Instant Personal Success + Love Calendar


Video: Inventor Magi Helena explains the Personal Success + Love Calendar.



Timing is Everything!

It’s a key secret to love and success. Isn't it your turn?

Find out why this calendar is so popular that over 88% order it again.

5 Key Personal Cycles:
  1. Golden
  2. Silver
  3. Cinderella
  4. Nuclear
  5. Blackout
All you need for Money and Love! 1 Hour or less delivery via email.

Is the Instant Personal Success + Love Calendar for You?


Learn Astrology Magi Astrology Love Astrology Success Astrology Money Astrology Beauty Astrology Soul Astrology Best Astrology Best Astrologer #1 Astrologer Scientific Astrology Science-Based Astrology Astrology Column Horoscope Column Daily Astrology Daily Horoscope Magi Helena Astrology Money Calendar Astrology Success Calendar Ruling Chart Report Dating Astrology Love Calendar Beauty Calendar CEO Custom Calendar Fame Calendar Health Calendar Investment Calendar

Timing predictably impacts outcomes! The date you start something new or meet someone new is crucial. Some days are great, some are terrible. Great days increase your odds of great outcomes, bad days easily lead to failure and heartbreak.

Learn how to leverage your ever-changing personal cycles to reach your dreams. An Instant Personal Success + Love Calendar will tell you your best days to initiate important things for success and for love, and the days to absolutely avoid. Timing really is everything!

Find out your personal best and worst days and get strategic planning advice for making the most of your calendar: How to choose the best days for every activity, how to get the most out of negative cycles, and how to make the best choices of days during bad cycles when necessary.


Ready to get the timing right?


A Success + Love Calendar is for you if:

  • You’re tired of disappointment.
  • You’re tired of heartbreak.
  • You’re tired of going nowhere.
  • You’re willing to wait for your best days.
  • You’re ready to love safer.
  • You’re willing to put in the real-world effort too.

A Success + Love Calendar is NOT for you if:

  • Heartbreak & failure don’t bother you.
  • You're not in a hurry to get what you want.
  • You are spontaneous and don’t like to plan.
  • You’re not ready to take destiny into your own hands.
  • You’re not ready to put in the real-world effort too.

Here's What You Get

  • Golden cycles and Silver cycles: The best days for business and financial opportunity.
  • Cinderella cycles: When people see you in your best possible light, the days you can meet your Soulmate, and the best days for pushing for commitment in a relationship.
  • Nuclear cycles: When your judgment is worst, when you feel most alienated, confused and stressed.
  • Blackout (Heartbreak) cycles: The worst possible days for almost anything, including meeting new people.
  • Calendar Key: You’ll get a detailed guide to understanding and using your Personal Calendar.

Learn Astrology Magi Astrology Love Astrology Success Astrology Money Astrology Beauty Astrology Soul Astrology Best Astrology Best Astrologer #1 Astrologer Scientific Astrology Science-Based Astrology Astrology Column Horoscope Column Daily Astrology Daily Horoscope Magi Helena Astrology Love Calendar Love Compatibility Report Relationship Report Dating Astrology Guarantee

30-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.
  • No Zodiac Sign Generalizations
  • Precision Calendar of your Personal Transits
  • The Only Astrology Calendar Just For YOU
  • Money Back Guarantee

You’ll add your birth data & other info during checkout.

Just $19



Instant Personal Success + Love Calendar – 1 month Calendar


  • Easy to use: Simple day-by-day calendar format.
  • Get: Your best & worst days for success, charisma AND love.
  • Birth Time optional: Don’t worry if unknown.
  • Sent Via Email: Typically in less than 1 hour. Please check your spam folder.


Get your best & worst days for both success, charisma AND love whether committed or single.

Includes a detailed guide to understanding and using your Star-Timer with strategic planning advice: how to choose the best days for every activity, how to get the most out of negative cycles, and how to make the best choices of days during bad cycles when necessary.

Sent via email, typically in less than 1 hour. Please check your spam folder.


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What Are The Cycles?

Everyone has all three, sometimes. Know when yours are so you can be ready to make your next big move, or know to steer clear!


Golden Cycle - The Money Cycle

  • Start a new business for maximum success
  • Make the most money
  • Get a promotion or a raise
  • Get a profitable new job
  • Open bank, brokerage, crypto accounts

Cinderella Cycle - The Magical Cycle

  • Be your most convincing & charismatic
  • Get a promotion or raise
  • Ace an interview
  • Successfully submit applications
  • Meet your Soulmate or deepen commitment

Blackout Cycle - The Deadly Cycle

  • Fail at a new venture
  • Risk your career if you aren't cautious
  • Lose money in new investments
  • Risk disaster in a new job or project
  • Meet a heartbreaker or risk your relationship

What People Are Saying About It


Check Out This Celebrity Success + Love Calendar


Lady Gaga

Check it out! See how much anyone's cycles can fluctuate over time...

Success + Love Astrology Calendar for Lady Gaga page 1

Learn Astrology Magi Astrology Love Astrology Success Astrology Money Astrology Beauty Astrology Soul Astrology Best Astrology Best Astrologer #1 Astrologer Scientific Astrology Science-Based Astrology Astrology Column Horoscope Column Daily Astrology Daily Horoscope Magi Helena Astrology Love Calendar Love Compatibility Report Relationship Report Dating Astrology Guarantee


See Full Calendar

Calendar Key

Learn how a personal astrology calendar can help you plan your life.

Personal Astrology Calendar Key page 1

Learn Astrology Magi Astrology Love Astrology Success Astrology Money Astrology Beauty Astrology Soul Astrology Best Astrology Best Astrologer #1 Astrologer Scientific Astrology Science-Based Astrology Astrology Column Horoscope Column Daily Astrology Daily Horoscope Magi Helena Astrology Love Calendar Love Compatibility Report Relationship Report Dating Astrology Guarantee


Full Calendar Key

Find Out Your Best and Worst Days for Success + Love Now!

I'm so confident you'll love your Instant Personal Success + Love Calendar, I'll GUARANTEE it! Try one risk-free! I personally designed the calendars to be instant and affordable. I used everything I've learned in more than 20 years of practicing and teaching scientific astrology and reading for thousands of people, so you can harness the proven power of Star-Timing to achieve the success and love you want.

*We're so sorry, but the coupon mentioned in the video is actually only available with the full-price version of this special offer product.

Just $19

Learn Astrology Magi Astrology Love Astrology Success Astrology Money Astrology Beauty Astrology Soul Astrology Best Astrology Best Astrologer #1 Astrologer Scientific Astrology Science-Based Astrology Astrology Column Horoscope Column Daily Astrology Daily Horoscope Magi Helena Astrology Love Calendar Love Compatibility Report Relationship Report Dating Astrology Guarantee

30-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.