started during these days could continue, happy and protected, for years. The vibe in these days is bold but still sweet. These days in September shine a light on intention and intelligence. They can support creative offerings, beauty in any form, energy, stamina, communication and thought. Some sectors supported by these days are media, internet, banking, investing, sports, music, design of all kinds, and the beauty industry. In relationships, these days support dating for fun and pleasure rather than dating for marriage. There is a lot of high romance but there is also a desire for freedom. These could be great days for a romantic getaway if both people’s personal cycles line up. Work-life balance in a sexual relationship could become a flash point.

Mid-month, September’s peak days bring less duration but more power and momentum. These days come in hot, blowing a whirlwind of energy for change and renewal. These could be phenomenal days for a media launch, anything related to fame, or for computing,  and internet. Influencers and anyone benefiting from visible charisma are supported. As we move deeper into these days, the energies settle somewhat, supporting more calmness, artistry, and grace. Less of a tornado, more mellow and creative. These days can support love and sex but will offer more support for distance or polyamorous relationships than for monogamous live-in relationships. This is not a good time to press for commitment despite the overall positive, uplifting vibes.

September’s Worst Day, near month-end, is rotten. This is a peaking Nuclear Day, I hope, ‘nuf said. Anything you start on a Worst Day like this will quickly or eventually blow up. Even if it’s the best day of the year for you personally. The vibe on this day is extreme, hopeless and despairing. You could feel forced to act; try to find a way not to. Nothing begun on this day is likely to end well. Self-sabotage is highlighted. Perceptions could be way off; few things will be what they seem. This will likely be a hard day for people who are struggling due to personal bad transits and/or progressions. If that’s you, be proactive in advance and find a way to cocoon if possible and minimize stress. Max out your self-care and self-love. If you know someone who is struggling, this will be an important day to check in.

Here are your general Worst Day survival hacks:

>Allow more time for everything. Just literally move slower whether you’re driving a vehicle or chopping veggies for a salad. Set yourself up for less stress, protect yourself by allowing yourself more room to maneuver. Triple-check any work that has to go out on this day.

>Avoid volatile people and situations. Take the day off from texts, emails, and social posts. Don’t stir any pots.

>Do what you can to quiet intrusive thoughts. Make no big decisions, start nothing new, meet no one new, don’t do major planning.

>There’s little understanding or cooperation on Worst Days so if a boundary isn’t life-and-death, consider enforcing the next time. It will be a lot easier to set, and maintain, on a better day.

>It’s just the one bad day, then we head back upward toward better opportunities.

You FAIL by starting things on Worst Universal Days.
You FAIL by starting things when your personal cycles blow.
If it’s a FAIL day Universally OR personally, it’s a FAIL.

You WIN by starting things on days with the right overlays: Best Universal WIN day + great personal cycles.

Step by step you build a better life by starting things on days which CAN work out, and not starting things on days which CAN’T work out from the very get-go. Not that complicated, right?

Get tools on my website. Some are free, most are instant and affordable. Get on my mailing list for the big September drop and flash sale.

Got Astrology Questions? Check out my FAQ!

It’s all there at Get Universal Best & Worst Days, get your personal timing, understand current or past relationships, and get more tools to build your dreams…

I wish you a glorious September!

August 2024

Planetary Info/Mini-Lesson

August’s early high-scoring days feature support for Sun from Logos, Chiron/Pluto and Chiron/Neptune. Earth is powered up by Midas, Logos, Makemake, Mjölnir, Diana, Uranus, and a bunch of supercharged midpoints. Aphrodite quincunx Eros in Geo could offer some sexual juice.

Remember it’s the support for Sun and Earth that provides the raw power in a day: the drivetrain, the vehicle. Everything else is just luggage (great geometries and aspects) or baggage (negative geometries and aspects).

August’s Worst Day doesn’t offer any relevant planetary support for Sun or Earth, which is what defines a day that can actually take you somewhere.

A peaking Nuclear Clash in Geocentric Zodiac 7, a wider Nuclear Clash in Geo 12, and a number of toxic geometries tank the score for this day. Mars can be fine on its own, but stick it in tight orbs with Varuna, Lilith, and multiple Saturn midpoints and trouble can brew up quickly.

August’s later Best Days include Sun and/or Earth geometries with Neptune, Pluto, Midas, Haumea, Excalibur, Isis, and multiple powerful midpoints.

To see what’s most powerful in any chart, always focus your attention on the rarest geometries. What makes a geometry rare are these factors:
Number of planets
Tightness of orbs
Size across the wheel

Geometries which include Sun or Earth are the most influential of all in interpreting the energies of the day.


Forecast Video Transcript 

Hey Superstars, Happy August! It’s Helena.

I’m an internationally syndicated columnist. Find my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes in your local paper, or search them online.

Here’s your monthly forecast for August 2024. August is another good month! Better months offer more potential opportunities to use your personal Right Timing to get the outcomes you want.

You literally change your odds by changing your timing. This works in relationships, in career, money, beauty, fame, everything. Your timing choices will impact your outcomes.

Again this month, I’m giving life advice in the forecast video, rather than technical intel. Don’t let my desire to serve a broader audience make you wonder if I’ve become less scientific. Actually just the opposite. I’m becoming tighter and more strict on the science, not less.

Everything I say is 100% grounded in strict scientific astrology. Students can still get the month’s planetary info, and some months, like this month, will also include a little mini-lesson. Check it out! Click the link in the text under the word More below the video.

Here’s the Star-Power graph for August. August gives us several choices of high-scoring days and enough moderate days too, all fairly well spaced apart, which can make it easier to find good-enough days for what you need to get done.

Negative days in August aren’t too deep into the swamp of really low scores.

The highest-scoring day in August comes early in the month, but this day has less stamina for initiating things you want to last, than the good days following later in the month.

For the rest of 2024, we get fewer truly super-charged days after August, though we still do have some. If your own personal cycles are outstanding, and the vibes match, don’t wait to take critical actions.

But don’t lie to yourself if something isn’t truly lining up. That can be a really effective way to burn your bridge. Don’t put your all into something then watch it blow up because you couldn’t chill until your timing was right!

We have more stratospheric days coming in 2025. But the best day for you, for a particular win you’re looking for, might not even be the very highest-scoring day. You need a high score for a win, but you don’t necessarily need the highest score.

Here’s what can move the needle in your life:

Initiating it, signing it, or meeting them, on a day with a high-ENOUGH score, a long-enough duration, with the right vibes and the right powerful overlaps to relevant personal transits.

Even if you don’t hit the ultimate jackpot this time, you’ve taken a powerful positive step in the direction of your dreams. No one hits it their first try. You climb the ladder of your best life one rung at a time. Keep climbing.

The first two Best WIN Days in August can open doors to money, fame and many kinds of success. The love vibe is also present and can support both dating and long-term relationships within limits.

These are not great days to push for commitment. Free-spirited feels in these days could make someone want to avoid getting tied down, at least for now.

Here’s a life hack for you: The answer you get in the moment, can be largely based on the moment. Strategize your timing to up the odds of getting the answers you want.

Sexy energies can make these potentially good days for a hot hookup, but again, the vibe in these days supports freedom and independence over feeling tied down. So these are not great days to make love for the first time if you’re hoping for a long-term future together.

August’s very Worst Day isn’t as bad as they sometimes get, but it does fall below my line to be a charcoal Worst Day, so it’s a FAIL day for sure. On FAIL days, your personal cycles don’t matter. They are FAIL days regardless. Avoid initiating any kind of new beginning, including a first meeting.

This day, within the very tight parameters I use, doesn’t even have ONE supportive aspect from a relevant planet. So for starters, this day doesn’t even offer you a beater car to drive to your dreamland. Just a pile of junk sitting on the side of the road.

Junk with a lit fuse. To a ticking bomb – this day has a peaking Nuclear Clash. Anything begun on this day is likely implode, explode, or just strangle on it’s own toxic waste.

Depending on personal cycles, you and/or others could feel angry, impatient, and aggressive. Don’t engage with trolls online or in real life. Everyone’s work is likely to be full of mistakes; avoid making any kind of submission. A big decision made on this day will likely blow up in your face.

Tread lightly, check your work, cool your jets on this negative day.

August’s Best Days later in the month favor money, and there is also artistic and musical creativity, spiritual grace, youth and longevity, and the kind of clarity and power that can really bring something into manifestation. Real harvests can be brought in on these days.

Both true love and short-term relationships are supported, and a love milestone could be initiated if both people’s personal cycles also support this.

The biggest WINS, the greatest accomplishments, the most magical moments and meetings, happen when you combine a Best Universal Day with a great day in your personal transits. This is how you get the very best odds of the outcome you want.

The worst FAILS happen in things begun on  Worst Days regardless of your personal cycles. Even if the relationship or job or whatever you started on a Worst Day doesn’t fail immediately, it’s likely to fail, and fail big, given some time.

Remember that every FIRST locks-in the vibe of the day. It locks the vibe, whether it’s a Best Day, a Worst Day, or a day that has neutral or mixed energies. Want a more positive life? Do your best to only lock-in positive vibes!

Got Astrology Questions? Check out my FAQ & Support Portal!

Want advance insider previews of the very best Cosmic Opportunity days and the very worst Cosmic Caution days via email? The signup link is also below the video, click the word More.

I hope you’ll come hang out with me on Get Universal Best & Worst Days, get your personal timing, understand current or past relationships, and get more tools to build your dreams… Get there now: text “Astrology” to 51555.

Remember there’s a link to the technical lesson for the month in the text below the video under More...

I wish you an awesome August!

July 2024

Planetary Info

July’s Worst Day doesn’t offer any real support for Sun or Earth, which is what defines the strongest and most powerfully-helpful days. July 15 loses more points through lots of geometrical garbage, some of which includes Sun and Earth, further eroding any potential for the day. The final blow is a tightly-peaking Nuclear clash with Earth.

July’s very Best Days, the 21-23, include Sun and/or Earth geometries with Mars, Haumea, Neptune, Pluto, Venus, Mercury, Mjölnir, Isis, Excalibur, and a number of powerful midpoints, such as Chiron/Pluto, Odin/Ixion, and more. Chiron takes a bow with Huya and Vesta.

Forecast Video Transcript 

Hey Superstars, Happy July! It’s Helena. I’m an internationally syndicated columnist. Find my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes in your local newspaper, or search them online.

Here’s your monthly forecast for July 2024. July is overall another good month! A good month just means more potential opportunities to harness Right Timing to get the right outcomes.

Timing impacts outcomes. The day you initiate something will go a very long way toward determining how it works out.

Using the right timing is the easiest way to up your manifestation game. If you aren’t using the power of Right Timing, you probably aren’t getting the outcomes you want with any consistency.

Timing works for love, career, money, health, beauty, fame, all the things. If you aren’t exactly where you want to be yet, get intentional with your TIMING!

Starting this month, I’m switching up how I do monthly forecast videos. Going forward, the videos will have more generalized intel about the month’s vibe, and how to strategize your life accordingly.

For serious students of scientific astrology, there’s a link to the more technical analysis for the month below the video.

The Star-Power graph for July is where we see how the energies flow in the month. July is a month that hangs out in the so-so zone a lot. We get some decent days early, only one day that’s below the waterline for a Worst Day, a few not-great days here and there, and a long, luxurious week of helpful days later in the month.

When you combine a Best Universal Day with a great day in your personal transits, this is what makes magic! This is how you get the very best odds of the very best outcomes.

July’s one Worst day has the vibe of frustration, bad choices, wonky or wildly-swinging self-confidence, and applauding the worst. It’s restless, exhausted, exhausting, aggro, and hopeless.

On Worst Days, don’t start anything new, don’t meet anyone new, don’t make any big decisions, tread lightly. Do your very best self-care. Don’t take things personally, and don’t give negative thoughts any power in your mind. Worst Days are FAIL days. Just knowing which days are pretty much guaranteed to fail, is one of the most powerful hacks to get what you are aiming for. Sit out FAIL days for all new meetings and new initiatives!

July’s long run of sunshine-y Best and Second-Best Days has lots of happy energies. Best Days are WIN days. Things begun on Best Days are a lot more likely to bring the WIN. During this week, we get bouncy, energetic, glowy days which can support lots of good things. Here are some of the vibes in these yummy days in July: A cornucopia of abundance, endurance and longevity, beauty, spiritual grace, physical energy, fame, and cosmic truth. These days can bring in resources of all kinds, including money. These days moderately support love, and a few of these days could potentially work for a major love milestone if both partner’s relevant transits are outstanding. Some of the business and career sectors supported by these days are: Finance, Media, Design and Beauty, Fitness, and Sports.

One of these days goes off the chart with a day score of +2130 in the America’s region, but many of the days during this excellent, golden week could serve for a big FIRST if your personal cycles are equally strong.

Remember that every FIRST locks-in the vibe of the day. Try to only lock-in positive vibes!

Using general Best days is always better than nothing, but to get the big WINs, your personal transits must also be carefully aligned.

Let’s break down how to actually do this:

  1. Make your plan. Figure out what actions need to be taken, in love, career, wherever.
  2. Now that you know what to do, STOP. Wait for the right timing. Don’t just rush in randomly.
  3. Look for a Best Day in the sky, which OVERLAYS great days in your relevant personal cycles.
  4. Match the vibe. Not all great days have the vibe which matches what you want to accomplish.
  5. When all this lines up, Do the thing, and get the outcome. You’re welcome.

Got Astrology Questions? Check out my FAQ & Support Portal!

Want advance insider previews of the very best Cosmic Opportunity days and the very worst Cosmic Caution days via email? Signup here:

Get the current and upcoming month’s Win & Fail Days aka Best & Worst Days - free on my website.

Get your best timing, understand current or past relationships, and get more tools to build your dreams… Check it out at  Get there now by texting “Astrology” to 51555.

Remember there’s a link to more technical side of the monthly forecast in the text below the video.

July is another month which can bring great opportunity if your own cycles line up. If they don’t, you’ll have more windows in August and beyond.

Don’t compare your life to anyone else’s, as I’ve said before, everyone is on their unique timeline.

You do you.

Do your self-work so your path is clear to you, and your self-sabotage is minimized.

Chart your course.

Choose your timing with intention and enjoy the results.

Rinse and repeat. This is how you build a life worth living.

Here’s wishing you a fabulous July!

We no longer upload Monthly Forecast Videos to our site. View them here:

May 2023

Magi Helena Video May 2023 Best & Worst Days Forecast Horoscope


Hey Superstars, Happy May!!! It’s Magi Helena.

Here’s your astrological forecast for May 2023, using scientific, multi-dimensional astrology.

My syndicated “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes have millions of readers, find my forecasts online, or get a link in the text below to get my column into your local newspaper.

As an astrology pioneer, I’ve turned scientific, multidimensional astrology into simple tools. When you don’t have time, training, or utilities to run all those calcs yourself, you can get instant, accurate, actionable answers with my personal timing calendars and love compatibility reports.

So here’s May. In my new format, the BEST days, which could in some months be good enough for FIRSTS are bright gold. The very best bright gold days actually may or may not be the highest-scoring days of the month. What makes them possible for FIRSTS is that they have at least a 2-year decent progression following anything you natalize. A super-high scoring Monday followed by a Tuesday that dramatically falls out of bed just won’t give you any future with whatever FIRST you initiate.

But please do not assume you can run with initiating a critical FIRST just because a day is bright gold. A Best Day is only best for the current month, which is extremely relative. March’s very Best Day scored at 1550. April’s and May’s Best Days are both around 1100, and June 2023’s very Best Day is only 880. So, June’s Best Day is only about half as good as March’s Best Day was in the Universal sky. Months can vary a lot, and so do your personal cycles.

To have a really strong launch for something BIG like getting married, starting a new business, launching a product, or having surgery, there’s more than just having a strong day in the sky.
One, a day can be strong, but still not be suitable for a specific kind of FIRST. The planetary geometries in the day must echo the energies you want. You probably don’t want a marriage that feels like a tech corporation, for example. Or a tech corp that that feels like a day spa. The unique energies in the day are important, not just for vibe but also for attaining the objective: happy ever after, super-success, social influencer, whatever.

Two, you ALWAYS have to factor in your personal cycles, aka transits, on the day of the FIRST. Your transits reveal your harvest. Your transits will tell you what the FIRST will actually bring to you personally. A strong day in the sky that brings YOU nothing but heartbreak is NOT the goal!

And here’s one more tip: Worst Days are the days when if it can go wrong it will, your odds of a bad outcome are the highest. Best Days are days when if it can go RIGHT, it will. Best Days are days when you have the best chance of MIRACLES. And who doesn’t need more miracles???

So, May’s looooong run of worst days rolls in at mid-month. The charcoal gray very Worst Days include Heartbreaks, Nuclear Heartbreaks, multiple Nuclear Clashes and more. Worst Days are when your odds are very lowest for any kind of good outcome. These are days to be cautious and to avoid for any important event, meeting, decision, etc., and, always check your work.

May’s Best pair of days come just a few days later. I do not love these days. They are just the best available for May, and the 19th includes a little bit of that “comet tail,” aka up to 2 years of decent progressions. May 1 is actually the single strongest day of May.

Both May 1 and May 19 have multiple geometries supporting Sun and Earth, and geometries are much more powerful than any 2-planet aspect. Though many things are critical to scoring days, the main metric is always this: What is supporting Sun and Earth? If there’s not enough support for these two primary points, then the day ultimately, has no real power.

Get DIY info for calculating your personal transits, and get a coupon, click MORE…

And please, come visit me on  Get intentional with your timing at last, understand current or past relationships, and build out your dreams… Get there now: Text “Astrology” to 51555.

I wish you a truly marvelous May!

April 2023



Hey Superstars, Happy April!!! It’s Magi Helena, tired but showin’ up.

Here’s your astrological forecast for April 2023, using scientific, multi-dimensional astrology, plus I have new free goodies for you!

My syndicated “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes have millions of readers, see a link in the text below to get my column into your newspaper, or find my forecasts online.

As mother of algorithms, I’ve turned complex astrology into simple tools. One-dimensional astrology is fine, you just can’t depend on it, and dependable astrology is not remotely simple. When you don’t have time or the tools to run all the calcs yourself, check out my instant personal astrology calendars and love compatibility reports.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos are released.

Free classes for 2023 will need to wait another couple of months at least, I still have a lot of catching up to do AND… I have news:  drum roll…… we has new algorithms!!! The Society stopped offering Best and Worst Days about 8 months ago, and since then it’s been taking me about 20 hours a month to prepare them for you. That was SO not efficient, so I automated again. And it worked, again!!!

I’ve spent another month doing the tango with mi amor, Algo Ritmo, and wow, do we dance well together! Feeling so alive while buried in sheets and numbers gets my nerd card renewed every year. Every time, it’s weeks of living on dark chocolate in old sweats with dirty hair, and very little else happening at all. If I look wiped out, that’s why. Also why I looked wiped out last month too.

This new algorithm, this beautiful new baby, literally just scores every day. It has more than 3000 lines of computation. It took me 38 versions until the weighting was right, and it factors in everything important. I’m still bug testing and will be doing a lot more testing before I completely release this tool. I don’t release anything until I’m SURE, it’s called accountability. And in any case, the Angels have said not to rush this beast, to take my time to learn all that it can do.

So, there’s a lot more to come, but effective right now, you get new free goodies!!

Click the link in the text below the video. Here’s what you’ll see on my new Best & Worst Days page: First, you’ll now be able to see BOTH the current month and the upcoming month, so you can plan ahead. Second, days are now divided into 5 quality levels instead of 3. So now you get very best days, second best days, neutral days, second worst days, and the very most disgusting worst days to absolutely avoid. All free, because I love you.

So now let’s talk specifically about April. April is again, a not-great month. And since I can now see way in advance, I can tell you that the next few months aren’t awesome either, though there are a few small windows of opportunity here and there. It’s heaven to be able to compare one month’s Best and Worst days to other months. It really shows, on an apples to apples level, what is and isn’t worth waiting for! It’s a truly beautiful thing.

In my new format, the BEST days, which could be good enough for FIRSTS are bright gold, second best days are light gold. Days with neutral or mixed energies are white. The WORST Days are shown in the darkest gray, poor days which are less bad are light gray. See April and May and the key for fully understanding this new format, on my website.

April’s worst days happen around mid-month. The reasons these days scored so terribly are due to these primary factors: A Sappho Fear Vortex negative financial geometry, a peaking Heartbreak, AND a peaking Nuclear Clash.

April’s best run of days comes late in the month. These days could be good enough for a FIRST if your own personal cycles are truly LIT.

FIRSTS are things like a first face-to-face, starting a new business or job, debuting on a new social platform, starting with a new doctor, dentist, or hairstylist, starting a new medication, or even a beauty product.

These Best of April days scored highly primarily because of many helpful geometries supporting Sun. But there are also a lot of helpful 2-planet aspects and a couple of juicy financial progressions. These days are good enough for love, but better for money.

Get DIY info for calculating your personal transits, and get a coupon, click SHOW MORE…

If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If there’s someone that should see this video, please share it with them. Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

And please, come visit me on  Get intentional with your timing, understand current and past relationships, and build out your dreams… Get there now: Text “Astrology” to 51555.

There is so much more news to come, stay tuned. I’m obsessed right now, I’m working like a maniac to bring you all the great new stuff, and because I’m a nerd, I’m loving every minute!!!

I wish you a truly amazing April!

March 2023

Magi Helena Video March 2023 Best & Worst Days Forecast Horoscope


Hey Superstars, Happy March!!! It’s Magi Helena.

Here’s your astrological forecast for March 2023, using scientific, multi-dimensional astrology.

As a syndicated columnist, my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes have millions of readers, see a link in the text below to get my column into your newspaper, or find my forecasts online.

As mother of algorithms, I’ve turned complex astrology into simple tools. Simple astrology isn’t remotely accurate enough to be actionable, and accurate astrology is NOT simple. When you don’t want to do ALLLL the calcs yourself, check out my instant personal astrology calendars and love compatibility reports.

Please subscribe on YouTube, and then click that bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

I will be offering some free classes in 2023. Get on the list – there’s a link in the text below the video.

March is only a so-so month. Its best days are only best available, though if you just have to do something and your personal cycles are strong, these days could work for you.

Remember that any FIRST, a first face-to-face, starting a new business or job, starting with a new doctor, facialist, or hairstylist, even starting a new medication or beauty product, creates a Ruling Chart which will powerfully influence whatever you started.

To see a list of the most important things which create firsts, click the link in the text under SHOW MORE.

The first pair of Best Days in March have some nice Chiron energy. Chiron can help EVERYTHING! Chiron’s magic supports love as well as career. Chiron is the magical goodie bag; Chiron is your fairy godmother. Chiron is SO powerful and SO helpful –  PLEASE get your Chiron meanings right. Don’t “wounded-healer” yourself into living life without your Soulmate because belief-based pop astrology gets Chiron wrong. The research shows the truth. Chiron rules Soulmates AND career. Get this right, and you can really uplevel your life.

We get a quick Worst-Day blip, then we roll into a 3-day run of Best Days. I don’t love-love-love these days, but they are certainly among the best available for March. All 3 have nice Jupiter energy along with other helpful enhancements. These days orient toward assisting you with both love and money if your personal cycles agree.

This awful pair of Worst Days mid-March has peaking, or tightly-progressing Heartbreak and Nuclear clashes. These are days to absolutely sit out for anything important: don’t make trouble, don’t make major decisions, don’t meet anyone new, and triple-check your work on these days.

We have some various singleton days including St. Patrick’s Day, which is a Worst Day. Then, near month-end we roll into 4 Worst Days. The reasons these 4 days are Worst vary somewhat, but among them are Heartbreaks, Nuclear Clashes, and some very dark Lilith geometry. Stay under the radar during these days and don’t initiate or decide anything.

So, I got a very interesting question recently, “Where to draw the line between believing in personal power to influence reality vs. using timing to influence outcomes?”

This is a great question!!! And it’s true, we all have enormous personal power for manifestation. The more you evolve and learn to control your mind, the more you control your emotions, inner peace, health, success and more. There is a lot you can control while incarnate here on Earth. However, only the most evolved Beings can influence natural laws, such as gravity. So until you’re at that level of transcendence, the stars WILL impact you.

Surrendering to what is, is an element of mastery. Working with the tools at hand and within given limitations is basically all we’ve got. Do your best, and nudge timing whenever you can for your very best outcomes.

Wishing you a truly marvelous March!

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How to use Best & Worst days:

Timing Strategies & FIRSTS:

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From $9.99. 100% money-back guarantee!

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LEARN How to DIY your timing:
35+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

February 2023

Magi Helena Video February 2023 Best & Worst Days Forecast Horoscope


Hey Superstars, Happy February!!! It’s Magi Helena.

Here’s your astrological forecast for February 2023, including all-important warnings for Valentine’s Day, using scientific, multi-dimensional astrology.

As a syndicated columnist, my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes have millions of readers, see a link in the text below to get my column into your newspaper, or find my forecasts online.

As an astrology pioneer, I’ve turned complex astrology into simple tools. People want answers. Simple astrology just isn’t accurate enough to be actionable, and accurate astrology just isn’t simple. When you need to know right now, check out my instant personal astrology calendars and love compatibility reports.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos are released.

I will be offering some free classes in 2023. Get on the list – there’s a link in the text below the video.

So, before we start February, this is KEY:  Your timing, for better or for worse, WILL predictably impact your outcomes. Simple. Worst Days are days to lie low, even if your personal cycles are great. This is the very simplest way to your dreams: just don’t do important FIRSTS on Worst Days.

When you start something new, a job, a relationship, whatever, the chart of the day you start is the chart of the path ahead. Is it easy or is it hard? Does the path lead to happiness or to heartbreak? That’s what is foretold in the day itself.

The other timing consideration is the relationship between the chart of the thing you started and your own birth chart. This inter-relationship shows your potential harvest from the situation. Is your potential harvest happy and successful, or is it miserable and broke?

Want timing to make a real difference in your life? Consider both of these: The start date is the path. The relationship between the start date and your chart is the harvest. An easy path to a great harvest… isn’t that what everyone wants?

Random timing = random results. Work it or be worked. Anyone who does big things with random timing just doesn’t realize how they are sabotaging themselves.

To see a list of things which create firsts, which create charts which will rule you, click the link in the text under SHOW MORE.

February’s Best Days are only best available, there’s just not much to choose from. The first run of so-called Best Days are barely better than neutral, and you should only use these days if you absolutely can’t wait until later in the month. Despite some powerful and helpful enhancements to Sun and Earth, the negatives in the days are pretty powerful too. Use these days only if you can’t wait until later in the month.

From there, we roll right into our first Worst Days of February. These are Nuclear Days and have trans-dimensional clashes from the Saturn-Varuna Chaos midpoint.

Two days of neutral or mixed energies, then we get a 3-day run of Worst Days. These days are Nuclear and Heartbreak Days with an extra helping of judgment from the Saturn-Sedna Repression midpoint.

…we then roll into a 5-day whopper run of Worst Days which includes Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is a day when lots of people who don’t know any better get engaged or married. Please don’t wreck your relationship. You will if you set up a new relationship milestone under these pretty-much guaranteed-disaster stars. Even making love for the first time creates a milestone with a new Ruling Chart. Instead of high expectations for relationship fulfillment on this Valentine’s Day, think self-care and self-validation….

During these days, the Sun and Earth carom between lots of nasty points, including Heartbreak and Nuclear points, and more. If you don’t start anything important or create a big milestone under these stars, you won’t have any downstream disasters as a result.

Finally then we move toward some better energies. A pair of Best days brings back some support for positive outcomes, then a week later we roll toward 3 Best Days. These final runs of Best Days do have winning and up-leveling energy, but they are light on the sweetness that would be needed to make them powerfully supportive for love.

Get DIY info for calculating your personal transits, and get a coupon, click SHOW MORE…

If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If there’s someone that should see this video, please share it with them. Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

And please, come visit me on  Grow and evolve, get your timing right, and understand your relationships. Get there now: Text “Astrology” to 51555. Remember, timing really is just about EVERYTHING!!!

And there you have it for February. I’m off to work on March and beyond. Beautiful new algorithms are dancing in my head. Remember that Worst Days create Worst Outcomes. That is all.

Wishing you so much love!!!

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How to use Best & Worst days:

Timing Strategies & FIRSTS:

Get 20% off any Instant Personal Astrology Calendar here: use coupon code: ytcalendar20

From $9.99. 100% money-back guarantee!

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LEARN How to DIY your timing:
35+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

January 2023

Get a $9 coupon, freebies & specials:
Makes some things almost FREE!

Signup for free classes here:

How to use Best & Worst days, copy/paste link:

Timing Strategies & FIRSTS:

Get 20% off any Instant Personal Astrology Calendar here: use coupon code: ytcalendar20
From $9.99. 100% money-back guarantee!

Want to see Helena’s horoscopes in your newspaper?
Email this link to the editor:

To share this video, send this link:

LEARN How to DIY your timing:

35+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!


Hey Superstars, Happy January and Happy New Year!!! It’s Magi Helena.

Here’s your astrology forecast for January 2023, using scientific, multi-dimensional astrology.

As a syndicated columnist, my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes have millions of readers, see a link below to get my column into your newspaper, or find my forecasts online. As an astrology pioneer, I’ve turned complex astrology into simple tools. That’s the thing – simple astrology just isn’t accurate enough to be actionable, and truly accurate astrology is far from simple. But with my personal astrology calendars and love compatibility reports, you can get the exact, accurate advice you need, instantly.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

I’ll be offering some free classes in the new year. Get on the list – there’s a link in the informational text below the video.

So, before we launch into January, always remember this: Timing predictably impacts outcomes. Firsts on better days = better outcomes, firsts on worse days = worse outcomes.

Worst days are not obstacles, they are guardrails. You need to know when they are. It’s not being negative, it’s being realistic. Knowing the Worst Days is critically important because it’s the most helpful free guidance you can get. Knowing the Worst Days is a best thing.

And remember, that to really leverage your timing to get what you want, you always need to combine your ever-changing personal cycles WITH these Universal Best and Worst Days.

The Best Days are always best AVAILABLE in the current month. They could be better or worse than Best Days in other months! Days which are neither Best nor Worst are days which have neutral or mixed energies.

So, January is a better month than we’ve had for a few months. Woohoo! This gives you more days for FIRSTS, as long as your personal stars are good enough.

FIRSTS are things like meeting someone new face to face or starting something new like a job. To see a list of things which create firsts, which create charts which will rule you, click the link in the text under SHOW MORE.

January opens with a Worst New Year’s Day, then we move toward some nice Best Days!

The first run of Best Days offers lots of help for love with Neptune, Venus, and Chiron appearing among the many geometries and midpoints supporting Sun and Earth on these days. Since these are also financial planets, money is supported too, though the heavy-hitter planetary support isn’t as strong for business as I’d like during these days.

Longer runs of Best Days offer more positive power than singleton Best Days due to the power of progressions. As long as your personal cycles agree, it’s better to start something at the beginning of a positive run than near the end. The good energy will last longer when you start something early in the run.

A pair of Best Days just a few days later supports money and business a bit more than it supports love. Lots of upleveling energy here on these days.

Then we head for a long run of Worst Days. Saturnian points and midpoints are slithering all over these days. Some of the midpoints are the Blunder midpoint, the Repression midpoint, the Lost in Space midpoint, and the Loss of Status midpoint. Please do not start anything new or meet anyone new during these days no matter your personal cycles! These energies create failures on many levels.

After that, more good days. The third run of Best Days has some lovely geometries supporting Sun and/or Earth. There is both love and money in these days.

Remember, timing really is just about EVERYTHING!!!

Let’s start the new year right. Let go of what no longer serves you, whether it’s a belief or an attitude, a person or a situation, or just old clutter in your space.

Declare a resolution or two that could really help you, and remember it’s what you do daily, your daily practices and your daily habits, that create your future.

Happy New Year and So much Love!!!

December 2022

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Signup for free classes here:

How to use Best & Worst days, copy/paste link:

Timing Strategies & FIRSTS:

Get 20% off any Instant Personal Astrology Calendar here: use coupon code: ytcalendar20

From $9.99. 100% money-back guarantee!

Want to see Helena’s horoscopes in your newspaper?
Email this link to the editor:

To share this video, send this link:

LEARN How to DIY your timing:
35+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!


Hey Superstars, Happy almost December!!! It’s Magi Helena.

Here’s your astrology forecast for December 2022, using scientific, multi-dimensional astrology.

As a syndicated columnist, my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes have millions of readers, see a link below to get my column into your newspaper. As an astrology pioneer, I’ve turned complicated astrology into simple tools. That’s the thing – simple astrology just isn’t accurate, not enough to be actionable, and truly accurate astrology just isn’t simple. But with my personal astrology calendars and love compatibility reports, you can get the exact, accurate advice you need, instantly.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

Heads up: I’m going to be teaching some free classes in the new year. Get on the list – there’s a link in the informational text below the video. Now that I’ve left the Society, I’ll also be bringing out a lot of new things: research findings, free calculation utilities and other free stuff, and more. Breakups can be exhausting so give me a little time to reboot. You’ll be seeing a lot of new info on my website soon.

So, first of all: TIMING IMPACTS OUTCOMES! Initiating on better days = better outcomes, initiating on worse days = worse outcomes.

Worst days are not obstacles, they are guardrails. Worst days are Bridge Out Ahead signs. You need to know when the Worst Days are. It’s not a negativity thing, it’s a badass reality thing. Knowing the Worst Days is a best thing. Knowing the Worst Days is a BOSS thing.

Welcome knowing about Worst Days. Take ‘em seriously, and you’ll be happily manifesting your best life while skeptics crash and burn. Whether or not you are proactively working with the stars, they are ALWAYS working on you. Work it or be worked, you decide. And remember, that to really be a cosmic boss, you always need to combine your ever-changing personal cycles WITH these Universal Best and Worst Days.

The Best Days are always best AVAILABLE in the current month. They could be better or worse than Best Days in other months! Days which are neither Best nor Worst are days which have neutral or mixed energies.

So, as I warned last month, December is a very weak month with lots of potholes for the unwary. So how to strategize bad stars? First, the worse the stars, the more carefully you need to cherry-pick your days to do important things. Mainly, just don’t do super big stuff. There’s always small stuff you can do, just don’t do the things that are significant FIRSTS, don’t do anything that creates a Ruling Chart, because you’ll be dragging that along behind you for as long as you’re in the situation or relationship.

FIRSTS are things like meeting someone new face to face, or starting something new like a job. To see a list of things which create firsts, which create Ruling Charts, click the link in the text under SHOW MORE.

Most of the paltry Best Days we get in December are singletons, most of the Worst Days come in pairs or runs. And why would that be a surprise??? If you haven’t noticed, things aren’t functioning particularly well in the world these days. It really is As Above, So Below.

I’m not exactly sure how we’re going to do this, but lots of festivities and holidays are somehow get woven throughout this yucky month. I’m not going to point them out specifically as we go through, you know when yours are.

December opens with a pair of Worst Days. Among others, Sun is dancing with these Saturnian midpoints: the Nuclear midpoint, the Repression midpoint, and the Chaos midpoint. Anything you start on these days is likely to wreak havoc, please wait these days out.

Worst Day pair #2 shoves more Saturnian misery down our throats and they are Heartbreak days too. If you take no important actions and create no FIRSTS on these days, they can’t take you down.

Bad Day pair #3 is a classic setup for disaster. Sun is getting a tight Heartbreak progression, Earth is square the Nuclear midpoint. Again, these stars can’t hurt you if you don’t PRESERVE them in amber and carry them forward by initiating a FIRST.

Worst Day run #4 lasts for 3 days. Some of the most notable aspects and geometries are a bi-level aspect of Saturn/Haumea with Sun, Earth with Saturn, and Chiron in a charisma- and status-crushing clash with Saturn/Odin. As during all Worst Days, here are your don’ts: Don’t take important actions, don’t make any big decisions, don’t ask for any significant help, and don’t have that really important conversation.

Bad Boy Days run #5 has Heartbreak and Nuclear energies across several dimensions. Another tip for Worst Days is this – don’t give your thoughts too much power. Worst Days affect everything, don’t let them trip you up.

The last run of Worst Days in December falls into the New Year’s weekend. With wrecking balls in so much of the sky it’s seriously important to not push your luck, especially if your personal cycles aren’t super supportive or are downright risky. Please imbibe responsibly, please carry whatever test kits could protect you, and do not drink and drive.

OK, so saving this one little pair of Best Days for last in December, sort of seems like putting a cherry on top of a sundae that isn’t exactly chocolate ice cream…. But let’s be grateful for any and all miracles. And, let’s be practical. If your own cycles are good enough, this is your biggest and potentially best window in December to do anything important. Sun and/or Earth get nice enhancements from Chiron, Pluto, Haumea, Odin, Excalibur and Logos. There’s also some juicy geometry.

The Best Day singletons are also decent enough, but longer runs of days create longer progressions, and so can be more powerful as long as, sing along with me, “your own personal cycles agree.” That’s always the refrain. Hum it to yourself and you can change your life.

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And please, come visit me on  Grow and evolve, get your timing right, and understand your relationships. Get there now: Text “Astrology” to 51555. Remember, timing really is just about EVERYTHING!!!

We’re moving toward wrapping up a third year of WTF, so it’s no surprise we remain in WTF stars. We have to find meaning and purpose, inspiration, goodness, joy, contentment with the tools at hand right now. The moment is only, ever, and always, NOW. If you just can’t, whatever, or if you’re just waiting for better opportunities in the stars, use this time, use these bad days, for self-work. There is literally no better investment. If you want to level your life up, you have to level yourself up first. You are the common denominator in everything in your life. For all of us, the buck stops right here.

Good stars, bad stars, that’s for timing to get what you want. Relationship reports, sure, it helps a lot to understand what is really going on. But at the center, at the nucleus, at the nexus, it’s all about you. YOU have to be, your masterpiece.

I love you, you are always in my prayers, and I wish you a wonderful and festive month of December.

November 2022

How to Game Bad Stars + November 2022 Forecast


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35+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

Hey Superstars, Happy November!!! It’s Magi Helena.

Here’s your astrological forecast for November 2022 including US Thanksgiving, and Black Friday weekend, using scientific, multi-dimensional astrology.

As a syndicated columnist, my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes have a readership in the millions; as an astrology pioneer, I’ve brought complex astrology down to Earth. My instant personal astrology calendars and love compatibility reports have now helped 10s of 1000s of people around the world get their personal right timing and understand their relationships.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

Think of Best and Worst days like this: better days = better outcomes, worse days = worse outcomes. Pretty simple, right?

Now I’m sure you’re as tired as I am of hearing about Worst Days, but here’s the thing: You need to know! Initiating FIRSTs (including a first meeting of a new person) on a bad day, sets you up for failure. You are literally stepping in it. And it doesn’t scrape off. Enough failures, and you’re exhausted and set way back, if not completely destroyed. Knowing which days to AVOID is the very first step to elevating your life! Pretty hard to be the BOSS when you’ve got mud, or whatever, all over your shoes.

Also remember, that for maximum help from the Universe, you always need to combine your ever-changing personal cycles WITH the Universal Best and Worst Days that we’re talking about in this video.

The Best Days are the best AVAILABLE in the current month. They may be better or worse than Best Days in other months! Days which are neither Best nor Worst are days which have neutral or mixed energies.

So, November is not a great month, and honestly, December’s not looking great either. So how do you game it? Your main strategy during not-great stars is to wait on the big stuff. There’s always plenty of small stuff you can do, just don’t do the things that are significant FIRSTS. Firsts create Ruling Charts, which rule the relationship or situation for as long as you’re in it. To see a list of actions which create firsts, click the link in the text under SHOW MORE.

So, what can you do when the stars are not conducive to firsts? Everything that’s not a significant first. Use less-good times in the sky to do self-work and polish your projects and side-gigs, so you’re ready and your work is really refined when the right miracle-jackpot stars come along.

There just aren’t that many truly amazing days in any year. If there were, and if more people knew how to identify them, there would be a lot more billionaires, they would all be gorgeous, and they would all be happily married to their soulmates. Timing impacts outcomes. Learn more about how to leverage your personal Right Timing with the links below.

The first pair of Worst Days in November are deeply Saturnian, with both Sun and Mercury being flayed by Saturn in the Geocentric Declinations. Earth is conjunct and opposite the chaotic Saturn-Varuna midpoint. These are also financial heartbreak days. Please do not initiate a new relationship or any new business dealings under these influences.

We have a few bad-day singletons, then we roll into US Thanksgiving week and oh boy. Thanksgiving dinner, day of mourning for Indigenous Peoples, and Black Friday, all under really bad stars. I’m no history-denier, so a holiday that used to be my favorite is now complicated, and bittersweet, and embraces tragedy right alongside gratitude. Kinda like life, I guess. Sorry, but as someone with just a little bit Indigenous blood, I just can’t not name the elephant in the room. Anyway, back to the stars. This 4-day run of star garbage has many of the worst cosmic monsters grinning at you from the storm drain under the sidewalk.

Heartbreak, Critical Error, Ill Health, Toxic Power Plays, you name it. Please do your best to stay centered, go along and get along. This is NOT the holiday to come out to your family. Bad stars mean that people are unlikely to be receptive, and may not even be at all kind. Save a big announcement for a holiday when the stars are empathetic and supportive.

Most of the best days in November are singletons, but we do get a pair of pretty nice days near month-end. During these days, there are enhancements to Sun and/or Earth from Pluto, Odin, and Chiron, as well as from some real heavy-hitter midpoints, and there are also some big, significant geometries. All this points to cosmic support for many parts of life: love, career, money matters, spiritual practice, and self-work.

Let bad days slide on by, start nothing, meet no one new and when the bad days are over, they’re over. And when you decide to finally get serious about RESULTS, get serious about your timing!!! Get DIY info for calculating your personal transits, and get a coupon, click SHOW MORE…

If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them. Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

Remember, timing really is just about EVERYTHING!!!

Here’s wishing you a truly wonderful November!!!

October 2022


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LEARN How to DIY your timing:

35+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!


Hey Superstars, Happy October!!! It’s Magi Helena.

Here’s your astrological forecast for October 2022 including Halloween weekend, using scientific, multi-dimensional astrology.

As a syndicated columnist, my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes have a readership in the millions; as an astrology pioneer, I’ve brought complex astrology down to Earth. My instant personal astrology calendars and love compatibility reports have now helped 10s of 1000s of people around the world get their personal right timing and understand their relationships.

Please subscribe on YouTube, and then click that bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos debut.

Think of each month’s Best and Worst days as a way to understand the most predictable outcomes for taking actions on those days. And remember, that for maximum help from the Universe, you always need to combine BOTH these Universal Best and Worst Days, AND your ever-changing personal cycles too.

Best Days are usually more fun, happily flowing energies just feel better. Plus, solutions are more likely to be found on Best Days, and that just feels better too! Worst Days throw down more obstacles and problems. And if you’re in personal bad stars, Worst Days compound whatever you’re dealing with. No matter your personal cycles, you can absolutely enjoy Worst Days, just don’t initiate any FIRSTS.

Firsts are the most important dates to choose carefully because they set up the Ruling Chart which maps the path ahead for whatever you initiate. Actions which are not firsts are less important, but you’re always going to get better results when you do things on Best Days and pick your way carefully through Worst Days. Best Days give you wings, Worst Days chain you to garbage.

Remember too that Best Days are best AVAILABLE in the current month. They may be better or worse than Best Days in other months! Days which are neither Best nor Worst are days which are neutral, or mixed.

So, October is a decent month. The Worst Days are pretty bad, but the Best Days are pretty good, and there’s a nice number of them too.

We open October with a pair of Worst Days. These days slime us with a bi-level Saturn-Sedna clash to Sun, a Nuclear clash to Sun, and a Heartbreak clash. Please lie very low during these days. Do NOT start anything new or meet anyone new.

From there, we roll straight into a pair of Best Days. Straight from night into day! As I’ve said many times, good stars follow bad stars. Neptune and the Jupiter-Chiron Cinderella and Golden midpoint bless Sun with good vibrations. Sun or Earth also receives enhancements from Pluto, Odin, and Chiron. These days have the cosmic chops to help you with your health, and also with feeling positive, making money, and supporting your relationships. Take actions and initiate firsts if your own stars are also helpful. Check out a link below for more info on how to use these Best-Worst Days.

A quick day which is neutral or mixed, then we roll straight into another pair of Best Days. On these days, Sun or Earth get support from Chiron, Ixion, Athene, and the Jupiter-Odin midpoint. These days lean more toward benefitting true love, marriage, family, and career in general, over money-only financial matters.

The second pair of Worst Days include a Heartbreak, plus additional negative drag comes from Saturn-Varuna, Saturn-Ixion, Saturn-Lilith, and Lilith herself. Heartbreak days sow the seeds for heartbreak situations and heartbreak outcomes. These, like all Worst Days are days to avoid any new beginnings or new meetings.

The third pair of Worst Days in October are Nuclear Days. Nuclear energies are confused, agitated, resistant and reckless. These are NOT helpful energies to incorporate into the Ruling Chart of any type of FIRST. Additional negativity on these days comes from the Saturn-Ixion, Saturn-Achilles, and Saturn-Logos midpoints.

A pair of Best Days just past mid-month brings us plenty of positivity with support for Sun and/or Earth from Jupiter, Athene, Venus, Eris, Midas, Diana, Sedna, and the Chiron-Odin Super-Cinderella and Jupiter-Uranus Super-Fame midpoints. Think innovation, money, right guidance, talent, charisma, fame, and determination. These could be fabulous days for any careers relying on new approaches and/or the media. Relationships get generalized support, and some specific love from the Chiron-Odin midpoint.

The Friday and Saturday of Halloween weekend are the last Best Days of October. Basic support on these days comes from Logos, Venus, Ixion, Ceres, Quaoar, Midas, Sedna and these powerful midpoints: Chiron-Ixion, Jupiter-Chiron, and Haumea-Odin. These days offer enough sweetness to support love, but I see them leaning more toward helping people in career and money matters.

The last pair of Worst Days in October falls over the Sunday of Halloween weekend and on Halloween day itself, Monday, October 31. Big, ugly geometry with Sun, Saturn-Sedna, Saturn-Pluto and Varuna could derail just about any train. Don’t start anything new or meet anyone new now, and tread very carefully. These energies could foretell some kind of ego-based showdown which could get very nasty.

Remember that if you don’t initiate anything including a relationship, on a bad day, when that bad day is over, it’s over, with no negative after-effects at all. And maybe it’s time to stop giving people and situations your best, only to have another failure. To finally get the odds on your side, get serious about your timing!!! Get DIY info for calculating your personal transits, and get a coupon, click SHOW MORE…

If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them. Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

Remember, timing really is just about EVERYTHING!!!

Here’s wishing you a really awesome October!!!

September 2022

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LEARN How to DIY your timing:
35+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!


Hey Superstars, Happy September!!! It’s Magi Helena.

Here’s your astrological forecast for September 2022, using scientific, multi-dimensional astrology.

As a syndicated columnist, my “Your Daily Astrology” horoscopes have a readership in the millions; as an astrology pioneer, I’ve brought complex astrology down to Earth. My instant personal astrology calendars and love compatibility reports have now helped 10s of 1000s of people around the world get their timing right and understand their relationships.

Please subscribe on YouTube, and then click that bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos come out.

Think of each month’s Best and Worst days as a way to understand the most predictable outcomes for taking actions on those days. And remember, that for maximum help from the Universe, you always need to layer up BOTH these Universal Best and Worst Days, AND your ever-changing personal cycles too.

Before I get to the days, I want to clarify what I mean when I talk about taking actions on certain days. I’m referring to really ANY kind of action, but the most crucial kinds of actions are FIRSTS. Just a few first examples would be… your first face-to-face meeting with someone, your first day on a new job, an incorporation date, the date you sign documents, the date you open a bank account. Firsts are the most important dates to choose carefully because they set up the Ruling Chart which maps the path ahead for whatever you initiated. Actions which are not firsts are less important, but you still, and always, are going to have better results when you do things on Best Days and carefully navigate Worst Days.

So, September is only an OK month. The Best Days are decent, but the Worst Days are pretty bad.

The first pair of Best Days do qualify to be Best Days of September, but they’re not as powerful as some Best Days in stronger months. Sun and/or Earth have support from Chiron, Midas, and Venus, and a host of helpful Jupiter midpoints across the dimensions. Beyond that, there’s a nice aspected financial Grand Trine in Helio of Chiron, Venus, Midas and Athene. These could be good days if your personal transits are outstanding, or if you absolutely have to get something done at this time.

Soon after, a run of Heartbreak Days makes up our first run of Worst Days. Not just Heartbreak Days, but bi-level Heartbreak Days. And there are more zombies in these days too. Please don’t initiate ANY firsts at this time, keep a low profile, cover your bases, and walk on eggshells. If your personal cycles are OK these days will go more smoothly, if you’re in multiple or peaking personal Heartbreak transits these days could be rough. Double down on your self-care and hang in there.

The next run of Worst Days in September gives us a sky dark with vultures or other birds of ill-omen. The core geometries aren’t too bad, but the sheer quantity of negative second-tier aspects and geometries is worthy of note. These could be days when you swagger right off the cliff. Difficult emotions could get very stirred up and anxiety could be pretty bad. Do not initiate any firsts, take care of yourself and ride these days out as best you can.

Next up, we have the second run of Best Days in September. These days have better Sun or Earth geometry than the first run of Best Days, making these potentially more powerful days for an important first. A Grand Trine with Sun, Pluto and Sedna adds business power but with it comes the potential for arrogance or abuse of power so be aware. A triple parallel of Sun, Jupiter, and Diana adds balance, compassion and a nice shove toward the side of the Angels.

In September I just don’t see the kind of jaw-dropping geometry that makes for those “needle-in-a-haystack,” “Jackpot” kinds of days, but if your personal cycles are great (or are the best available for a while) this run of Best Days could work for a first in either business, love, or personal matters.

The last run of Worst Days at month-end brings us days which are Nuclear AND Heartbreak. If you are in recovery, these are days which could precipitate a relapse. Sun is in a Geo 7 Yod with Juno, ruler of addictions, the Saturn-Jupiter confusion and agitation midpoint, Xanthus which drives us toward bad ideas, and Sappho, which fires up anxiety and the push to self-medicate. As an additive effect, Eros in multiple stressful aspects hammers impulse control. In Helio, Earth’s dance with Lilith and Varuna isn’t much helped by Jupiter, etc. etc. etc. If you need to go into survival mode for these 3 days, do what you need to do. Stars shift, and good stars follow bad stars so be gentle with yourself. You shouldn’t be trying to take any important actions anyway on these days.

Remember that if you don’t start anything new or meet anyone new on a bad day, when that bad day is over, it’s over, with no negative after-effects. And if you’re tired of giving people and situations your best, only to have another failure, get serious about your timing!!! Get DIY info for calculating your personal transits, and get a coupon, click SHOW MORE…

If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them: Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

Here’s wishing you a really super September!!!

August 2022

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LEARN How to DIY your timing:
30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!


Hey Superstars, Happy August!!! It’s Magi Helena.

Here’s your astrological forecast for August 2022, using scientific, multi-dimensional astrology.

As a syndicated columnist, my “Your Daily Astrology” column has a readership in the millions; as an astrology pioneer, I’ve brought complex astrology down to Earth. My instant personal astrology calendars and love compatibility reports have now helped 10s of 1000s of people around the world make real progress toward their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos are released.

Think of each month’s Best and Worst days as a way to understand the most-predictable outcomes for taking actions on those days. And remember, that for maximum help from the Universe, you always need to layer up BOTH these Universal Best and Worst Days, AND your ever-changing personal cycles too.

August is kind of a medium month. It has some very good days and some really terrible ones.

The first run of Worst Days early in August are Nuclear days. Sun is also parallel Sappho, and there is a trans-dimensional square between Sun and Earth and the Saturn-Varuna midpoint. These are poor days to initiate anything in your personal or business life, whatsoever.

Just a few days later, Sun is contra-parallel Saturn and begins to move into the orb of a Heartbreak clash with the Saturn-Chiron midpoint. More clashes, such as with the Saturn-Logos and Saturn-Odin midpoints, also make these very unfavorable days. Remember that if you don’t start anything new or meet anyone new on a bad day, when that bad day is over, it’s over, with no negative after-effects.

Near month-end, a long run of Worst Days gives us Sun in a bi-level clash with Saturn-Neptune. Chiron is moving into a Nuclear Heartbreak clash in the Declinations, and is also in a peaking Heartbreak is Helio Zodiac 7. These are highly negative days, please wait them out.

The first pair of Best Days just past mid-month offers a number of yummy enhancements from powerful points such as Ixion, the Chiron-Ixion midpoint, Neptune, Pluto, Haumea, Odin, Sedna and Excalibur. Additional goodness comes from Diana and Vesta. These days offer cosmic assistance for both money and for relationships if your personal cycles agree.

A 3-day run of Best Days the following week brings some delicious geometry, still with some of the same slow-moving points: Haumea, Ixion, and Sedna. These days feature nice Grand Trines in both Geo and Helio. The mega-charismatic Chiron-Ixion midpoint peaks contra-parallel Sun, sprinkling some fairy dust on all of us. The Jupiter-Uranus Super-Fame midpoint in a wedge with Earth and Varuna in Helio Zodiac 7 adds more star-power. These are money days which can also be highly favorable to influencers and people in the spotlight.

So, if you’re done with giving people and situations your very best, only to have another epic fail, change your timing!!! Get DIY info for calculating your personal transits, and get a coupon, click SHOW MORE…

If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them. Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

Remember, timing really is just about EVERYTHING!!!

Here’s wishing you an outstanding August!!!

July 2022

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 Check out the specific best and worst days for love and for money here:

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LEARN How to DIY your timing:
30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!


Hey Superstars, Happy July!!! It’s Magi Helena.

Here’s your astrological forecast for July 2022, including Independence Day weekend, using scientific, multi-dimensional astrology.

Since 2013 I’ve been one of the 2 creators and instructors of the Magi Astrology Certification Program, and I’ve brought complex astrology down to Earth. My instant personal astrology calendars and love compatibility reports have now helped 10s of 1000s of people around the world speed their progress toward their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

As we go through the month, think of each month’s Best and Worst days as a way to understand the predictable outcomes for taking actions on those days. Want a good outcome? Don’t do it on a Worst Day. It really can be that simple. But there’s a lot more you can do if you want the very best odds.

So in July, most Best and Worst Days are singletons, including 4th of July, which is a Best Day this year. Hooray!

The single run of Best Days just past mid-month features a powerful symmetrical triangle with Sun, Chiron and Ixion in Zodiac 7. I call Chiron the “magical goodie bag” as it brings gifts to almost any situation: love, money, or career. The money in these days is reinforced by a 5-planet conjuncted trine of Earth, Pluto, Venus, Achilles, and Sedna in the Helio Longitudes. There’s also a financial Iron Butterfly including Midas, Varuna, Quaoar, and the Venus-Chiron and Jupiter-Chiron Cinderella and Golden midpoints. These days are some of the best in the month for both love and money, take big actions if your personal cycles are also excellent.

July’s single, long run of Worst Days includes a contra-parallel of Sun with the Saturn-Pluto midpoint. This could be a time-bomb lurking in any potential financial opportunities which arise at this time, and it destroys self-confidence too. In Geo Zodiac 7, Sun in a clash with the Saturn-Vesta midpoint brings social anxiety and the potential for ostracism, which is reinforced by a Helio wedge of Earth, Sappho, and the Saturn-Uranus Infamy Midpoint. In Helio Zodiac 7, Chiron is taking hits from Saturn and 3 Saturn midpoints, so these are Heartbreak days too. Walk on eggshells wherever you are during these days, try not to meet anyone new, and don’t make any big decisions or major purchases.

So, I have a question: Have you ever given something or someone your very best, only to have it completely blow up in your face? Me too. If you don’t want to just rinse and repeat, then do something different. Right Timing leads to right outcomes. For the most important actions, wait until BOTH the universal stars AND your personal stars give you green lights. It’s the combination of BOTH that make the life-changing MAGIC happen! Get DIY info for calculating your personal transits, and get a coupon, click SHOW MORE…

If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them. Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

And please, come visit me on  Grow and evolve, get your timing right, and understand your relationships. Get there now: Text “Astrology” to 51555. Remember, timing really is just about EVERYTHING!!!

June 2022


Hey Superstars, Happy June!!! It’s Magi Helena.

Here’s your astrological forecast for June 2022, including Father’s Day weekend, using scientific, multi-dimensional astrology.

Since 2013 I’ve been one of the 2 creators and instructors of the Magi Astrology Certification Program, and in my own business, I’ve brought complex astrology down to Earth. My unique and actionable tools, strictly based in scientific astrology, have now helped 10s of 1000s of people around the world make more rapid progress toward their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos are released.

As we go through the month, think of each month’s Best and Worst days as a way to understand the relative risk vs. reward for taking actions on those days. Best days maximize your reward. Worst days multiply your risks.

June is a decent month, and its best days are somewhat better than the Best Days were in May.

June’s first run of Worst days is a long, 5-day run. Just some of the hits you’ll take if you start anything new under these stars are due to the following: Sun conjunct Sappho at the apex of a T-Square with the Saturn-Jupiter midpoint, Sun parallel Lilith and contra-parallel the Saturn-Ixion Blunder midpoint, Earth quincunx Saturn-Varuna and at the apex of a T-Square with the Saturn-Chiron Heartbreak midpoint, and more. There are Heartbreak days, and as always under bad stars, if you start something during these days, you’re literally taking those bad stars with you into the future! Please don’t harness these monsters to your wagon unless you really want to be dragged toward chaos and heartbreak.

The run of Worst days near month-end gives us Sun in a T-Square the Saturn-Uranus near and far midpoints and a continuing contra-parallel with the Saturn-Ixion Blunder midpoint. Earth is dragged down in a Spearhead with Varuna and 3 Saturn midpoints. Please also wait these days out.

Father’s Day weekend mid-month has neutral or mixed days.

In the first run of Best Days in June, Sun is enhanced by Pluto in the Geo Declinations, and Earth is in a lovely “influencer” Mystical Triangle with Ceres and the Jupiter-Uranus Super-Fame midpoint, with a sync to Venus. In Helio Zodiac 7, Earth is in a triangle with the Jupiter-Chiron and Venus-Chiron Cinderella and Golden midpoints, along with Achilles. There’s also a nice enhancement of Sun by Vesta in Geo Zodiac 7. These are days that can help you with fame, media, the internet, and working with groups of people, if your own cycles agree.

One week later, a pair of Best Days features Sun quincunx Pluto in Geo, and Earth anchoring a money Yod with Midas, Achilles and Sedna, with a synch from Pluto. A Helio Zodiac 7 Fortress with Earth, Ceres, Sedna, and Mercury adds additional opportunity. These are days that point more toward business and money.

Remember, that it’s always the combo of great Universal and great personal stars that creates the synergy that makes dreams come true!  Get DIY info for calculating your personal transits, and get a coupon, click SHOW MORE…

If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them: Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

Remember, timing really is just about EVERYTHING!!!

Here’s wishing you a wonderful June!

May 2022


Hey Superstars, Happy May!!! It’s Magi Helena.

Here’s your astrological forecast for May 2022, including Mother’s Day and Memorial Day weekend, using scientific, multi-dimensional astrology.

I’m one of the 2 creators and instructors of the Magi Astrology Certification Program, and in my own business, I’ve brought complex astrology down to Earth. My unique and actionable tools, strictly based in scientific astrology, have now helped 10s of 1000s of people around the world make real progress toward their dreams of love and success.

People talk about the Law of Attraction, but most don’t realize it just can’t work if your timing is wrong! Timing MATTERS! It’s the hidden “Secret” in everything you are trying to make happen in love or in your career.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

Think of each month’s Best and Worst days as a way to understand the relative risk vs. reward for taking actions on those days. Best days maximize your opportunity for reward. Worst days significantly multiply your risks.

The first half of May is pretty good, the second half, not so much…

We start May with a pair of Best Days. Sun is parallel Uranus, and enhanced by Pluto in Geo Zodiac 7. Earth is in some big geometry with Chiron, and the Venus-Chiron Magical Midpoint is parallel Earth. These days offer help for both love and career success.

The second run of Best Days in May falls over Mother’s Day and includes the very best days of the month. Sun and Achilles are in a conjuncted trine with Odin, and Sun enjoys a small enhancement by Jupiter in Geo Z7. Earth is in a yummy Grand-Trine Spearhead with Jupiter and Midas, with Achilles as the shaft planet. These are very good days for money, and for love too, if and only if your personal stars are also great.

The third run of Best Days mid-month sees a continued small Z1 enhancement to Sun by Jupiter, and Earth picks up some support from Neptune and Eris. These days aren’t as good as the previous run, but they are usable for new beginnings and new meetings if your own stars agree.

The first pair of Worst Days in May sees Sun hanging with some bad-influence kids, and they are especially bad in combination: Xanthus, multiple Saturn midpoints, combined with Mars and Eros. By all means do not follow any impulses during these days, they will likely be VERY off. Similar bad judgment vibes carry through to Helio too.

Mid-month, a 3-day run of Worst Days brings Sun square to Saturn and in a T-Square with Saturn-Vesta. Both Sun in a Z2 clash with the Saturn-Pluto midpoint, and Earth opposite Sedna and quincunx Lilith can really lower your confidence. During these days, bolster yourself, tread carefully and keep a low profile. Please don’t start anything, or meet anyone new.

Unfortunately, a 4-day run of Worst Days falls over Memorial Day weekend. Low energy could be a factor with the Sun in a T-Square with the Saturn-Neptune ill-health midpoint. Sun parallel Lilith could add apathy or negativity. These are Nuclear Heartbreak Days, with Chiron in a tight clash with the Saturn-Jupiter midpoint in Geo. Please don’t take any real risks on these days, especially if your personal cycles aren’t great.

Knowing the relative quality of the Universal days PLUS your ever-changing personal cycles day-to-day can be critical knowledge for you!

Remember, that it’s always the combo of great Universal and great personal stars that creates the cosmic synergy that can fulfill your dreams!

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Remember, timing really is just about EVERYTHING!!!

Here’s wishing you a marvelous May!

April 2022


Hey Superstars, Happy April!!! It’s Magi Helena.

Before I start with your April forecast, let me say this: Like all of you, my heart is with Ukraine. Please join me in praying for Ukraine, in praying for peace, and in praying for refugees everywhere.

OK, here’s your astrological forecast for April 2022, including Passover and Easter, in science-based, multi-dimensional astrology.

I’m one of the 2 creators and instructors of the Magi Astrology Certification Program, and in my own business, I’ve brought complex astrology down to Earth. My unique and actionable tools, strictly based in scientific astrology, have now helped 10s of 1000s of people around the world make real progress toward their dreams of love and success.

Timing MATTERS! Even people doing serious manifestation work may not realize that without right timing, trying to manifest is like trying to enter through the wall instead of through the door.

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Think of each month’s Best and Worst days as a way to understand the relative risk vs. reward for taking actions on those days. Best days offer you much more opportunity for reward. Worst days multiply your risk many times over.

Unfortunately April is a very weak month. The so-called Best Days are only best available. I hate bad stars! I’m as impatient as anyone else. I hate having to wait, and I sometimes struggle emotionally under the bad vibes. But I’ve learned the hard way, to cool my jets if the stars are only going to mess me up.

So here we are. We’ve been here before and we’ll be here again. A major factor in getting anything you want for yourself is the self-discipline to wait for Right Timing.
Here’s some keys to surviving bad stars:
Lower your expectations to avoid disappointment.
Think of ways to mitigate potential problems.
Don’t make major decisions, start anything new or meet anyone new.
If you follow this advice, once the bad stars are over, they’re over, with no nasty after-effects.

OK, for April, I’m going to get ALLLLLLL the bad stuff over first. The first pair of Worst Days in April will make April Fools of us if we start anything new then. Geometries including Sun in the Geocentric Longitudes and Earth in the Heliocentric Longitudes always indicate the main themes. During these days, Sun parallel the chaotic Saturn/Varuna midpoint, and Earth in a Zodiac 7 Blunder and Heartbreak Fortress are just some of the problems.

Just a few days later, high ambition could tempt you to act despite the continuing Heartbreak progression to Earth set up in Helio. Please resist inner impatience and/or outer pressure, and don’t initiate anything important or meet anyone new at this time.

Mid-April, a 4-day run of Worst days includes a pretty toxic parallel/contra-parallel in the Declinations of Sun with Sedna and the Saturn/Jupiter and Saturn/Neptune midpoints, and there’s lots more too… Use caution in all things and watch out for hackers, phishing emails, and scams of all kinds during these days.

Passover kicks off on a neutral day, then moves through both neutral and Worst days. Plan your celebration, if at all possible, on a neutral day.

Then comes Easter weekend, and unfortunately both Saturday and Sunday are Worst days. Sun at the apex of a T-Square with the near and far Saturn/Ixion Blunder midpoints can make this a very error-prone weekend. If you’re entertaining, keep it simple, try to set up everything possible before SATURDAY, and try to see the lighter side of whatever actually happens.

Late in April, we have yet another run of Worst days. Sun is contra-parallel Saturn, and in Helio, Earth is in a disgusting Yod with Sappho and the Saturn/Sedna midpoint AND in a T-Square with Varuna, Saturn/Pluto and Saturn/Vesta. Power struggles are just one possibility. Do I need to say it? Wait these days out.

Our reward for our patience with April is only meager within April, but as always, when we don’t screw ourselves by acting under bad stars, the rewards are always worth it! April gives us only 2 singleton Best Days and one run of them at the end of the month. The run of Best Days month-end features Sun with a Zodiac 3 enhancement by Pluto in Geo and there’s a nice Fortress in Helio 7 including Earth, Mercury, Chiron, and the Chiron/Ixion midpoint. Wait for these days to do what you have to do in April, if you possibly can.

The stars are always changing, just like life. Don’t let negative days mess with your head. I’ve said this before, If you wait them out, they can’t take you out. Good stars follow bad stars and good opportunities come with them.

Remember that all those people who just don’t know better, or can’t be patient, are going to be out there burning bridges and setting themselves up for failure if they’re taking action on Worst Days. You, who do know and are patient, can wait for better stars, which offer far better opportunities and far less risk for new beginnings, as long as your personal stars do agree.

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And please, come visit me on Grow and evolve, get your timing right, and understand your relationships. Get there now: Text “Astrology” to 51555.

Remember, timing is EVERYTHING!!!

Here’s wishing you, my wise and patient friends, an amazing April!

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March 2022


Hi there Superstars, Happy March!!! It’s Magi Helena. Here’s your astrological forecast for March 2022 in science-based, multi-dimensional astrology.

I’m one of the 2 creators and instructors of the Magi Astrology Certification Program, but more importantly, I’ve brought complex astrology down to Earth. My unique and actionable tools, strictly based in scientific astrology, have now helped 10s of 1000s of people make real progress toward their dreams of love and success.

People talk about the Law of Attraction, but most don’t realize it just can’t work if your timing is wrong! Timing MATTERS! It’s the hidden “Secret” in everything you are trying to make happen in love or in your career.

March is a decent month, though a little weak for money. Think of these Universal Best and Worst days as a way to understand the risk vs. reward for taking actions on certain days. Best days maximize your rewards. Worst days maximize your risk. You get to decide which odds you prefer, then act accordingly. Remember too as I go through these days, that it’s always the combo of great universal and great personal stars that creates the cosmic synergy that can fulfill your dreams!

March opens with a pair of Best Days during a Sun-Jupiter eclipse. Planetary eclipses are powerful, and this one is extremely benevolent. Sun is also contra-parallel Chiron mutually-applying, and adding this energy to the eclipse energy makes these especially good days for love. Earth is in a multi-aspected wedge in Helio 12 with Chiron, Achilles, Uranus and Pallas. If you’re in personal Cinderella cycles and not in many or peaking personal Heartbreak or Nuclear cycles, these could be great days to meet a potential Soulmate, or to take your relationship to a deeper level of commitment.

Mid-month, another pair of Best Days features Sun parallel Neptune and at the apex of a Longbow-type triangle in Geo Zodiac 7 with Pluto, Vesta, and Uranus. Earth is supported by geometry with Diana, and the Chiron-Ixion and Venus-Chiron midpoints in Z12 and is in a dynamic triangle in Helio 7 with Pallas, Ixion and Mars which could have athletic overtones. A big Flying-Eagle-type Fortress of Odin, Varuna, Eris and Vesta can bring both intensity and some powerful fresh air to friendships, fan relationships, and group associations.

Later in the month, Sun is in an eclipse with the Jupiter-Chiron Cinderella and Golden midpoint. In Helio, Earth conjunct Odin anchors an aspected Grand Trine with Sedna and the Venus-Chiron Magical midpoint. These are good days for both love, and for money, if your personal cycles agree.

The first pair of Worst Days falling over the first weekend in March are Heartbreak Days, with Sun conjunct and opposite the near and far Saturn-Chiron Heartbreak midpoints, and this is trans-dimensional in Helio too. In the Declinations, Sun is contra-parallel the extremist Saturn-Varuna midpoint. More clashes with either Sun or Earth pop up in the other dimensions. These stars blow, please don’t initiate anything important or meet anyone new now, even if you are in good cycles personally.

The second run of Worst Days includes St. Patrick’s Day. In Geo 7, Sun is at the apex of a Lilith-Mars-Vesta triangle, and in Helio 12, Earth is in a Grand Cross with Odin, Ceres, Ixion, the Saturn-Uranus midpoint, and the Saturn-Venus midpoint. In Helio 7, Earth is in a Fortress with Varuna, Odin, Mars, and the Saturn-Jupiter Nuclear midpoint. The repeating theme of Mars slugging it out with these negative points does more than hint at aggression or discord during these volatile times. Avoid being drawn into disagreements during a pub crawl or anywhere else during these days as they are unlikely to be constructive, and could ramp up into a lot more than you want to deal with.

In the final run of Worst Days in March, Sun in Geo 7 is banging heads with the Saturn-Vesta Outcast midpoint, Mars, and Sedna. This geometry could again point to the possibility of arguments. The Saturn-Uranus midpoint hanging out with the Sun-Mercury midpoint in the Declinations won’t help anyone be smart or discreet. Earth is dragged down by the Saturn-Venus and Saturn-Sedna midpoints in a wide Grand Cross, and by a Fortress with Varuna, Saturn-Venus, and Saturn-Neptune. These days can’t be good for much of anything at all, so please wait them out.

Remember, timing is EVERYTHING!!!

Hang in there, pretty much everyone I know, friends, family and clients, are grappling with the effects of the pandemic and political uncertainty, and personal losses and challenges too. Our relative level of self-mastery is always a work in progress, but through testing times like these, you can dramatically accelerate your evolution if you DO THE WORK on yourself. Seek out the inspiration and break out the time you need to stay right with yourself, right with others, right with Spirit, and right with the Earth. You’ve got this.

Here’s wishing you a masterful March!

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February 2022


Hey there Superstars, Happy February!!! It’s Magi Helena. Here’s your astrological forecast for February 2022 in all the astrology dimensions.

I’m one of only 2 Certified Magi Astrologers at the highest level and I’ve brought complex, multi-dimensional astrology down to Earth. My unique and actionable tools, strictly based in scientific astrology, have now helped 10s of 1000s of people make serious progress toward their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click the notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

Good News! At last, we get a month with days which can be good enough for important new beginnings and new meetings if your personal transits are also strong. Think of Best and Worst days as a way to understand the relative risk vs. reward for taking actions on certain days. Best days offer you the greatest opportunity for reward. Worst days maximize your risk. Remember too as I go through these February days, that it’s the combination of great universal and great personal stars that creates the magic that leads to your dreams!

In the first run of Best Days, a nice pair of days mid-month features Sun enhancements by both the Venus-Chiron and Chiron-Ixion midpoints. A financial Fortress in G7 brings Sun together with Midas, Varuna and Quaoar. This could especially serve people who are in, or want to be in, the public eye. The money from fame vibe is further assisted by a Helio 7 Fortress of Earth, Midas, Uranus, and Neptune. If you are an influencer or otherwise in the media, these could be great days to initiate a business move if your personal stars agree.

At the end of February, an unusually long 6-day run of Best Days is pretty powerful. During these days, Sun moves from being enhanced by Odin and Sedna into an enhancement by Jupiter. Various geometries during these days are: a Helio Fortress of Earth, Varuna, Vesta, Quaoar, and Mercury, which again supports fame and fans. A trans-dimensional conjunction of Chiron with the Jupiter-Uranus Super-Fame midpoint in Geo and Helio brings that aspiring celebrity thing home yet again. So does a Z3 Helio aspect of Vesta-Quaoar-Odin. If you’re working on a career or side hustle that involves the media and your personal stars are excellent, you could make real progress also during these days.

The first run of Worst Days in early February gives us a real negativity bomb! First up is a Sun-Saturn Eclipse. With Sun both conjunct and parallel Saturn, this is about 4 times as strong as a Sun-Saturn conjunction alone. The yuck factor is strengthened by a Geo Zodiac 7 four-planet geometry of Sun-Saturn-Sedna-Ceres. Earth is peaking opposite Saturn in a T-Square with Uranus, and in Z7 is making a Heartbreak Clash with the Saturn-Chiron midpoint. Please don’t do anything important, initiate anything in career or love, or any big decisions during these awful days.

Later in February, the second run of Worst Days bring us a conjuncted T-Square of Sun with the near and far Saturn-Jupiter confusion and agitation midpoints, amplified by Ceres. In the Declinations, Sun is slumming with Juno and the Saturn-Neptune cynicism and ill-health midpoint. When I combine Helio 12 and 7 aspects, Earth is butting heads with 5 significant Saturn midpoints. Earth is also in a pretty disgusting T-Square with Lilith, Sedna and crazy-town Saturn-Jupiter again. These are more days to SIT OUT. Remember this KEY: when you don’t burn bridges under bad stars, later, when the stars are on your side, you can crush it! It’s not now or never, it’s now or NOT NOW.

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And please, come visit me on  Grow and evolve, get your timing right, and understand your relationships. Get there now: Text “Astrology” to 51555.

Remember, timing is EVERYTHING!!!

I wish you a fabulous February!


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January 2022


Hi there Superstars, Happy January and Happy New Year!!! It’s Magi Helena. Here’s your astrological forecast for January 2022 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m one of only 2 Certified Magi Astrologers at the highest level and I’ve brought complex astrology down to Earth. My unique and actionable tools, strictly based in scientific astrology, can help anyone achieve their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click the notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

Unfortunately, January, like November and December of 2021, is another not-great month. As I’ve mentioned before, the positions of slow-moving planets and points are lining up to create many Universal Heartbreaks in the sky. Be patient. Good stars follow bad stars, and we’ll get through this. The key is just to not initiate under bad stars!! As in the last few months, the Best days in January are just best available, not very good.

Remember as I go through these January days, that it’s the combination of great universal and great personal stars that creates the magic! You still always need to factor in your personal transits, a.k.a. your personal cycles, too.

In the first run of Worst Days in early January, Sun square Lilith can create the feeling of an absence of hope. And there’s a big Fortress with multiple synchs which reinforces the sense of futility. In Helio, Earth is in multiple clash aspects and geometries. Lie low. Especially, don’t overthink anything or make any important decisions. Life should look better as we get past these days.

In the second run of Worst Days mid-month, Sun parallel the Saturn-Pluto midpoint erodes confidence and creates bad energy in the financial and business realms. Chiron is in multiple Heartbreak clashes, and Earth is square Sappho, which exacerbates the insecure vibe and possibly, increases fiscal peril too. Please, no important new beginnings or new meetings on these days.

In the last run of Worst Days near month-end, Saturn-Pluto is a villain again, this time in a T-Square with Varuna and Xanthus. People may feel they have a lot to prove and nothing to lose. Both assumptions are seriously incorrect under these poor stars. This is a terrible time to push anything. Don’t let the hard-core yes-no confusion fostered by an Earth-based multi-aspected Grand Trine to force your hand now. Wait these days out.

New Year’s Day is a Best Day and is pretty good, otherwise, we have only 2 multi-days runs of Best Days in January. In the first pair of Best Days, Sun is parallel Pluto, Vesta and Diana which could help friendships and career alliances. A Geo 7 Fortress of Midas, Achilles, Eris, Jupiter, and Varuna makes these pretty good days for business moves if your personal stars are great and you can’t wait for better stars in the Universal sky. Multiple Helio geometries support similar objectives, and also offer some opportunities for recognition and fame.

In the second pair of Best Days in January just a few days later, some of the same geometries are still present. A new Fortress of Sun with Sedna, Ceres, Achilles, and the Venus-Chiron Magical midpoint brings some positive business energy. Another new Fortress in Helio 7 expands these possibilities, so these days again could be used if needed.

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We’re starting yet another new year at this very strange time in the world. We’re all digging deep to get through. Every empath I know, including me, is working hard to handle the influx of energies.

Take a break from news and social media if you need to. Ground yourself however you can. Breathe deeply. Visualize your aura as an evenly thick and glowing egg-shaped field of light all around you, including top and bottom. Do what you can to your utmost, then let go of anything that is out of your control.

I send you SO MUCH Light and Love, and wish you the best New Year ever!!!

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December 2021


Hi Superstars, happy December, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s your astrological forecast for December 2021 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m one of only 2 Certified Magi Astrologers at the highest level and I’ve brought complex astrology down to Earth. My unique and actionable tools, strictly based in scientific astrology, can help anyone achieve their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click the notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos are released.

Unfortunately, December, like November, is not a very good month in terms of opportunity. Best days in December are just best available, not great.

Think of Best and Worst days as a way to understand the relative risk vs. reward for taking actions on certain days. Best days offer you much more opportunity for reward. Worst days multiply your risk many times over.

On top of this, you still always need to factor in your personal transits, or cycles, too. Remember that it’s the combination of great universal AND great personal stars that creates the MAGIC! Wait for this combo for your most important new beginnings and first-time meetings.

The worst days in December are pretty bad. Try to schedule your holiday preparations and celebrations around these days, which are unlikely to be productive at the very best.

In the first run of Worst Days early in December, Earth is in a nasty Fortress with Juno, Uranus and Saturn. In Geo Z7, Sun is getting a bad progression from the Saturn-Uranus Infamy midpoint. In Helio Zodiac 7, Earth is in a different Fortress, also with major yuck-factor: This one is with Varuna, Xanthus, Eros, the Saturn-Neptune ill-health midpoint, and the Saturn-Vesta disloyalty & outcast midpoint. These days are creepy for all kinds of interactions, business or personal. Please tread carefully, stay in your lane, and please don’t hook up with anyone unknown.

The second run of Worst days in December is a long one. In Helio, Earth is in a Grand Cross with Ixion and the near and far Saturn-Uranus midpoints. Then there’s a Heartbreak Fortress with Earth, Xanthus, the Saturn-Ixion midpoint and the Saturn-Chiron midpoint, with Lilith looped in for a little extra fun. And, Mars is peaking in a parallel with Earth, making everyone potentially more aggressive. These days are also very poor for getting along with others. You may question a commitment or despair of ever finding a Soulmate. Relationships could be majorly confusing. Don’t push anything or anyone, take good care of yourself, cool your jets, and don’t make any big decisions during these days.

In the first pair of Best Days in December, we have Earth with a Helio Z7 enhancement by Jupiter, and a Geo trine from the Chiron-Ixion midpoint. Chiron is contra-latitude Ceres, midpoint on Earth, and we have Sun in a Z3 aspect with Sedna. So, Oh. Kay.…. Better than most of December.

The nice four-day run of Best Days at month-end and year-end can help make for a nice New Year’s. Sun is trine Uranus and is also parallel Mercury, Mars and Pluto. Sun is in a Yod in Z7 with Jupiter and Varuna, and Earth is part of a Fortress with Odin, Jupiter and Chiron. Though much of the world slumbers during these “between” days, these are definitely the best days in December. If your own cycles are right and you can’t wait for a better overall month, these are the four days to make something happen.

So, here’s the outlook for December holidays in calendar order:

First up, the eight nights of Hanukkah include one Best Day and four Worst Days. Dec. 1 is definitely the best of these days to celebrate.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are neutral or mixed.

Most of Kwanzaa falls over Best Days and New Year’s Eve is a Best Day.

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We’re wrapping up two of the strangest years most of us have ever lived through. Our patience and trust in the Universe have been tested in new ways. Remember that struggle and uncertainty can develop your strength and resilience in ways that easy-peasy never can.

Find ways to stay inspired. If you haven’t found your Soul-purpose yet, keep looking. Get deep satisfaction through helping others. Don’t wait for outside situations, that you can’t control, to resolve. Claim your power, now. Build a life that has meaning for you. Love yourself. Love others. I wish you a great December and a truly blessed New Year. We have a lot to do. Let’s get busy!

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November 2021


Hey there Superstars, happy November, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s your astrological forecast for November 2021 including US Thanksgiving, in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m one of only 2 Certified Magi Astrologers at the highest level and I’ve brought complex astrology down to Earth. My unique and actionable tools, strictly based in scientific astrology, can help anyone achieve their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click the notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

Well, sadly, November is not a great month.

In the first run of Worst Days in November, Sun is in a Grand Cross with Uranus and the Saturn-Jupiter Nuclear midpoint, and the applying parallel of Sun to this same negative midpoint amplifies its effects considerably. These are terrible days for clear thinking and clear communications. Try for as much clarity as possible but keep your expectations low, and don’t make any major decisions at this time.

In the second run of Worst days, Earth is hanging out with Sappho and the Saturn-Uranus midpoint in Helio Z7, and with Xanthus and the Saturn-Ixion midpoint in Helio 12. Social anxieties could be powerfully felt, but your extra efforts may be poorly received. Better to keep a very low profile during these days rather than be seen as trying too hard.

The last pair of Worst Days in November are Heartbreak Days and Earth is in a T-Square with the Saturn-Jupiter midpoint. In Helio Zodiac 7, Saturn anchors two non-synchronized turbulent symmetrical triangles: with Earth and Mercury and with Mars and Sedna. Avoid confrontations of all kinds during these days. Just step away. Expect people to be more harsh than normal. Little good is likely to come from anything begun during these days.

US Thanksgiving Day is a neutral or mixed day.

In the first pair of Best Days in November, Sun gets some nice help from trines to Neptune and the Jupiter-Chiron Cinderella and Golden midpoint. Mercury as the anchor planet for multiple synchronized geometries means that quick thinking could be highlighted and real progress toward highly innovative projects could be made.

The second run of Best Days in November features Earth in a powerful aspected wedge with Pluto, Ixion and Sedna, and it’s also in a non-synchronized Mystical Triangle with Ixion and Odin. Sun gets sweetened by Vesta and moves into an enhancement from Pluto in Geo Zodiac 7. These are decent enough days for any important new beginnings which can’t wait for better stars. However, you should only move ahead if your personal stars are outstanding.

Remember this key concept: It’s the overlap of great universal AND great personal stars that creates the MAGIC! Wait for this combo for your most important initiatives or for meeting potentially important new people for love or business.

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Hang in there through these challenging times. Wait for the best combination stars to do what’s most important – that’s how you significantly improve your odds of success in anything. I send you so much love, I am so very grateful for you. And I wish you a very nice November!

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October 2021


Hey there Superstars, happy October, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for October 2021, in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m one of only 2 Certified Magi Astrologers at the highest level and I’ve brought astrology down to Earth. My unique and actionable tools, strictly based in complex scientific astrology, can help everyone achieve their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe on YouTube, and then click the notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

Good news! October is a very good month, with fewer than normal Worst Days, some really excellent Best Days, and lots more Best Days than usual.

The only run of Worst Days in October has nasty Heartbreak geometry in the Geocentric Declinations, including both Sun and Chiron. An ugly wedge sets up in Helio with Earth, Lilith, Mars, and Sappho. These geometries, combined with a Helio Zodiac 7 symmetrical triangle clash including Earth, Lilith, the Saturn-Vesta Outcast Midpoint, and the Saturn-Jupiter Confusion and Agitation Midpoint, make these very stressful days for any kind of interpersonal relationships. Try to keep a low profile and sidestep confrontations, which are unlikely to be at all productive.

Halloween weekend days are neutral or mixed.

The first run of Best Days in October enjoys a happy wedge with Sun, Neptune, Jupiter and the Chiron-Ixion midpoint. In the Geo Declinations, Sun is enhanced by Odin, Pallas, Sedna, and the Venus-Chiron Magical midpoint. In Helio there’s an impressive Flying Eagle with Earth, Eris, Odin, Vesta, Neptune, Pallas, and the Jupiter-Chiron Cinderella and Golden midpoint. These are the best money and career days of October!

The second run of Best Days in October sees Sun smooching with the Venus-Chiron Magical midpoint in the Geo Deks, and there are TWO delicious Invincible Spearheads too. More fab geometry in Geo 7 places Sun in a giant Fortress with Midas, the Jupiter-Uranus Super Fame midpoint, and the Venus-Chiron midpoint once again. Helio 12 features another gorgeous Flying Eagle which includes Earth. These days are very good for most personal or professional activities if your own ever-changing cycles are equally good.

The last run of Best Days in October features Sun in 2 super-powerful Zodiac 7 Fortresses. One with Odin, Sedna, and Chiron, and one with Odin, Sedna, and the Venus-Chiron midpoint. These are also great universal days for almost anything.

So, all those people who just didn’t know better, or just couldn’t be patient, and started things under bad September stars may already be starting to see the first rounds of problems and obstacles… You, who do know and are patient, now have a great month of opportunity ahead of you for new beginnings, as long as your personal stars do agree.

If your own stars are favorable, I hope you’ll be able to make powerful moves forward in October toward attaining your dreams. If your own personal cycles are not what they need to be, and this does happen, please hang in and wait until you’ve got the overlap of great personal AND great universal stars for your most critically important moves. It’s the COMBINATION that creates the MAGIC!

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Be blessed, and know you are loved. I pray for you every day, and I wish you an outstanding October!

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35+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

September 2021


Hey there Superstars, happy September, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for September 2021 in all 6 astrology dimensions. As one of only 2 Certified Magi Astrologers at the highest level, and as the inventor of unique and instant astrology tools, I’ve now helped tens of thousands of people in the US and around the world to make real progress toward their dreams of love and success. Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos are released.

Unfortunately, September is another crummy month, like June was. Like in June, we only have 4 Best Days in September. Unlike June, as least they are spread out throughout the month. The 4 Best Days in September, shown in yellow here, just have more positives and fewer negatives than the neutral days in white or the Worst Days in gray. I’ve warned you before that 2021 and 2022 have many heartbreaks in the Universal sky that we’ll need to work around. September exemplifies this.

The Magi Society is advocating that you wait out the entire month of September for starting anything super-important. Patience, my friends. Knowing when to make your move and when to wait really does get you there faster in the long run, even if it feels like you’re just sitting around while others are moving forward. Let them. Starting new things under heartbreak stars leads to heartbreak outcomes.

In the first run of Worst Days in September, Sun parallel the Saturn-Varuna midpoint can feel like you’re caught in solar winds – being blown hither and yon while being deep-fried at the same time. And please don’t fall into Earth-Eros-Uranus-Xanthus triangle in Helio Zodiac 7, it’s a sexual or impulsive Bermuda Triangle just waiting to happen, especially if you are in sketchy personal transits. Please temper yourself and be wise.

The second 3-day run of Worst Days in September is likely to be really garbage-y for all kinds of interpersonal relationships, business, groups, love, everything. Earth is in a disgusting Grand Cross with the Saturn-Vesta Outcast midpoint and the Saturn-Uranus Infamy midpoint. Please tread lightly, communicate with diplomacy and consideration, and forgive others their faux-pas.

We’ll need all our skills of focus, determination, and patience to continue to move forward in 2021 and 2022. We’ll have to choose our big dates with great care – these are tough times for finding good days. But there always are A FEW. Let someone else ignore Right Timing and crash and burn. Be the wise one that KNOWS.

To see the specific best and worst days for love and for money, please click on the link below.
DIY info for calculating your personal transits, and a coupon are also below, click SHOW MORE…
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And I hope you’ll visit me on my new website, still located at Visit me now: Text “Astrology” to 51555.

Our stamina and resilience continue to be tested, along with our ability to stay hopeful, balanced, attuned and centered in our truth. Tough times can strengthen you in ways that easy times can’t. Hang in there, do your best, keep your expectations reasonable, and trust the process. Here’s wishing you a more-than-just-satisfactory September!

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35+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

August 2021


Hi there Superstars, happy August, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for August 2021 in all 6 crucial astrology dimensions.

As one of only 2 Certified Magi Astrologers at the highest level, and as the inventor of unique and instant astrology tools, I’ve now helped tens of thousands of people in the US and around the world to make real progress toward their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos are released.

August is an average month, with the better days falling more toward the second half of the month.

In the first pair of Best Days in August, Sun is enhanced by Neptune, Pluto, Pallas and Eris in Geo 12 and by Jupiter in the Geo Declinations. The romantic and benevolent vibe on these days make them some of the best days for love in August, the power in these days makes them good for money too.

A week later, we get a nice long run of 7 Best Days also with good days for both love and money. These days open with seriously complex geometry in Geo including a Fortress, a Spearhead, a Yod, an Iron Butterfly, something I call a Castle, Mystical Triangles and multiple wedges – oh my – which include Sun, Ixion, Jupiter, Mjölnir, Excalibur, and Sedna.

We have 4 fairly short runs of Worst Days in August, but some of them are doozies. Worst Day run #1 consists of heartbreak days, as do so many days in 2021 and 2022. Poor Magical Chiron is getting hammered with so much Saturn energy, both from Saturn itself and also from many of Saturn’s evil lackey midpoints, over and over again in the various dimensions.

Worst Day run #2 also contains heartbreak days, and one of these is so bad for love you should really walk on eggshells.

During Worst Day run #3, we get another seriously bad day for love. In fact, the Magi Society is even advising against trying to make love at all on the two most devastating days for love in August.

We wrap up August with the final run of two Worst Days. And guess what? Heartbreak days again. 2021 and 2022 are tough years for finding good days. But there ARE some, and you can still move forward toward your dreams as long as you choose your timing very, very, carefully.

If you’ve ever wondered why some things work out that “shouldn’t” and other things don’t work out that “should,” the difference is TIMING! You can greatly improve your odds of manifesting the outcome you want by using your personal Right Timing. Timing really is just about everything!

To see the specific best and worst days for love and for money, and get the specific warnings for love, please click on the link below.

DIY info for calculating your personal transits, and a coupon are also below.

If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If not, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them. Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

And I hope you’ll come see me on my new website, still at It’s still a business, but it’s much prettier. To me it feels so much more soulful and resonant, I hope you love it too! If you click on “About Magi Helena,” and scroll down, you’ll get to see my new personal overshare.

Life is still throwing us plenty of curveballs to say the very least, but when we time our actions with care, we can still move forward. I love you, and I wish you an AWESOME August!

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35+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

July 2021


Hey there Superstars, happy July, AT LAST! It’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for July 2021 in all 6 crucial astrology dimensions.

As one of only 2 Certified Magi Astrologers at the highest level, and as the inventor of one-of-a-kind, instant, and affordable astrology tools, I’ve now helped tens of thousands of people in the US and around the world to make measurable progress toward their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

Like me, I’m sure you wondered if we would EVER get through June. But I made it in one piece, and I hope you did too! And woo-hoo, July ROCKS! We have 15 excellent days in July, quite a few more than is usual.

The first pair of Best Days in July fall over 4th of July weekend. Sun is parallel both Odin and Pluto in Geo, and is conjunct Diana and trine Uranus in Helio. These can be very positive days and are especially good for love and romance with Chiron enhanced by Ixion in Geo Zodiac 7 and a fab Fortress of Chiron, Venus, Odin and the Chiron/Ixion midpoint in Helio Zodiac 7.

Best Day run #2 brings us Sun conjunct lucky Odin and in more happy geometry in Geo Zodiac 7. Earth is conjunct Pluto and there is additional helpful geometry in Helio Zodiac 7.

Best Day run #3 still has Sun slow-dancing with Odin, fast-moving points like Odin can get into lockstep with the Sun or Earth at times. During this Best Day run, Sun conjunct Odin is at the apex of a Yod with Jupiter and Ixion in Geo, which is really a Fortress with the addition of a Ceres-Sedna conjunction as the fourth corner of the Fortress. There’s some serious money in these stars if your personal cycles agree, in fact 2 of these days are among the best money AND the best love days of July.

Best Day run #4 also contains one of the best money days in July. The positives of these days rest on points I’m not able to reveal yet though, sorry.

We have only 2 runs of Worst Days in July. The first includes a peaking Sun-Saturn clash in Geo Zodiac 7, Earth in a peaking clash with the infamous Saturn-Jupiter confusion and agitation midpoint in Helio 12, and ALSO in a peaking Heartbreak Clash in Helio Zodiac 7.

The second run of Worst Days has Sun applying in a bi-directional contra-parallel to Saturn and in a Z 7 clash with the Saturn-Neptune midpoint. In Helio, Earth is getting a nasty progression from the Saturn-Pluto midpoint, and in Zodiac 7 is in a tightly-peaking clash with the Saturn-Uranus Infamy midpoint.

If your personal cycles are good, the Best Days in July could be fabulous for taking important actions. Knowing the relative quality of the general days PLUS your ever-changing personal cycles day-to-day can be critical knowledge: Timing your actions by combining your personal best and worst days with Universal Best and Worst Days is the quickest and easiest way to manifest your best life!

To see the specific best and worst days for love and for money, please click on the link below.

Timing really is just about everything! You really CAN use the stars to improve your odds of love and success, as long as you ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles too. DIY info on that and a coupon are below, click SHOW MORE…

If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If not, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them. Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

And please visit me on for info on how to get your personal best and worst timing, how to understand your relationships, and more. Get there now: Text “Astrology” to 51555.

I feel like I’m finally coming back, I hope you are too! May you be truly blessed in everything you do. Here’s wishing you a JUMPIN’ July!

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30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

June 2021


Hey there Superstars, happy June, It’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for June 2021 in all 6 crucial astrology dimensions.

As one of only 2 Certified Magi Astrologers at the highest level, and as the inventor of one-of-a-kind, instant, and affordable astrology tools, I’ve now helped tens of thousands of people in the US and around the world to make real progress toward their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

Well, May wasn’t great, and sadly, June is worse.  Seriously though, don’t panic when you see negative days! There are always some. You’ve already lived through negative days many times in the past – you just didn’t know they were there. But even when you were in “blissful” ignorance of their presence, bad stars were active in your life – those were the times you failed at something despite your best efforts, made a bad impression when trying to make a good one, met a heartbreak instead of a soulmate, or made a major blunder when you were really trying to be wise.

Even the very “Best” days in June aren’t really good, they’re just best available. July should be much better, so if starting something new or meeting someone new is super-important, try to wait until July.

We only have 4 “Best” days in June and they are all near the beginning of the month. So anything you absolutely need to do before July should be done during these Best days if your personal cycles agree.

There’s little good geometry and few really good aspects during these June Best Days, at best there is some nice support to Sun and/or Earth from Venus, and in the Geocentric Declinations, also from Pluto, Vesta and Pallas. If you’ve got to move forward on something in June, do it on these days.

I’ve said previously, there are a lot of Heartbreak aspects in the Universal sky in 2021 and 2022. It’s just the way the planets are lining up. This makes carefully-curated date selection even more important if you want to keep up your momentum toward your dreams.

The first run of Worst Days in June is the longest worst-day run since the Magi Society started posting Best-Worst Days in 2002. It’s 14 days long! Yikes. Maybe we should all just hibernate for 2 weeks, right? There’s so much dark energy in these days, it’s hard to know where to begin. To give you some perspective, in most cases, we would say a day with ONE Heartbreak is a bad day. Most of these days have FIVE Heartbreak clashes. Please, as tough as it’s going to be, wait these days out.

The second run of Worst Days late in June are really more of the same, but with “only” 4 Heartbreak Clashes. This is a tough month!

The stars are always changing, just like life. Don’t get bummed out about negative days. If you wait them out, they can’t take you out. Good stars follow bad stars and good times follow bad times.

If you want to fulfill your dreams, be practical. If you need to be patient, BE patient. June’s a blizzard, OK, so let’s not try for a beach picnic. If you haven’t crushed yourself trying to do things at the wrong times, you’ll still be around to REALLY crush it when the time is right.

Timing really is just about everything! You really CAN use the stars to improve your odds of love and success, as long as you ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles too.

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From $9.99. Comes with 100% money-back guarantee!

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30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

May 2021


Hey there Superstars, happy May, It’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for May 2021 in all 6 crucial astrology dimensions.

As one of only 2 Certified Magi Astrologers at the highest level, and as the inventor of one-of-a-kind, instant, and affordable astrology tools, I’ve now helped tens of thousands of people in the US and around the world to make measurable progress toward their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos are released.

Unfortunately, May is not a good month. Even the “Best” days in May aren’t great, they’re just best available. We are actually recommending that you wait out May if you have any truly important first meetings or new beginnings, even if your own personal cycles are good.

One way to look at Best and Worst days in general is this: Best Days have the power to create best outcomes. Great things happen on great days. Worst Days have the power to create bad outcomes or complete failure. Bad things are much more likely to happen on bad days.

The first run of Worst Days mid-May has Sun square the Saturn-Jupiter confusion & agitation midpoint and are also Heartbreak days with an applying Heartbreak progression set up in Helio 12. Don’t expect to have much clarity on these days and please don’t make any major decisions. Please avoid meeting anyone new or starting anything new on these days also. BTW, these days are especially terrible for love and sex, so tread carefully and don’t make any waves.

Unfortunately there are a lot of Heartbreak aspects in the Universal sky in 2021 and 2022, making meticulous date selection even more important if you want to keep moving forward and not have an epic fail in love or with a business goal!

A pair of Worst days the following week also sees Sun and Earth under fire from multiple Saturnian points in multiple dimensions, and the Heartbreak clash is still applying too. Sit out these days for anything important to the extent you can, double-check your work, make nice, and don’t stir any pots.

There’s only one continuous run of Best Days in May. Too bad we have that continuing Heartbreak in Helio, otherwise these could be dynamite days for business, with the triple aspected trine of Sun with financial points Pluto, Midas and Sedna. As it is, they are just best available in May. Only that.

The stars are always changing and some months are better than others. Life contains many ups and downs. If the stars are to mirror life (which they absolutely do in accurate, science-based astrology) then the stars have to be the same. Up and down.
Everybody loves hearing good stuff but it’s frustrating and a lot less fun to hear negatives. However, telling the actual truth is the only way I can serve you with honesty and actually protect you. Forewarned is forearmed. So that is what you get from me. The truth.

Sometimes life requires us to be patient and wait longer than we would like to, to move forward. But, when we haven’t exhausted ourselves and our resources getting nowhere under bad stars, we can push ahead with full force when the stars change and start to favor success.
Don’t let knowing about negative days be a downer for you! Realize that your knowledge of negative cycles makes you one of the VERY FEW people whose efforts won’t be unknowingly destroyed by them.

To see the specific best and worst days for love and for money, please click on the link below.

Timing really is just about everything! You really CAN use the stars to improve your odds of love and success, as long as you ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles too. DIY info on that and a coupon are below.

There’s always hope. And we can always build our self-mastery to make every day easier. Hang in there, be abundantly blessed, and have a marvelous May!

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Check out the specific best and worst days for love and for money here:

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From $9.99. Comes with 100% money-back guarantee!

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30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

April 2021


Happy April Superstars, It’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for April 2021 in all 6 crucial astrology dimensions.

As one of only 2 Certified Magi Astrologers at the highest level, and as the inventor of one-of-a-kind, instant, and affordable astrology tools, I’ve now helped tens of thousands of people in the US and around the world to achieve their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

April is just an average month. Remember that general cycles impact everyone, but your most powerful influences at any time are your personal cycles, so always check those too!

One way to look at Best and Worst days in general is this: Best Days have the power to create best outcomes. Worst Days have the power to create disaster.

The first pair of Worst Days in April are peaking Heartbreak days in the Geocentric Declinations. Please don’t start something new or meet someone new during these days.

The run of Worst Days in the second week of April features among other things Sun and Earth clashes with the Saturnian Blunder Midpoint. Avoid these days for any major decisions, and if you normally double-check your work, triple-check it during these days, you’ll likely be more error-prone than usual.

The last run of Worst Days include Sun and Earth squares to Varuna, which in this turbulent geometry can make these days of extremes. These are also Heartbreak Days in Geocentric Zodiac 7, so the symbolism for these days is extreme heartbreak. Keep your head down, don’t make waves, and save new initiatives and new meetings for better stars.

April’s first pair of Best Days are some of the best days for love and success all month. These days include a Yod with Sun, Mars, Eris and Nike in a synch with Neptune and Juno in the Geo Longitudes. In Helio, Earth is conjunct and opposite the Venus-Chiron Magical Midpoint. These could be powerful days for natalizing things which involve imagination, innovation and/or sports and athletics.

The pair of Best Days the following week highlights a talent for speaking or writing, and Sun enhancements in the Geo Declinations support recognition for athletic performance. And, these are amazing days for strategizing with the Earth-Odin-Pallas Grand Trine in Helio.

The remaining Best Days in April are singletons.

To see the specific best and worst days for love and for money, please click on the link below.

Timing really is just about everything! You really CAN use the stars to improve your odds of love and success, as long as you ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles too. DIY info on that and a coupon are below, click SHOW MORE…

If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If not, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them. Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

And please visit me on for info on how to get your personal best and worst timing, how to understand your relationships, and more. Get there now: Text “Astrology” to 51555.

We’re still in a time of real challenge. Keep your attitude patient and positive, there are always more blessings to come. Here’s wishing you an awesome April!

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Check out the specific best and worst days for love and for money here:

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From $9.99. Comes with 100% money-back guarantee!

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30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

March 2021


Happy March Superstars, It’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for March 2021 in all 6 crucial astrology dimensions.

As one of only 2 Certified Magi Astrologers at the highest level, and as the inventor of one-of-a-kind, instant, and affordable astrology tools, I’ve now helped tens of thousands of people in the US and around the world to achieve their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

March starts weak but we have lots of good days mid-month! Remember that general cycles impact everyone, but your most powerful influences at any time are your personal cycles, so always check those too!

March starts with 9, yes 9. Worst. Days. That may be a record-longest Worst Day run ever. One way to look at Best and Worst days in general is this: Best Days have more light, more benevolence, more helpful energies. Worst Days have more darkness and can create more problems.

Through this first run of Worst Days, we see nasty Sun or Earth geometries evolving through things like Sedna-Sappho-Lilith, and Lilith-Xanthus-Saturn/Ixion Midpoint. Try not to start anything new or meet anyone new if possible, during this period.

The last run of Worst Days is near month-end, and these days are double heartbreak days, with heartbreak aspects in both Geo and Helio. Heartbreak days are some of the worst for both love and money, so sit out these days for anything new or important too.

March’s first run of Best Days includes some of the best days of the month for both love and success. There’s a lovely piece of geometry indicating the possibility of right guidance toward world-changing innovation, so put on your thinking caps, the world needs your best ideas. Powerfully-guided toward fame is another symbolism in these good days.

A pair of Best Days the following week also highlights innovation, good intuition, and being in the spotlight.

The last pair of Best Days improves your talent for making money and helps you have ideas which can be very lucky and which can even direct you toward making your dreams come true.

To see the specific best and worst days for love and for money, please click on the link below.

Timing IS everything! You really CAN use the stars to improve your odds of love and success, as long as you ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles too. DIY info on that and a coupon are below.

Spring is already in the air here on the West Coast and hope is in the air in our planet-wide battle against Covid-19. Adversity can make us both stronger and more compassionate even as we’re struggling for survival. Good times do follow bad times just as good stars follow bad stars. Hang tough. Together, we’ve got this. Wishing you a marvelous March!

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Check out the specific best and worst days for love and for money here:

Get 20% off any Instant Personal Astrology Calendar here: with this coupon code: ytcalendar20
From $9.99. Comes with 100% money-back guarantee!

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LEARN How to DIY your timing:

30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

February 2021


Happy February Superstars, It’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for February 2021, including Valentine’s Day, in all 6 crucial astrology dimensions.

As one of only 2 Certified Magi Astrologers at the highest level, and as the inventor of one-of-a-kind, instant, and affordable astrology tools, I’ve now helped tens of thousands of people in the US and around the world to achieve their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

We’ve got several runs of good days coming in February! Remember that general cycles impact everyone, but your most powerful influences at any time are your personal cycles, so always check those too!

February opens with a pair of Worst Days. Sun in symmetrical Zodiac 7 geometry in Geo with Sedna and a disgusting Saturn midpoint can create a selfish and unfeeling vibe. This is amped up by Helio geometry including Earth, Xanthus, and the Infamy and Blunder Saturn midpoints. These are days to seriously walk on eggshells to avoid interpersonal faux-pas! And these are also days to forgive other people their missteps.

Worst Day run #2 includes days which are no fun. Just no fun, like all the joy and play was drained out. Saturn and his flying monkey midpoints are all over this run of days, including peaking Saturn parallel Earth in the Helio Latitudes. Unfortunately, Valentine’s Day falls into these days. Please don’t meet anyone new or start anything important on these days. Please don’t get engaged, get married, or make love for the first time either. If you want the best odds for your relationship, make sure every relationship milestone happens on a good astrological day. Don’t put importance on greeting card days, they can’t help you, whereas Best Days can. Be patient and focus on the long game.

Worst Day run #3 for February are Heartbreak Days. Anything you start under Heartbreak stars, whether for love, friendship, career, health, beauty, whatever, can all-too-easily end in heartbreak. When you start something on a Heartbreak day, Heartbreak just becomes part of the story from the get-go. Please don’t start anything during this time.

The last run of Worst Days in February is another Saturn sleep-over and these days would set up many challenging progressions for anything started at during these days. Wait these days out too, please.

February’s first run of Best Days in the second week has symmetrical financial geometry in Helio 12 and Helio 7, making these potentially good days for career, business and/or making major purchases if and only if your personal stars are also very good. More geometry, this time including love AND money queens Venus and Chiron, add to the powerfully helpful nature of these days.

The run of Best Days at month-end offers more love and money help with Sun contra-parallel Venus and Sedna and receiving supportive progressions from the Jupiter-Chiron Cinderella and Golden midpoint. In Helio 12, Earth is enhanced by both Jupiter and some happy Jupiter midpoint friends. In Helio Zodiac 7, Earth forms a wedge with Chiron and Sedna. These are helpful days to start something if your personal stars are also excellent.

To see the specific best and worst days for love and for money, please click on the link below.

Timing IS everything! You really CAN use the stars to improve your odds of love and success, as long as you ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles too. DIY info on that and a coupon are below, click SHOW MORE…

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These are uncertain and very tough times. Hang in there. Be proactive with your self-care and do what you can to maintain an island of peace within you, regardless of what is going on outside. Be well, stay safe, be kind. I wish you a fabulous February!

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From $9.99. Comes with 100% money-back guarantee!

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LEARN How to DIY your timing:

30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

January 2021


Hey Superstars, It’s Magi Helena, Happy New Year!!! We’ve just about made it to 2021! In just a few days, 2020 will be hindsight. Here’s the astrological forecast for January 2021 in all 6 crucial astrology dimensions.

As the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level), and as the inventor of unique instant and affordable astrology tools, I’ve helped tens of thousands of people in the US and around the world to achieve their dreams of love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click that notification bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

January 2021 starts and ends with crummy stars, but the mid-portion of the month is good. Remember that general cycles impact everyone, but your most powerful influences at any time are your personal cycles, so always check those too!

The run of Worst Days at the beginning of January are Heartbreak Days in Geo Zodiac 7, with Sun in a Zodiac 1 clash to the Saturn-Chiron Heartbreak Midpoint. In Helio, Earth is dragged down by geometry with two other Saturn midpoints and the negativity is further amplified. Please don’t start anything new or meet anyone new under these Heartbreak stars.

At the end of January are two runs of Worst Days. In the first, Sun is in an eclipse with Saturn and the Saturn-Jupiter “confusion and agitation” Midpoint. Add in the conjunction with negativity queen Lilith and the opposition from Varuna, all in Geo. Then add the mirror of this really disgusting geometry repeating in Helio with all the same nasties. Don’t succumb to negative thoughts and don’t make major decisions or take action now. Your mind will not be clear. These are days to sit out!

The final run of worst days in January has fast-moving Lilith still creating bad progressions with Sun and Earth in Geo and Helio. Then there’s a Mars square in Geo and a Uranus T-square in Helio in case the Lilith wasn’t bad enough. Restlessness and touchy tempers, with an overall sense of pessimism and futility, are the vibes for these days. Don’t let yourself get drawn into conflict; the Saturnian Blunder Midpoint is involved too, and it would likely be a big mistake.

The first run of Best Days in January includes the best money days in the month. They feature a triple-parallel of Sun-Mercury-Pluto, a Helio 4-planet Grand Trine of Achilles, Ceres, Varuna and Venus, and in Helio, Earth is enhanced by the Chiron Recognition Midpoint.

The 5-day run of Best Days a bit later in January includes some pretty rare and spectacular Planetary Geometries: a Sun-Pluto-Sedna-Eris-Odin Fortress in Geo, and a Flying Eagle comprised of Vesta, Varuna, Achilles, Ceres, and Quaoar in Helio, also synched with Ixion. These days could also be awesome for career and business if your personal stars agree.

To see the specific best and worst days for love and for money, please click on the link below.

Timing IS everything! You CAN really use the stars to improve your odds of love and success, as long as you ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles. DIY info on that and a coupon are below.

If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If not, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them. Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

2020 tested all of us. If you survived, that’s a triumph right there, congratulate yourself. 2021 brings us new grace and new challenges as does every new beginning. Covid-19 is still continuing but we’ve learned a lot about the virus, and a lot about ourselves.

Crisis always offers opportunity. A time with fewer “go and do” options gives us the opportunity to work on ourselves. Think of this as an extraordinary chance to do deep evolutionary work. Every moment you spend on personal growth, spiritual growth, healing old traumas, and/or creating a career you love has the best return on investment of anything you could possibly do with your time and energy.

Instead of grieving for and yearning for what you can’t have right now, you can consciously choose to embrace a deferment of gratification and utilize this rare pause in our light-speed world to work on building and refining your best life!

I did some serious tear-down and rebuild, both personally and professionally in 2020, and for me the process continues. I’m always trying to be the best version of myself and make everything I offer you better too. I hope you’ll see the results of my work on these things as we roll on into the new year.

The only way out is through. Think of this time as a butterfly’s chrysalis. Our caterpillar selves crawl into darkness instinctively. We know we’re changing but we feel we have no control. All we can have is trust in the process. We have no idea in that moment, in that darkness, that one day we will emerge with wings.

So here we go!!! Into 2021! Do what you can to stay inspired and constructive. Do what you can to help those in need. Hang in there. I love you and I pray for you every day. Be the Light.

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Check out the specific best and worst days for love and for money here:

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From $9.99. Comes with 100% money-back guarantee!

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LEARN How to DIY your timing:

30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

December 2020


Hey Superstars, happy December, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for December 2020 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use their personal right timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos debut.

In the general stars, December 2020 has a great first half, and a not-great second half. Remember that these general cycles impact everyone, but your most powerful influences at any time are your personal cycles, so always check those too!

There’s a looooong run of Worst Days in late December on top of our other holiday concerns this year. Hanukkah is over before these unfavorable days begin, but unfortunately these days include Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Kwanzaa and New Year’s Eve.

Some of the nastiness in the sky during these days involves a Mars-Saturn contra-latitude in Helio, midpoint on Earth, peaking right on Christmas Day. Along with the other issues around celebrating holidays during a global pandemic, this can create aggression, impatience, frustration, discord and feelings of being trapped. It also increases the risk of physical accidents via travel or just from carving the entrée.

Because this awful peak is parallel Earth, it affects everyone on Earth. Best advice is prepare early, allow plenty of time, stay on neutral topics in conversation, be kind, don’t take anything personally, breathe deeply, and much as I hate to say this, keep your expectations for this holiday season on the low side.

Later during this disgusting run of days, we get some really fun stuff, one example is being Sedna-Xanthus-Chiron Yod. Chiron, ruler of love, Soulmates AND career is being hit by multiple Saturnian points during these days. Just a parting gift from no one’s favorite year…

The first pair of Best Days in December includes Earth in Geometry with Mercury and Pallas, making these good days for thinking and strategizing if your personal stars agree, and the Chiron Geometries in both Geo and Helio 12 make these good days for love.

The second run of Best Days in December falls during Hanukkah, and are good for both love and money if your own cycles are equally supportive. Sun and Earth are in powerful Fortresses, the Sun in Geo 7 and Earth in Helio 12.

The third run of Best Days includes Sun-Odin Geometry in Geo Zodiac 7 and an Earth-Neptune-Pluto wedge in Helio 7. These days could also be quite good for you if your own cycles are positive.

To see the specific best and worst days for love and best and worst days for money, please click on the link below.

Timing IS everything! To really use the stars to improve your odds of love and success, you have to ALWAYS add your own personal cycles into these Best/Worst days too! DIY info on that and a coupon are below, click SHOW MORE…

2020 has been a very difficult year. During stressful times we need to make the most of the good to help balance out the bad. We need to do more self-care. We need to work harder to stay inspired.

Count your blessings daily. If that doesn’t work, try twice a day. Seek out inspiration from people, art, books, music, and the internet. If something is disturbing to you, avoid it. Do everything you can to keep a positive attitude. THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

Prayer is one of the best ways to stay in the realm of Light. Pray for your loved ones, your town, your state or province, and your country. Pray for the world. Pray for planet Earth. Pray for your friends. Pray for your enemies.

I love you and I pray for you every day. I send you all blessings every day. I really do! It’s part of my dharma in the world. Be well, stay safe, we WILL get through this. I wish you a divine December, and a new year filled with Magic!

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Check out the specific best and worst days for love and for money here:

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From $9.99. Comes with 100% money-back guarantee!

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LEARN How to DIY your timing:

30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

November 2020


Hey there Superstars, happy November, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for November 2020 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use their personal right timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos are posted.

Let’s talk about the Universal, general Best and Worst Days for November. Remember that these general cycles do impact everyone, but your most powerful influences at any time are your personal cycles, so always check those out too!

November is a fairly average month, but unfortunately every one of November’s Worst Days is especially bad for money.

Voting day in the US falls on November 3. This may be a neutral or mixed day in the sky, but I do not love the energies. If you did not vote early, know your rights, come prepared with ID and everything you’ll need, allow plenty of time, be patient, and keep your cool.

The first pair of Worst Days in November could tantalize you with groundless illusions which could nevertheless seem quite plausible. Juno is influencing Sun and Earth in multiple dimensions and includes planetary amplification factors too. Do your homework; don’t be fooled, don’t fool yourself.

During the second pair of Worst Days, Sun is dragged down by the Saturn-Neptune midpoint, which puts a damper on many things, including love, money, health, creativity, and just plain having fun. Mars contra-latitude Saturn peaking in the Helio Latitudes with midpoint on Earth can tempt us all to be very harsh and could grind us all with some pretty rough grit in turn. Take a deep breath, stay in your owncenter, and BE KIND.

The third run of Worst Days in November are amplified heartbreak days and are highly negative. Try not to sign anything or initiate anything, including meeting someone for the first time, and don’t make any important decisions. You may feel hopeless or pessimistic but that will lift. Wait these nasty days out.

The first pair of Best Days in November are particularly good for money if your personal transits agree. Chiron, Odin, Quaoar, and other points are forming some great financial geometry, and innovations are especially favored. The happy money dance continues in other dimensions during these days too.

The second pair of Best Days is yummy for romance and sex with Sun in a romantic and sexual fortress. Chiron conjunct Odin make these days lucky for true love and commitment too. These are very mentally restless days, keep track of your ideas so they don’t get lost in the shuffle.

The third pair of Best Days in November are powerful days for confidence and ambition. However, these days do not especially favor money OR love. An important caveat during these days is to absolutely avoid power struggles as they are likely to be highly counter-productive.

US Thanksgiving is a neutral/mixed day in the sky, but a nice Chiron-Sun Grand Trine and some other benevolent, warm and fuzzy geometry helps to make it a pleasant day for family gatherings.

To see the days which are specifically best and worst for love and specifically best and worst for money, please click on the link below.

Please remember that to really harness the stars to improve your odds of love and success, you have to ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles too! DIY info on that and a coupon are below, click SHOW MORE…

If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If not, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them. Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

And please visit me on for info on how to get your personal best and worst timing, how to understand your relationships, and more. Get there now: Text “Astrology” to 51555.

Hang in there, make the most of these good days if your own stars agree, and have very nice November!

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Check out the specific best and worst days for love and for money here:

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From $9.99. Comes with 100% money-back guarantee!

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LEARN How to DIY your timing:

30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

October 2020


Hey there Superstars, happy October, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for October 2020 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use their personal right timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

So, here are the general opportunities on the best days in October and the warnings for the worst days. Remember that these general cycles impact everyone, but your primary influences at any time are your personal cycles, so always check those out too!

Hooray, not only is October a MUCH better month than September was, we also have a lot more Best Days than is typical in any month.
Our first run of Best Days in October lasts for 10 days in a row! As the run begins, creative ideas couple with a powerful work ethic to really help bring things toward manifestation. Sex, romance and commitment planets are dancing together, lighting up relationships with both soul connection and spice.

As we get toward the middle of this run, be sure to make note of innovative ideas, they could be divinely inspired. Friendships should be easy and free-flowing and it could be a great time to make new acquaintances and form new alliances and collaborations. And there is a TON of money in these days if your personal cycles agree.

Dedicated and highly-productive work continues to be a theme as this first run of Best Days winds down. People may find themselves wiser in the ways of love and sex than usual, and communication should be happy and seemingly guided toward deepening understandings.

Planet-wise, during the course of this run of Best Days, we see enhancements of Sun or Earth in the various dimensions by dominating Sedna, serene and creative Neptune, lucky and powerful Odin, artistic and flirtatious Venus, dynamic Mars, Eris, friendly and loyal Vesta, and several magical Chiron Cinderella midpoints.

The second run of Best Days continues the cooperative and gentle vibe and adds some serious LOVE-POWER! Almost everyone is likely to be more appealing and charismatic, and communication can be especially warm and affectionate. Despite the love in the air, there could be some do-or-die ambition on these days too.

During this run of Best Days, we see Sun or Earth enhancements by brainy Mercury, Soulmate-magnet Chiron, money-magnet Midas, sweet Vesta, the magical Venus-Chiron midpoint, powerful Pluto, fortunate Odin, and Sedna again.

The first run of Worst Days in October could create squabbles and don’t expect a lot of shows of affection. Everyone’s judgment is likely to be very poor, so avoid making major decisions and double-check to avoid mistakes. Friends could seem too needy, and you could make a bad impression if you don’t take extreme care. On these two days, Sun or Earth is dragged down with the Blunder midpoint and other Saturnian nasties.

The second run of Worst Days could make clear thinking and strategizing extremely difficult. Though it’s unlikely that you have correct or enough info, the most dangerous part of this geometry is that you might think you’ve got this when you don’t.

Relationships could be misleading, or love and romance could feel withheld. Any new love obsession is unlikely to last, or a relationship could feel far too agenda-driven, and not at all warm or tender.

Don’t let yourself overthink fears about money or career, things may actually be better than they seem during these days. You could get really anxious over something that is not even a real threat.

Do not let insecurities create any kind of confrontation. During these days, Sun or Earth are squashed by Saturn and several Saturn midpoints, and so is Chiron, ruler of true love, marriage and career.

The last run of Worst Days at month-end could create major restlessness and make it difficult to focus or get anything meaningful done. Don’t be surprised if you sand-bag your own efforts or if someone else rains on your parade. Love and affection may feel freeze-dried.

It’s even more important during these days to not engage in disputes as the consequences could be worse than you might imagine. During these days, Sun and Earth are both driven by rebellious Uranus and are sabotaged by more Saturn midpoints.

To see the days which are specifically best and specifically worst for love and for money, please click on the link below.

Please remember that to really use the stars to improve your odds of love and success, you have to ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles too! DIY info on that and a coupon are below.

Hang in there, make the most of these good days if your own stars agree, and have an amazing October!

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Check out the specific best and worst days for love and for money here:

Get 20% off any Instant Personal Astrology Calendar here: with this coupon code: ytcalendar20
From $9.99. Comes with 100% money-back guarantee!

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LEARN How to DIY your timing:

30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

September 2020


Hey there Superstars, happy September, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for September 2020 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use their personal right timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos debut.

Most of your feedback from my new format August video is that you prefer the simplified format for monthly forecast videos and they are a lot more sustainable for me to do too. I did add in just a little planetary info for those of you who need that. Let me know what you think.

So, here are your opportunities on the best days in September and warnings for the worst days. Remember that these general cycles impact everyone, but your primary influences at any time are your personal cycles, so always check those out too!

Unfortunately, September is not a great month and most of the best days are really just “least bad.” However there are two very good days for money.

September starts with 2 Best days, and these days are actually excellent for business and finances. These are especially great days for businesses dealing with the internet, media, software, apps and programming, with Sun is in a nice Grand Trine with Uranus and Pallas. These are also highly romantic days with Chiron contra-parallel Neptune in Geo. However, with the Sun-Uranus influence they might not promote commitment.

The remaining best days in September are all singletons.

The first run of Worst days in September has fortunate Odin in a conjunction/opposition clash with the Saturn/Sedna midpoint. Take care with both career and relationships under this and other negative influences on these days.

The looong run of Worst days mid-month includes Sun and Earth clashes to nasty Saturn-Sedna, and a Heartbreak clash with the Saturn-Chiron midpoint in Geo 7 which later continues on into Geo 12. The Sun/Saturn-Chiron clash is greatly amplified by geometry during the middle of these Worst days. These days are flat-out ROTTEN days for almost anything. Please wait them out. There are some specific warnings too for these days, please click on the link below to see those warnings.

The remaining Worst days in September are singletons.

Please remember that to really use the stars to up your odds of love and success, you have to ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles too! There’s a great coupon to try one of my Instant Personal Astrology Calendars almost free, in the link in the text below. If you don’t see it, click SHOW MORE…

To see the very Best and very Worst Days for love and for money in September 2020, click the link in the text below.

If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If not, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them. Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

And please visit me on for info on your personal best and worst timing, how to understand your relationships, and more. Get there now: Text “Astrology” to 51555.

Be well, stay safe, and I wish you all a super September!

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Check out the specific best and worst days for love and for money here:

Get 20% off any Instant Personal Astrology Calendar here: with this coupon code: ytcalendar20
From $9.99. Comes with 100% money-back guarantee!

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30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

August 2020

Check out the new simplified format you asked for!

Hey there Superstars, happy August, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for August 2020 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use their personal right timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

Quite a few of you have asked me to simplify my monthly videos, focus more on the life stuff instead of the technical stuff. So we’re going to give that a try for August. I’ll tell you the opportunities on the best days and my warnings for the worst days. Remember that these general cycles impact everyone, but your primary influences at any time are your personal cycles, so always check those out too!

August kicks off with two runs of worst days. During these days, clear thinking and error-free performance are likely to be difficult as we will all be more prone to confusion and mistakes. It will also be important to avoid getting drawn into power struggles on these days. Don’t let pessimistic imagination run away with you either, negative thinking never helps a situation. Keep a low profile and pay attention to social cues to avoid a major misstep which could create lasting unpopularity.

After these poor days, we have a run of best days and several singleton best days to look forward to. Expect new and innovative ideas to present themselves along with the energy and initiative to really make things happen. We should enjoy a sense of grace and spiritual connection with the Universe too. There is also a great deal of money in these days if your own cycles are good for finances. Navigate any uncertainty between tradition and change with patience. Friendships can be strengthened, and financial alliances made now could be very profitable. Wise acquaintances can offer exceptional ideas to up the recognition you receive.

After this, a pair of worst days follows, with a tendency to overcontrol or become too excessive. Don’t let fears and anxieties get the better of you during these days, and absolutely don’t make major decisions as your thinking is likely to be too skewed to the negative.

We close August with a pair of best days and one more singleton best day. These can be lucky days if your personal cycles agree and are good days for almost any kind of relationship. This could also be a good time to make strides in your career and for communication in general.

Please remember that to really leverage the stars to create love and success in your own life, you have to ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles too! There’s a great coupon to try one of my Instant Personal Astrology Calendars almost free, in the link in the text below.

If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them: Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

Hang in there, these are very challenging times. Remember that your attitude alone determines your personal experience, and even if there’s nothing else you can control, you can always control your attitude.

Be well, stay safe, and I wish you all an awesome August!

Get a $9 coupon, freebies & specials:

Check out the specific best and worst days for love and for money here:

Get 20% off any Instant Personal Astrology Calendar here: with this coupon code: ytcalendar20
From $9.99. Comes with 100% money-back guarantee!

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LEARN How to DIY your timing:

30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

July 2020

Hey there Superstars, happy July, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for July 2020 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use their personal right timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

We’ve got some good days to work with in July, and some really rotten ones too! For best days in July we have one pair and one long run of days. In the pair of best days which fortunately falls over Independence Day weekend, there’s a Sun-Vesta eclipse in Geo: Sun conjunct Vesta is in wedge geometry with financial points Ceres and Midas in the Longitudes, and in the Declinations, Sun and Vesta are in a quintuple parallel with Jupiter, Pluto, and Pallas. In Geo Zodiac 7, there’s a 7-planet Fortress with success points Midas, Ceres, Jupiter, Pluto, and also with Diana, Juno and Pallas. In Helio, there’s a spearhead with Quaoar, Varuna and lucky Odin, with Venus as the spearhead planet. There’s also an Iron Butterfly with Sedna, Juno, Diana, Saturn and Ceres. In Helio Zodiac 7, Earth is in a symmetrical triangle with success points Odin and Eris. These could be great days for friendship, fan- and alliance-building, and business in general.

In the long run of Best Days in July, golden Midas joins the parallel/contra-parallel party with Sun and company in the Geocentric Declinations. In the first portion of these days, Sun and power points Odin and Sedna form a symmetrical triangle in Geo 7, and the financial fortress from the previous Best Days continues.

As this long run of Best Days moves on, a Sun-Neptune trine forms a wedge with Jupiter, Pallas and Pluto, and Midas synchs in at the apex of a yod with Pallas and Neptune. In the Declinations, money points Odin and Neptune are contra-parallel and mutually applying. In Zodiac 7, Sun is in an aspected Zodiac 2 aspect with Chiron, Mars and Odin. In Helio, Earth begins a quadruple conjunction with Pallas, Jupiter and Pluto, all square Eris. In Helio Zodiac 7, 2 symmetrical triangles almost but not quite link together – the orbs are just a bit too wide. The first is with financial planets Venus, Sedna and Midas with Mercury. The second triangle is also with Venus, Mercury and Sedna, this time with Diana. This long run of good days is generally very good, with the emphasis on money and business, though the period when Sun is enhanced by Chiron and Odin could be great for relationships too. Just watch out for that Mars, which might stir the pot a bit!

For Worst Days in July we have 2 runs of days and 2 singletons. In the first run of Worst Days, poor Sun is in a bi-level clash with Saturn: it’s opposite Saturn and the Saturn-Jupiter and Saturn-Pluto midpoints and quincunx the Saturn-Neptune midpoint in Geo 12. In the Declinations, Sun is contra-parallel Saturn, and Chiron is in a Heartbreak clash with the Saturn-Sedna midpoint. (Oops, it’s actually the Saturn-Chiron midpoint!) In Helio a creepy Iron Butterfly holds Earth captive with Sappho, Juno, Sedna, Mars, Ceres, Saturn, and the Saturn-Pluto midpoint. In Helio 7, Earth is in symmetrical geometry with Uranus, Saturn and the Saturn-Uranus infamy midpoint. These are just plain yucky days for confidence, for business and for almost any kind of relationship. Reschedule meetings, interviews and presentations if at all possible, keep a low profile and don’t stir up controversy.

In the second run of Worst Days in July just a few days later, Sun is in a trans-dimensional Heartbreak clash with the Saturn-Chiron midpoint in the Geo Longitudes and in Geo Zodiac 7, which adds to its power. In the Deks, Sun is parallel Pallas and Xanthus, and the Chiron/Saturn-Sedna Heartbreak clash peaks.

At the beginning of this run in the Helio Latitudes, a Universal Transit of the Sappho-Lilith midpoint parallel Earth takes us all down a notch or two and can really amplify anxieties. And in Helio Zodiac 7, Earth and the “ten tons of bricks” Saturn-Sedna midpoint are hanging out. These days are really good days to sit out whenever possible.

I want to remind you that the only way to really leverage the stars to create love and success in your own life is to ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles too! There’s a great coupon to try one of my Instant Personal Astrology Calendars almost free, in the link in the text below.

These are wild times in the world now. We have to believe that on some level, uncertainty and upheaval can lead to needed changes. Show up, do your best, cultivate inner peace, do good self-care, pray for the world, be kind, and trust the process.

I wish you all a great July!

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Check out the specific best and worst days for love and for money here:

Get 20% off any Instant Personal Astrology Calendar here: with this coupon code: ytcalendar20
From $9.99. Comes with 100% money-back guarantee!

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LEARN How to DIY your timing:

30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

June 2020


Hey there Superstars, happy June, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for June 2020 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use their personal right timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos are released.

Good news is that June is a much better month than May. At the time I’m filming this video, some places are re-opening from lockdown and we are waiting to see how that is going to go…

June has 3 fairly short runs of worst days and 1 singleton worst day. In the first run of worst days, Sun conjunct Venus is square Mars and in wedge geometry with Xanthus in Geo 12. There’s also a T-square of Chiron and Juno with Mercury at the apex. Concurrently in the Geocentric Declinations, Sun is contra-parallel Lilith and Chiron is in Heartbreak Clash geometry with both the Saturn-Chiron and Saturn-Sedna midpoints. In Geo Zodiac 7, Sun is at the apex of a symmetrical triangle with Sappho and the Saturn-Chiron midpoint. In Heliocentric Zodiac 7, Earth is in a wedge with Mercury, Juno, Sappho and the Saturn-Sedna midpoint. Disagreements and/or deceptions which could lead to heartbreak are a real possibility during these days, so please be cautious.

In the second run of worst days in June, Sun is in a separating conjuncted square with Mars and Neptune. This sets up progressions which can create long-lasting grudges. In the declinations, Chiron is still creating Heartbreak progressions with the Saturn-Sedna midpoint. In Geocentric Zodiac 7, Sappho is at the apex of a nasty Yod with Xanthus and the Saturn-Chiron Heartbreak midpoint.

In the last run of worst days, Sun and Mercury at the apex of a T-Square in Geo 12 with Chiron and Juno can create failed ideals or illusions in love, and with Chiron contra-parallel the Saturn-Sedna midpoint still grinding toward exact, disappointments could be pretty devastating. In Geo 7, Sun and Mercury are caught in a symmetrical triangle with Xanthus and Saturn-Sedna.

For best days, we have one deliciously long run of best days, and 1 singleton. In the first few days of the best days run, Sun is in a conjuncted quincunx with the super-success conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto, and with strategic Pallas. In Geo 7, Sun moves into wedge geometry with Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus. In Helio 12, Earth and Ixion are in a conjuncted quincunx with Sedna and are synched with an Iron Butterfly which also includes Juno, Saturn, and Odin. In the Helio Latitudes, lucky and dominant Odin is moving toward an exact parallel with Earth.

As we move through this long run of best days, Sun in Geo 7 moves into a lovely Fortress with Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune. In Helio 12, there’s a nice financial quincunx between Chiron and Midas. In the Helio Latitudes, the fabulously helpful Jupiter-Odin midpoint is now applying toward exact with Earth, and there is a stair-step parallel of 3 financial planets, Venus, Neptune, and Pluto. This parallel is also sexual and romantic, so try not to be all work and no play.

I just want to remind you that the only way to really harness the stars to create love and success in your own life is to ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles too! There’s a great coupon to try one of my Instant Personal Astrology Calendars almost free, in the link in the text below.

Please join me in sending Love and Light to all of our essential workers, and in prayer that a successful treatment or cure can be found for Covid-19.

I wish you all a glorious June!

Get a $9 coupon, freebies & specials:

Check out the specific best and worst days for love and for money here:

Get 20% off any Instant Personal Astrology Calendar here: with this coupon code: ytcalendar20
From $9.99. Comes with 100% money-back guarantee!

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LEARN How to DIY your timing:

30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

May 2020

Transcript: Happy May Superstars, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for May 2020 in all 6 astrology dimensions. I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use their personal right timing to help them achieve love and success. Please subscribe on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop. May is not a great month. There are only 5 best days in the whole month, and 11 worst ones. So, if we’re still staying in, at least we aren’t missing a bunch of great days for natalizations! And even though we may still be staying in a lot in May, it doesn’t mean that this time is lost or wasted. Many silver linings can come from a period of dark clouds. Stay inspired and use this time well! May has 2 runs of worst days and 2 singleton worst days. In the first portion of the looong first run of worst days in May there is a Sun clash with Saturn in Geocentric Zodiac 7, and Chiron is in a Heartbreak contra-parallel with the Saturn-Sedna midpoint in the declinations. Earth is in a Heartbreak Clash with the Saturn-Chiron midpoint in Helio Z7 and Lilith is tightly applying to Earth in the Helio Latitudes. Later during this first run of worst days, in Helio, Earth is in a T-Square with Midas and the Saturn-Neptune midpoint AND in a really nasty Invincible Spearhead with Juno, Mercury, the Saturn-Neptune midpoint, Pluto, the Saturn-Jupiter midpoint, and with Lilith conjunct Xanthus forming the shaft of the spear. Mercury-ruled things like communication of all kinds will likely be very negatively impacted so take great care. The second run of worst days has Sun contra-parallel Saturn and the Saturn-Jupiter midpoint. Also, Chiron is in a Heartbreak contra-parallel with the Saturn-Sedna midpoint. In Helio, Earth is square the Saturn-Chiron Heartbreak midpoint and opposite Sedna. And, in Helio Zodiac 7, a Fortress of Chiron, Sedna, Lilith, the Saturn-Venus midpoint, and Ceres does not look likely to bring much good. For best days, we have 2 pairs and 1 singleton. In both pairs of best days, Sun is in a separating contra-parallel with Jupiter, which will create some very nice progressions in the progressed transits. In the first pair of best days in Geo 7, Sun is in a yod with financial planets Ixion and Midas. In Helio 12, Earth is in a Mystical Triangle with Vesta and Chiron. Synched with this Mystical Triangle is a yod with Vesta and Uranus, with Earth at the apex. These should be good days for relationships of all kinds, teamwork, and any Uranus-ruled endeavors. In Helio Zodiac 7, a big Fortress of Earth, Midas, Vesta and Neptune, synched with Angelic Diana brings more friendship, and good guidance toward financial opportunities. In the second pair of best days in May, Sun is in a big symmetrical triangle with Diana and financial planet Quaoar in Zodiac 7. In Helio 12, Earth is conjunct Venus and just barely misses being part of a nice Fortress of Venus, Mercury, Vesta, and Uranus. In the Helio Latitudes, Venus and Uranus are contra-latitude, with their midpoint applying to Earth. In Helio 7 Earth and Venus are in a Fortress with Vesta, Diana and Midas, and this Fortress is synched with a fabulous symmetrical financial triangle of Venus, Neptune and Midas. I just want to remind you that the only way to get the maximum help from the stars to create love and money in your life is to ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles too! There’s a great coupon to try one of my Instant Personal Astrology Calendars almost free, in the link in the text below. If you don’t see it, click SHOW MORE… To see the specific Best and Worst Days for May 2020, click another link in the text below. If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If not, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them: Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos. Once again, I want to send out a heartfelt thank you to all of our essential workers now. Thank you so much for your dedication and heroism! And wishing all of you a marvelous May! Get a $9 coupon, freebies & specials: Check out the specific best and worst days for love and for money here: Get 20% off any Instant Personal Astrology Calendar here: with this coupon code: ytcalendar20 From $9.99. Comes with 100% money-back guarantee! To share this video, send this link: LEARN How to DIY your timing: 30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

April 2020


Happy April Superstars, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for April 2020 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use their personal right timing to help them achieve love and success. And as you see, my arm is healing – no more cast or sling. Now I’m just working to get my strength and range of motion back. Thank you for your love and prayers.

Please subscribe on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos are released.

April is quite a good month, with many good days and few bad ones. I just want to remind you, though, that the only way to really leverage the stars to improve your odds of success with love and money are to ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles too! There’s a great coupon to try one of my Instant Personal Astrology Calendars, with a 100% money-back guarantee, in the link in the text below. If you don’t see it, click SHOW MORE…

I’m hoping and praying that the good days in April will enable the world to make real and important progress in the battle against COVID-19. Please join me in praying for a cure.

Though we may still be staying in in April, do what you can to stay inspired and positive. Think, meditate, dream, pray. Read, learn something new, create. Move, stretch, eat healthy food. Set new intentions and goals. Think physical distance together with loving remote connection. This is a GIANT cosmic reboot. We each of us have an opportunity within this crisis to evolve into our best selves and bring our light ever more powerfully into the world. Make this time count!

April starts with a long run of very good days. During these days, Sun is in geometry with Angelic Diana, amplifier Ceres, super-charged Odin, and the financial planet Quaoar in Geocentric Zodiac 7. In Helio, Earth is quincunx Neptune in both standard Zodiac 12 and Zodiac 7, synched with Odin in Zodiac 7. Also in Helio 7, a Fortress of Venus, Mars, Chiron, and Sedna could breathe some life into businesses and financial markets. There’s also a nice loving, sexual component to this Fortress if you’re quarantined with someone you love. The rest of the Best Days in April are singletons.

The Worst Days in April are all singletons – this is great, as it means we won’t have long waits for better days as we have in some months.

Click the link in the text below to see the specific Best and Worst Days for April 2020.

If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If not, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them with this link . Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

And please visit me on for info on your personal best and worst timing, how to understand your relationships, and more. Get there now: Text “Astrology” to 51555.

I’m lucky that my team and I all work remotely, so our work continues… if we can help you, please reach out. Please ALWAYS remember that good stars follow bad stars and good times follow bad times. Be proactive in staying positive. And here’s a HUGE thank you to all of our essential workers now – we could NEVER make it without you!!!

Wishing you all an auspicious April!

Get a $9 coupon, freebies & specials:

Check out the specific best and worst days for love and for money here:

Get 20% off any Instant Personal Astrology Calendar here: with this coupon code: ytcalendar20
From $9.99. Comes with 100% money-back guarantee!

To share this video, send this link:

LEARN How to DIY your timing:
30+ years of statistical research has proven… In Success and Love, Timing is EVERYTHING!

March 2020


Happy March Superstars, it’s Magi Helena, coming to you with my new fashion accessory due to my broken arm. I am so grateful for voice recorder technology… typing one-handed is a very SLOW thing! Here’s the astrological forecast for March 2020, including St. Patrick’s Day, in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use their personal right timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

March is a fairly good month. I just want to remind you, though, that the only way to really leverage the stars to improve your odds of success with love and money are to ALWAYS factor in your own personal cycles too! There’s a great coupon to try one of my Instant Personal Astrology Calendars, with a 100% money-back guarantee, in the link in the video description below. So if you really want to get what you want, write March Best + My Stars in the comments below.

OK, March kicks off with two runs of worst days. In the first run, Sun is conjunct and opposite the Saturn-Venus midpoint and quincunx Sappho. In the Declinations, Sun is parallel the Saturn-Sedna midpoint. In Helio, Earth is square Lilith and Vesta.

In the second run, Sun is still conjunct/opposite the Saturn-Venus midpoint. In Geo Zodiac 7, Sun is in a wedge with contaminant Sappho, and both the Saturn-Jupiter and Saturn-Pluto midpoints.

In the third run of Worst Days in March in Helio 12, Earth is in a T-Square with Neptune and Vesta and is quincunx the Saturn-Neptune midpoint.

In the next run, in Geo and in Helio, we have Sun and Earth conjunct/opposite the Saturn-Sedna midpoint. Sun is parallel the Saturn-Venus midpoint in the Declinations. In Helio 7, Earth is in a clash with the Saturn-Chiron Heartbreak midpoint.

In the last run of Worst Days in March, Sun is in a Grand Cross with Sappho, Midas, Lilith, and Quaoar in Geo Zodiac 12. In Helio 12, Earth is conjunct Sappho and opposite Chiron. These could be difficult days in relationships! In Helio 7, Earth is in a clash with the Saturn-Jupiter midpoint.

There are 3 runs of Best Days and 1 singleton Best Day in March. In the first pair of best days, Sun is parallel angelic Diana in the Geocentric Declinations. In the Geo Zodiac 7 Longitudes, Sun is in a Fortress with financial Midas, Juno and Saturn. In Helio Zodiac 12, Earth is at the apex of a yod with financial planet Eris and the Jupiter-Chiron Cinderella/Golden midpoint. This yod is also synched with financial planets Odin and Pluto. In Helio Zodiac 7, Earth is again with the Jupiter-Chiron midpoint, this time in a Fortress with financial planets Quaoar and Venus.

OOPS!!! I left something out of the video script! Corrections below:

On St. Patrick’s Day party night March 14, Sun in Geo 12 is the spearhead planet in an Invincible Spearhead with Diana, Vesta, Sedna, Eris, the Jupiter-Chiron midpoint, and Pluto. In Helio 12, Sun conjunct Diana anchors a Grand Trine with Sedna and Odin and a Yod with Eris and the Jupiter-Chiron midpoint. So it’s a pretty favorable day, but as always be careful out there!

In the next pair of Best Days in March which includes St. Patrick’s Day March 17, Earth is in a Fortress with Midas, Venus, Eris and Jupiter. There’s a lot of money in these days IF your personal stars agree!

In the last run of Best Days, Sun is parallel/contra-parallel Diana and Chiron in the Geo Deks. In Geo Zodiac 7, Sun is in a Fortress with Vesta, Odin, and financial planet Ixion. In Helio 7, Earth is in a symmetrical triangle with Uranus, Saturn and Pluto.

Click the link in the description below to see the specific Best and Worst Days for March 2020.

If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If not, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them with this link Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

Thank you to everyone who’s reached out to me with your healing Light and prayers! And to everyone who’s waiting a little longer to speak with me right now, thank you for your patience.

Wishing you all a marvelous March!

February 2020


Happy February Superstars, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for February 2020, including Valentine’s Day, in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries around the world to understand how to use their personal right timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

February is only a so-so month, with only a few good days and lots of bad ones. So for the best possible outcomes, you’ll need to be careful and cherry-pick the days you choose for important new beginnings. Please write Cherry-pick February Days in the comments below.

In the loooong run of Worst Days in February, Sun is slam-dancing with the “Ball and Chain” Saturn/Neptune midpoint either in the Geocentric Longitudes or the Geo Declinations, or both in an eclipse. In Helio 12, Earth is in clashes with Saturn, Mars, the Saturn/Pluto midpoint and the Saturn/Neptune midpoint. In Helio Zodiac 7, Earth repeats some of these same clashes, and also forms a symmetrical long-term downer triangle with Neptune and Lilith. In the Helio Latitudes, Saturn is peaking in an exact parallel with Earth. These are tough days to feel upbeat or hopeful and very poor days to start anything new or meet anyone new.

In the longest run of Best Days in February which includes Valentine’s Day, Sun is conjunct the Jupiter/Chiron Cinderella midpoint in Geo 12. In Helio 12, Earth is enhanced by Pluto and in a Grand Trine with financial planet Eris and strategic Pallas. In Helio Zodiac 7, Earth is in a Fortress with Mercury, Neptune, and Ceres. This would be especially helpful for anyone in a creative field and ups the verbal and poetic romance of these days. Earth and Ceres are also synched in a symmetrical triangle with the Venus/Chiron Cinderella midpoint, which creates an apex for the Fortress and adds even more good fortune and romance.

Late in the month, a pair of Best Days have Sun enhanced by Mercury and Midas in a conjuncted trine in Geo 12. In the Geo Declinations, Sun is parallel the Jupiter-Chiron Cinderella midpoint and contra-parallel Venus. In Helio 12, Earth is in a Grand Trine with Uranus and Quaoar and is also enhanced by Chiron. In the Latitudes, Earth is powerfully enhanced by a peaking Jupiter parallel Earth.

Click the link here to see the specific Best and Worst Days for February 2020.

I’m offering great Valentine’s specials on Personal Love Astrology Calendars and Love Compatibility Reports February 13-19. Get 30% off with this code: LOVE30.

Valentine’s Specials Feb. 13-19, 2020 Use code: LOVE30

Personal Love Calendar from $9.99
Personal Success + Love Calendar from $19
Personal Romance & Sex Calendar from $19
Complete Relationship Report $59
Date-Fax Report $9.99
Ruling Astrology Chart Report $19

All come with 100% money-back guarantee!

I hope this video helps you plan your month. If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If not, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them:   Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

Here’s wishing you a fabulous February!

January 2020


Happy New Year and Happy New Decade, Superstars, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for January 2020, including New Year’s Day, in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries around the world to understand how to use their personal right timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos debut.

January is a much better month than December was, with a lot of really good days! Let’s make it count!!

In the first run of Worst Days in January which includes New Year’s Day, Sun is in a Geocentric eclipse with the Saturn/Jupiter Nuclear midpoint and in a Mystical Triangle with Sappho. This can create agitation and anxiety which could be completely off base. With Sun parallel the Saturn/Pluto midpoint also factored in, these are not likely to be anyone’s most confident days either.

In the second run of Worst Days in January, there’s a yucky Sun-Saturn eclipse in Geo and Earth is opposite Saturn in Helio. Add to this the trans-dimensional Sun and Earth conjunctions/oppositions with the Saturn/Pluto midpoint and you get a good idea about how unhelpful and insecure these days are too. In Geo 7, the symmetrical geometry with Sun, Uranus and the Saturn/Uranus infamy midpoint emphasize the need to keep a low profile on these days.

In the Worst Days later in the month, Sun and Earth are both set up to form Heartbreak Progressions with the Saturn/Chiron midpoint, making these very bad days for any type of new beginnings.

In the first run of Best Days in January, Sun is parallel Pluto and in a Conjuncted Trine with Mercury and Vesta in Geo. In Helio, Earth is quincunx Pallas, and the Venus/Chiron Magical midpoint is applying to Earth in the Latitudes. In Geo 7, Sun and Mercury are in a Zodiac 3 aspect with Diana. In Helio 7, Earth is again aspecting Pallas, and is also aspecting Chiron. These should be very good days for thinking, for gaining clarity, and for getting along with other people.

In the looooong run of Best Days later in the month, Earth is trine Chiron in Helio 12 through most of them. In Helio 7, Earth is in POWERFUL Fortress geometry with Mars, Jupiter, Odin and the Venus/Chiron Magical midpoint. This can create great good fortune and momentum for anything started during these days, whether for love or money – but of course, ONLY if your personal cycles agree.

There are also a couple of Best Days near month-end. During these days, in Geocentric Zodiac 7, Sun is in a yod with Mars and Midas and synched with Chiron. In Helio 12, Earth is in a conjuncted quincunx with lucky points Jupiter and Odin. Earth is also enhanced by Odin in Helio 7 and further synchronized with the Venus/Chiron Magical midpoint. These are also very good days for both money and love.

Click the link here to see the specific Best and Worst Days for January 2020.

I hope this video helps you plan your January. If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If not, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them . Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

I want to wish you all wonderful January and a truly blessed new year and new decade!

December 2019


Happy Holidays Superstars, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for December 2019, including Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s Eve in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries around the world to understand how to use their personal right timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

December is only a so-so month, but you can still have a great holiday season!

In the first run of Worst Days in December, Earth is in a quincunx with the Saturn-Jupiter Nuclear midpoint and opposite Pallas in wedge geometry in Helio 12. This can create a lot of confused and upsetting over-thinking. In Geo 7, Sun is in a Fortress with Xanthus, Vesta and the Saturn-Sedna midpoint, which has the potential of making interpersonal dealings rough. A symmetrical triangle in Helio 7 with Earth, Juno and the Saturn-Chiron Heartbreak midpoint could lead to heartbreaking misjudgments.

In the second run of Worst Days in Helio 12, Earth is in a stressful financial T-Square with Sappho and Neptune. Similar financial clashes have created “Fear Vortex” sell-offs in financial markets in the past.

Mid-month, Sun in a Fortress with Xanthus, Pluto, Venus, the Saturn-Venus midpoint and the Saturn-Sedna midpoint may also have a negative financial effects, and Earth in a yod with Lilith and Ceres in Helio 7 won’t improve anyone’s emotional outlook.

In the Worst Days near the end of December, which include New Year’s Eve, a Sun-Sappho-Vesta mystical triangle is synched with Lilith. This can create social anxieties and a somewhat negative vibe in general. This is a good evening to stay with your friends and not try to meet a lot of new people.

In the only Best day at the beginning of the month, Sun is conjunct Pallas and synched with a Venus-Midas-Mars-Juno Fortress. This day has both money and sex, though you might be drawn to intellectual puzzles too.

Mid-month, the two Best days include a Sun-Odin conjunction forming a conjuncted quincunx with Sedna in Geo 12. In Helio Zodiac 7, Earth is in a Fortress with Uranus, Venus, Saturn and Pluto.

The eight days of Hanukkah fall over 2 best days, with no worst days. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are neutral days. Most of Kwanzaa falls over best or neutral days, though there are 2 worst days near the of end of Kwanzaa. And, New Year’s Eve as we’ve already discussed, is a worst day.

I hope this video helps you plan your December. If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If not, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

I want to wish you and your loved ones a warm, wonderful, happy and blessed holiday season. So Much Love, Helena

November 2019


Happy November Superstars, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for November 2019, including US Thanksgiving, in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries around the world to understand how to use their personal right timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos debut.

November is a better than average month! Want to make this your best November? Cultivate your attitude of gratitude, and write November Gratitude in the comments below.

In the first run of Best days in the beginning of the month, Sun is enhanced by Quaoar and the Jupiter/Neptune midpoint in the Geocentric Declinations and there’s also a nice parallel of Jupiter and Odin.

In the Geo 12 Longitudes, there’s a lucky money Fortress comprised of Diana, Midas, Odin and the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint. In Helio 12, Earth is in Mystical Triangle geometries with Ceres, the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint, and Diana, and with Mars and the Jupiter/Neptune midpoint.

Also in Helio 12, there’s another money Fortress with Diana and Midas, this time with Ceres, the Venus/Pluto and Jupiter/Pluto midpoints, and the Venus/Neptune and Jupiter/Neptune midpoints. Helio 7 has Earth enhanced by Pallas and Neptune, and there’s a Midas-Odin-Mercury symmetrical triangle.

The Best days mid-month include a Sun-Eris-Jupiter-Ixion-Chiron/Neptune midpoint Fortress in Geo 12, an Earth-Vesta-Pluto-Venus-Mercury-Odin Fortress in Helio 12, and a third Fortress of Earth-Midas-Odin with the Jupiter/Neptune midpoint in Helio 7.

Late in November, the Best days include a Sun-Uranus-Chiron-Venus-Quaoar Fortress in Geo 12 and a Sun-Neptune enhancement in Geo 7. In Helio 12, Earth is in Dragon geometry with Uranus, Chiron, Jupiter, Quaoar, and the Venus-Chiron midpoint. There is also a Neptune-Midas-Mars-Jupiter/Chiron midpoint Flying Eagle. In Helio 7, Earth forms a wedge with Ixion and the Jupiter/Chiron midpoint, and there is a Midas-Vesta-Odin-Jupiter/Neptune midpoint Fortress too.

US Thanksgiving Day is a neutral or mixed day in 2019. A Sun-Pallas conjunction in Geo 12 should help things go as planned; and Earth enhancements by Jupiter in both Helio 12 and Helio 7 should also help keep things smooth and upbeat.

In first run of Worst Days mid-November, Sun in a triple-aspected opposition with Lilith, the Saturn/Juno midpoint and Sedna could feel very disheartening and disempowering. A Sun-Lilith-Xanthus-Juno-Saturn triangle in Geo 7 further erodes our hopefulness until it passes. The great news is that bad stars ALWAYS pass! Don’t give your feelings a lot of power on bad days, and don’t make big decisions under bad influences.

On those same days, Earth is in an aspected T-Square with Sedna, Xanthus and the Saturn/Chiron Heartbreak midpoint. Do not let yourself get dragged into office politics or some kind of power struggle that could have lasting negative consequences.

In the late run of Worst Days in November, a Sun-Lilith parallel in the Geo Deks dampens spirits again, while a Grand Cross in Helio 12 with Mercury, Sedna, Lilith and the Saturn-Chiron midpoint could create potentially-heartbreaking issues with communication. Keep it clean and keep it clear on these difficult days, keep a low profile, and don’t stir up any trouble. If you are preparing to entertain for Thanksgiving, plan, shop, and cook well ahead, keep your attitude positive, and know that the stars shift into better patterns by Thanksgiving day.

I hope this video helps you plan your November. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them: . Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

I want to wish you all a joyous November. This is my favorite time of year – a time I spend extra energy focusing on my blessings. YOU – my clients, customers, students, friends, supporters, viewers – YOU make my every day blessed. Thank you. I am SO grateful! So much Love, Helena

October 2019


Hey there Superstars, it’s Magi Helena. Happy October! Here’s the astrological forecast for October 2019, including Halloween, in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries around the world to understand how to leverage timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

October’s Best days are almost all singletons, with only one pair of Best days late in the month The Worst days include several runs of bad days, and a few singletons too.

Want to make this your best October? Write Halloween Win in the comments below.

With all the singletons in October, we won’t be able to touch on all of them, but let’s look at a few.

October first is a Best day, and it has several nice things going for it. In the Geo declinations, Sun is contra-parallel Chiron, which can make it a good day for both career and love. In Geo Zodiac 7, Sun is in symmetrical geometry with Uranus and Pluto. In Helio 12, there’s a flying eagle with Earth, Odin, Juno and Vesta. In the Helio Latitudes there’s a nice Chiron-Mercury contra-latitude, making communications sweet.

In the pair of Best Days late in the month in Geo 7, Sun is in a yod with Sedna, Jupiter and Ceres. In Helio 12, Earth conjunct Uranus is at the apex of a yod with Mars and Pallas, these planets also form a Fortress with Mercury and are synched with Chiron as a Spearhead. In the Latitudes, financial points Odin and Ceres are in a mutually-applying parallel. In Helio 7, Earth is enhanced by Pluto, and there’s a financial triangle of Venus, Chiron and Sedna.

In first run of Worst Days in October, Sun is tightly square Saturn in Geo 12. In Geo 7, Sun is in a clash with the Saturn-Sedna midpoint. In Helio 12, Earth is in a quincunx clash with the Saturn-Jupiter midpoint and Lilith. I also don’t like the look of a Mars, Sedna, Saturn-Chiron Heartbreak midpoint Mystical Triangle. This could create a real battleground situation with lasting bad consequences, so please be careful. In Helio 7 Earth synched with Xanthus, Mercury, Ceres and the Saturn-Chiron midpoint, which ups the yuck factor even further.

In the later run of Worst Days in October, the Saturn-Venus midpoint is going exact on Earth in the Helio Latitudes, bringing worries and problems about affection and money to the forefront for everyone. The applying clash of the Saturn-Sedna midpoint with Vesta doesn’t help interpersonal compatibility one bit. In Helio 7, Earth in a clash with both Saturn and the Saturn-Pluto midpoint doesn’t make things easy and the progression from Xanthus to Earth has a negative effect too.

This second run of Worst Days includes the Saturday of the weekend preceding Halloween, which is usually the day most adults will be out partying, so please use caution. However, the stars improve dramatically after Saturday, with Sunday being one of October’s best days.

Click the link below to see the specific Best and Worst Days for October.

I hope this video helps you plan your month. If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If not, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them . Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

And please come visit me on for info on your personal best and worst timing, and a lot more.

I hope you have a terrific October! Boo!

September 2019


Happy September Superstars, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for September 2019 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries around the world to understand how to use star-timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe here on YouTube, and then click the little bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos debut.

September’s Best days and Worst days include several runs of both kind of days, and several singletons, throughout the month.

September 2019’s a plenty good month, want to make it really work for you? Write Leverage September Stars in the comments below.

In the first run of Best Days, Sun is trine Pluto and parallel Chiron in Geo 12. There’s a 4-planet conjuncted trine with Mercury, Venus, Vesta and Sedna, and Neptune is trine Odin and mutually-applying by progression. In Helio 12, Earth is conjunct Neptune, and in Helio 7, Earth is in a Fortress with Neptune, Midas, Odin and Mercury.

In the second run of Best Days in September, in Geo 12, Sun is in a Longbow with Sedna, Vesta and Odin. In the Geocentric Declinations, Venus is contra-parallel Mars, Chiron and Juno. In Helio Zodiac 12, Earth is in a Fortress with Jupiter, Venus and Sedna. In Helio 7, Earth, Chiron, Venus and Juno are in another piece of romantic-sexual geometry – this time an aspected Yod. These are great days Universally for love, romance and sex.

In first run of Worst Days in September, Sun is parallel Sappho in the Geo Deks. In the Geo Longitudes in Zodiac 12, Sun conjunct Mars in a T-Square with Neptune and Jupiter could bring lasting anger over something blown out of proportion.

In Geo Z7, Sun is in a clash wedge with the Saturn-Jupiter Nuclear midpoint and the Saturn-Chiron Heartbreak midpoint. In Helio 12, there’s a nasty Grand Cross with Sedna, Sappho, the Saturn-Chiron midpoint and the Saturn-Venus midpoint – this could create power struggles with highly negative consequences. Take it easy and avoid getting embroiled in any type of dispute on these days.

In the second run of Worst Days, Sun is in a Heartbreak Clash, bi-directionally applying in a quincunx with the retrograde Saturn-Chiron midpoint. In Helio 12, Earth is conjunct the Saturn-Sedna midpoint. In Helio 7 Earth and the Saturn-Sedna midpoint make an ugly wedge with Sappho and Xanthus.

In the third run of Worst Days, in Geo 12, Mars is in a peaking bi-directionally applying opposition with the retrograde Saturn-Sedna midpoint and in wedge geometry with Xanthus. This could bring deal-breaking frustration with someone or something. In Helio 12, the Earth is now past the Saturn-Sedna midpoint in conjunction, but this now creates a very long progression of this awful midpoint to Earth in any natalizations made at this time. In Helio 7 a Yod with Earth, Saturn-Sedna, Venus and Sappho could create a lot of anxiety about demonstrations of affection (i.e. too much or too little) and/or anxiety about lack of money.

I hope this video helps you plan your September. If you liked this video please click like, thank you! If not, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

I hope you have a fantastic September!

August 2019


Happy August Superstars, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for August 2019 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries around the world to understand how to use star-timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe on YouTube, and then click the bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

August’s Best days and Worst days include several runs of each kind of days, and several singletons, throughout the month.

In the first run of Best Days, Sun is conjunct Venus and trine Jupiter in Geo 12, and is parallel Pallas in the Geocentric Declinations. In Helio 12, Earth is conjunct (and of course opposite) the Jupiter-Chiron Cinderella midpoint. In Helio Zodiac7, Earth is in a Cinderella Fortress with Ceres, Jupiter, Sedna and Chiron.

In the second run of Best Days in August, in Geo 12, Sun is still conjunct Venus, and now the pair of them sit at the apex of a romantic and financial Yod with Pluto and Neptune. In Geo 7, Sun is in a Fortress with Venus, Uranus, Neptune and Ceres and is in a second synched Fortress with Pluto, Uranus and Ceres. These are great days for love AND money!

In the third run of Best Days, Sun is still conjunct Venus and now Juno too, and the three are all in a Mystical Triangle with Sedna and Ixion and synched with Pallas. In Helio 12, Earth is at the apex of a Longbow with Vesta and Ixion, and in a Mystical Triangle with Odin and Midas.

In the first run of Worst Days in August, Sun is conjunct Sappho and conjunct and opposite the Saturn/Chiron Heartbreak Midpoint and they are tightly bi-directionally applying in Geo 12. In Zodiac 7 Geo, Sun is in a bi-directional applying clash with the Saturn/Sedna Midpoint. And, Sun is contra-parallel and mutually-applying with Lilith. Earth is also conjunct and opposite the Saturn/Chiron Midpoint and in a T-Square with Sedna and Sappho in Helio 12. In Helio 7, Earth is at the apex of a symmetrical triangle with Mercury and Lilith. These are really crummy days. PLEASE don’t meet anyone new or start anything new that’s important on these days!!!

In the second run of Worst Days, Sun is contra-parallel and mutually-applying with the Saturn/Chiron midpoint in the Geo Declinations, making these Heartbreak Days too. In Helio 7, Earth is in a wedge with Mercury and Xanthus.

Click this link to see the specific Best and Worst Days for August: 

I hope this video helps you plan your month ahead. If you liked this video please click like, I would really appreciate it! If not, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

I hope you have a warm and wonderful August!

July 2019


Hey Superstars, Happy July, it’s Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for July 2019, including Independence Day, in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use star-timing to help them achieve love and success.

Please subscribe right here on YouTube, and then click the bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos are released.

July 2019’s another pretty good month. What’s your goal for July in 3 words? Tell us in the comments below.

July’s Best and Worst days are mostly scattered throughout the month. This is great, because it means we don’t have to wait too long for a Best day to do something important, or have to wait out too many Worst days either.

Independence Day, the 4th of July, falls on a Thursday in 2019, and it’s a Magi Best Day.

On July 4th, Sun is in powerful geometry in the Geocentric Declinations – parallel Venus, and contra-parallel Jupiter and Pluto. In Geo Zodiac 7, Sun is in a symmetrical triangle with Odin and the Jupiter/Chiron Cinderella midpoint and is also in Fortress geometry with Jupiter, Odin and the Venus/Chiron Cinderella midpoint. In Helio 7, Earth is in a Yod with Venus and Odin.

In the first pair of Best days mid-July, in Helio 12, Earth is in an Iron Butterfly with Pluto, Odin, Juno, and Vesta, and in a synched Yod with Midas and Odin. In Helio 7, Earth is in geometry with Pluto, Uranus, Mars, Juno and Midas.

In the second pair of Best Days in July, Sun is in a Fortress with Mercury, Odin, Ixion, Sedna and the Venus/Chiron midpoint in Geo 12. In Helio, Earth is in a somewhat similar Fortress with Mercury, Sedna, Midas and Ixion, and there’s also all kinds of additional geometry: A Grand Trine with Jupiter, Mars, Juno and Vesta, and an Iron Butterfly with Pluto, Vesta, Mars, Juno and Odin.

In the one run of three Worst days in July, Sun is in a Heartbreak clash with the Saturn-Chiron midpoint in Geo 12. In Geo 7, Sun is in turbulent geometry with the Saturn/Jupiter Nuclear midpoint and the Saturn/Venus midpoint. In Helio 12, Earth is also in a clash with the Saturn-Chiron Heartbreak midpoint. Coupled with these Heartbreak energies, the Helio 7 yod of Earth, Juno, Mars and Neptune could create lasting disagreements or even enemies based on a complete fallacy or misunderstanding, so be careful, keep things clear, and don’t allow anything to escalate.

I hope this video helps you in July. If you liked this video please click like! If not, OK, click dislike. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them Remember, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

And please come visit me on for info on your personal best and worst timing, lessons, how to understand your relationships, and more.

I hope you have an absolutely wonderful July!

June 2019


Happy June, Superstars, this is Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for June 2019, including Father’s Day weekend, in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use star-timing to achieve their dreams.

June’s first run of worst days has Sun synched with Lilith, Ceres, Saturn, Uranus, Vesta, and the Saturn/Pluto and Saturn/Uranus midpoints in Zodiac 7. Unfortunately, this run of days includes Father’s Day weekend, so you may need to make an extra effort to keep feathers unruffled and watch out for out-of-the-blue disagreements. During that same time, Earth is in a wedge with Sedna and the Saturn/Chiron Heartbreak midpoint AND also a yod with Sedna and Lilith in Helio 12, and in geometry with Pallas and the Saturn/Neptune midpoint in Helio 7.

In the second run of worst days for June, Sun is square Chiron and the Saturn/Venus midpoint in Geo Zodiac12. In Helio 12, Earth is conjunct and opposite the Saturn/Jupiter Nuclear midpoint and in a Yod with Venus and Pallas, and the Saturn/Venus midpoint is on a collision course with Earth in the Helio Latitudes.

The best June days are in 3 runs of good days. The first run of best days in June has Sun contra-parallel Jupiter and in a Grand Trine with the Jupiter/Chiron midpoint and Pallas. In Helio, the Earth is Trine Vesta and the Venus/Chiron midpoint. The second run of best days has a Sun-Midas-Saturn-Mars-Jupiter fortress in Geo partly synched with Pluto, and Sun is parallel/contra-parallel Jupiter, Mars and Pallas. In Helio, Earth conjunct Jupiter is in a wedge with Midas and Pluto. In the third run of best days, Sun is still parallel Mars and Pallas and contra-parallel Jupiter in the Geo deks. In Geo Zodiac 7, Sun is in powerful multi-pattern geometry including 2 fortresses and a symmetrical triangle with Neptune, Uranus, the Venus/Chiron midpoint, Ceres, Pallas, and Pluto.

I hope this video helps you plan your June. If there’s someone you know that should see this video, please share it with them Don’t forget, subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

May your June be filled with sunshine!

May 2019



Hey there Superstars, Happy May, this is Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for May 2019, including Memorial Day weekend, in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use star-timing to achieve their dreams.

Before we start, please be sure to subscribe  on YouTube, and then click the bell on the right, so you’ll know as soon as new astrology videos drop.

May 2019 continues the nice upswing that April started. The best May days are scattered all around the month, so there’s never a very long wait for another good day. The first pair of best days in May have Sun-Odin-Ceres geometry in the Geocentric declinations, an Earth-Mars-Neptune grand trine enhanced by Midas in Helio 12, and Earth in Midas geometry in Helio 7. The later run of good days in May has Sun contra-parallel Jupiter and Pluto in the Geo deks, and the Sun is in a fortress in Geo Zodiac 7 with 3 powerful points which I unfortunately can’t name because we haven’t released these points to the public yet, sorry! In Helio, Earth is in a grand trine with Ceres, Vesta and Juno, and is also synched with Odin.

May 2019 is a pretty good month. If you want to make this your best May ever, please write “Best May” in the comments below.

May’s earliest run of bad days has Sun in a fortress with Lilith, Xanthus and amplifier Ceres, and Sun is parallel Sappho and Juno in the declinations. In Helio Zodiac 7, Earth is in symmetrical geometry with Sappho, Juno, Mercury and the Saturn-Chiron Heartbreak midpoint.

The run of bad days later in May unfortunately includes Memorial Day weekend. Tempers could mistakenly fly with Sun in a Geo 12 fortress with Mars, Ceres and the Saturn-Jupiter midpoint, then later the Blunder Midpoint. In Geo Zodiac 7, Sun’s alignments with the Saturn-Neptune midpoint and also with Xanthus don’t help matters at all. In the Helio latitudes, the Saturn-Pluto midpoint is bearing down on Earth, and Earth’s alignment with Ceres, Mercury and the Saturn-Sedna midpoint in Helio 7 is also a downer.

If there’s someone you know that should this video, please share it with them . Don’t forget, be sure to subscribe on YouTube for more astrology videos.

Wishing you all a glorious May!

April 2019



Happy April Superstars, this is Magi Helena. Here’s the astrological forecast for April 2019 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use star-timing to achieve their dreams.

Good news is our April 2019 forecast is a lot more encouraging than February or March! April starts out pretty strong, with some happy Sun geometry with the dwarf planet Ceres in a Magi Longbow with the Jupiter-Chiron midpoint in Geo longitudes. In the Geo declinations there is a Sun enhancement by Chiron and then Neptune, and there’s a Sun Fortress with Odin and some other great points in Geo Zodiac 7. In Helio, Earth is in another happy Longbow with Jupiter and some other powerful points in the Zodiac 12 longitudes and is enhanced by Neptune in Zodiac 7.

Later in the month, we have an enhanced Sun-Uranus eclipse in Geo, an Earth-Odin-Chiron conjuncted quincunx which synchs into a fortress including Uranus and Ceres, and which is further strengthened by some fab amplification points. In Helio 7, Earth and Odin are also enhanced by powerful symmetrical geometry.

April 2019’s giving us a good spring with some pretty good days, so if you want to go for it (if and only if you’re also having good personal cycles) tell us how you’re going to do that in the comments below.

April’s earliest run of bad days has Sun square Saturn in Geo 12 and a Sun clash with the Saturn-Jupiter midpoint in Geo 7. In Helio 12, Earth is in a nasty conjuncted quincunx with Lilith and the Saturn-Sedna midpoint, and in Xanthus geometry in Zodiac 7.

The bad days later in April have Sun contra-parallel the Saturn-Neptune midpoint and in Z7 clashes with Saturn and the Saturn-Pluto midpoint. Helio Z12 isn’t too bad for Earth over these days, but in Helio Zodiac 7 Earth is in clash geometry with Juno and Xanthus.

Easter Sunday April 21 is a neutral or mixed day for 2019. Passover falls over some neutral and some worst days so during the bad days it’s important keep it upbeat and don’t engage negatively.

To see the whole best and worst days calendar for April, including the specific best and worst days for love and for money, and to learn how to use this info in your life, click here

If there’s someone you know that might like this video, please share it with them

Wishing you all a very happy and blessed April!

March 2019



Hey March Superstars, this is Magi Helena. Today let’s look at the astrological forecast for March 2019 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use star-timing to achieve their dreams.

OK, Let’s look at the forecast for March.

Sorry to say, March is another weak month – there aren’t any really great days for important new beginnings for love or for success. Again, this doesn’t mean you can’t have a good month, just that you’ll REALLY want to be careful, and wait to start anything super important until the stars are more powerfully helpful to you.

Remember that timing is everything and knowledge is power. I’m not going to lie to you and say days are good when they’re not. That might be more fun for both of us right this minute, but it would not serve you well. Honesty and truth really do serve you best! Forewarned is forearmed.

So, even though the so-called best days of March once again, are only best-available, they’re still a lot better than nothing for things that just won’t wait. The worst days in March are incredibly bad – so you want to really be careful on those days.

In March, the best-available and worst days mostly come in long strings of days.

We’re calling the very worst days mid-month, entrapment days, because these are powerful and highly sexual days that are also full of heartbreak and other big problems. These are Fatal Attraction days if you remember that movie, and these days can create super-strong attraction you just can’t walk away from, but which still leads to disastrous heartbreak. The Magi Society is recommending that you DO NOT begin online contact or get involved with anyone you happen to meet on these very worst March days.

Planet-wise, these worst days have Sun or Earth with Chiron, Vesta, Neptune, Pluto, Ceres, Midas, etc. Sounds pretty good, right? But NO. Sun and Earth are also with the nasty Saturn-Sedna midpoint, and in really ugly geometry with Sappho, Lilith, Mars, the Saturn-Pluto midpoint, AND some amplification points that ups the ugly even more.

Be careful out there on St. Patrick’s Day March 17!! This is NOT a day to get over-served on your green beer! St. Patrick’s Day 2019 falls on one of these horrible days. So please if you go out, use utmost caution. Make a pact with your tribe to stay together the whole night, don’t drink much, watch your drinks so no additives get slipped in, don’t drink and drive. I’m not kidding. These are not days to mess with.

On a happier note, the best-available days in March have some decent geometry, before and after the really rotten days mid-month. In the first run of good days, Sun is enhanced by Vesta, Neptune, Pluto, Pallas, and Odin. The second string of best-available days in March have enhancements of Sun by Odin again (this time a quincunx), and by Chiron and Ceres in Zodiac 7. In Helio, Earth is enhanced by the financial astro-body Midas in Zodiac 12 and by Pluto in Zodiac 7.

To see the whole best and worst days calendar for March, including the best days for love and for money, and the scary-worst days, and to get lots of info how to use this to help you in your life, click here: 

So, be patient again in March. Be super-careful, and please don’t try to think that somehow these predictions won’t apply to you. They do. Use the power of the stars, even though sometimes it’s hurry up and sometimes it’s wait.  Be wise and you can still make this a great March!

February 2019



Hey Superstars, this is Magi Helena. Today let’s look at the main trends for February 2019 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use star-timing to achieve their dreams.

OK, Now let’s look at the astrological forecast for February 2019.

February is not a strong month – there aren’t any really exceptional days for important new beginnings for love or for money. This doesn’t mean you can’t have a good month, just that you’ll want to wait to start anything super important until the stars are more powerfully on your side.

Even the so-called best days of February are only best-available, and most of them are contaminated by geometry with difficult astro-bodies. The worst days are really bad – so bad that the Magi Society recommends that you don’t even buy gas or groceries on those days.

It’s not much of a help, but at least in February there’s no run of bad days longer than 2 in a row, so you don’t have to wait too long for stars to improve, at least slightly.

Best-available and worst days in February are scattered throughout the month. The worst of the worst days are Heartbreak days, with Sun and Earth both conjunct and opposite the Saturn/Chiron Heartbreak midpoint and in geometry with the super-nasty Saturn/Sedna midpoint too. Poor Chiron, the ruler of true love, soulmates, marriage, and career too, is really gunked up with Xanthus and some other points both in Helio Zodiac 12 Longitudes and in Geo Zodiac 7.

We all love Valentine’s Day! But Feb. 14, 2019 is not a Valentine’s Day to get engaged or married – please wait for better stars! On Valentine’s Day this year there is a Heartbreak progression set up in the Geo Zodiac 12 Longitudes, and an Earth- Saturn/Sedna midpoint progression in Helio Zodiac 7. Also there’s a Sun-Mars-Sappho contra-parallel in the Geo Declinations, which is not an energy which would create “happily ever after.”

OK, these are some of the most important trends to understand for February. To see the whole best and worst days calendar, including the best days for love and for money for February, and to get lots of info how to use this to help you in your life, click here: 

So, be patient, carefully sidestep potholes, and you can still make this a great February!

January 2019



Happy New Year Superstars, this is Magi Helena. Today let’s look at the main trends for January 2019 in all 6 astrology dimensions.

I’m the only woman, and one of only 2 Certified Level IV Magi Astrologers (the highest level) and I’ve helped thousands of people across the US and in 40 countries worldwide to understand how to use star-timing to achieve their dreams.

OK, Now let’s look at the astrological outlook for January 2019.

January starts off tough with the Sun-Saturn eclipse in the Geocentric Longitudes and Declinations complicated by the asteroid Sappho, and Saturn opposition Earth in Helio. These are terrible days in the very beginning of the month to start new things so anything you plan to start is better put off until the second week of the month.

The best runs of good days are around mid-month in January. The first run of good days features a lovely Sun-Jupiter parallel, a powerful Sun-Pluto conjunction, and a sweet Earth Neptune trine progression which sets up in Helio.  A few days later in the second run of good days, there’s a Jupiter-Chiron Cinderella aspect in Magi Zodiac 7 Geo, a Venus-Mars-Pluto sexual grand trine in helio, and some super-charged financial geometry also in Helio which includes Earth and the financial asteroid Midas.

OK, toward the end of the month we have just a couple of scattered good and bad days, with most days neutral.

So these are the general trends for January. To see the whole best and worst days calendar for January with lots of info how to use this to help you in your life,  click the link here:

I hope you have an AWESOME January!