Sex in Scientific Astrology

Online Lesson 5: Sex in Scientific Astrology

Certified Level IV Magi Astrologer and author Magi Helena explains Sexual Astrology: The Astrology of Sex.


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35+ years of statistical research shows what really works in astrology. Some of the most universally helpful work has been in the field of human relationships. Learn the astrological patterns which identify and classify individual sexuality and sexual attraction: Sex in Scientific Astrology.

Finally- a clear and accurate way to predict sexual behavior!

Precisely identifying individual sexuality and sexual compatibility can be easy with Scientific Astrology. Learning these principles can unlock crucial information both for personal use and for counseling clients. As with the topics taught in each lesson, Sex in Scientific Astrology should be viewed only as a part of the greater whole in understanding the human dynamics of a relationship.


Sex in Scientific Astrology: Sexual Chemistry


If there is or will be sexual attraction and how strong it is/will be
If the sexual attraction will burn out with time
If the sexual attraction will burn out ONLY if the couple marries
If the sexual attraction will last forever
If the couple will be sexually harmonious – this is different than attraction!

Sexual chemistry is understood by evaluating the sexual linkages and sexual Planetary Geometry in the couple’s CAC. Knowing early on which patterns are present can be crucial information- new or potential partners can have advance knowledge of what to expect in both the near and distant future. However, understanding the nature of the sexual patterns present can help a couple at any stage of a relationship. Unmarried partners can understand the likely effects of marriage on their sex life. Long-term partners can learn more about their partner’s needs, and what sexual potential remains in their relationship.

In relationship charts, each sexual linkage and clash has its own characteristics and flavor. Some of these patterns last forever, some inevitably burn out with time, some only burn out if a couple marries. Some of these patterns bond a couple, some eventually drive a couple apart. Some favor and support True Love, some give the illusion of True Love but are not. Intense sexual linkages which burn out due to time or upon marriage can create problems when they’re gone- the couple left high and dry is seldom pleased with this turn of events. Multiple sexual patterns can be present with a couple, exerting a variety of influences.

Some sexual patterns in relationship charts are really a mixed blessing- while these patterns can foster intense attraction and bring a couple together, they can also sow the seeds of disaster if they ultimately prevent marriage, create excessive discord, or delude a couple into thinking they’ve found True Love when that is not the case. Magi research has even discovered that excessive sexual linkages between a couple can actually shorten the length of their marriage.

Some couples have no sexual linkages at all. A lack of sexual linkages in a relationship is less significant to individuals without personal sexual aspects, and a much larger problem to partners who need regular sexual activity. A lack of sexual linkages is also less important in a new couple for whom the very newness can be an aphrodisiac, or in a very young couple whose sexual instincts can be primarily hormone-driven. A lack of sexual linkages is more problematic in a long-term relationship or in an older couple, who do not have the excitement of a new partner or have youthful hormones to fill in the blanks. Even so, married couples without sexual linkages actually have statistically longer marriages than married couples with many sexual linkages.

Sexual chemistry is understood by evaluating the sexual linkages and sexual Planetary Geometry in the couple’s CAC. This analysis   Knowing early on which patterns are present can be crucial information- new or potential partners can have advance knowledge of what to expect now and in the future. However, understanding the nature of the sexual patterns present can help a couple at any stage of a relationship. Unmarried partners can understand the likely effects of marriage on their sex life. Long-term partners can learn more about their partner’s needs, and what sexual potential remains in their relationship.

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  • Sexual Linkages & Sexual Clashes
  • Sexual Geometry
  • Sexual Heat
  • Sexual Harmony
  • Forever Sexual Attraction

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Sexual Planetary Geometry, Multiple Linkages, and Multi- Planet Linkages

These are patterns formed by multiple aspects of Sexual Planets in a couple’s Combined Alignment Chart (CAC).

Sexual Dragon
Complex Planetary Geometry of 3 or more Sexual Planets (Venus, Mars, Pluto, Juno) in a couple’s CAC. Sexual Dragons start with two Sexual Planets forming a natal quincunx aspect. Dragon Points are then located at the 60°, 90°, 120°, and 150° points moving around the long side of the wheel in either direction. When a planet from the other person is found on any of these dragon points in the couple’s CAC, a Dragon is formed. A dragon can contain a Yod, but can also contain a Mystical Triangle. One caveat is that the third planet may be within a 1° wider orb of the orb made by of the original quincunx aspect. This actually can allow a slightly wider orb for the third planet than is usual in Scientific Astrology. Sexual Dragon can consume the two people involved- it is a sign of virtually irresistible and insatiable sexual attraction. Fosters the illusion of True Love, but in and of itself is only a sign of intense lust.

Sexual Planetary Geometry and Synchronizations
Other major patterns of Planetary Geometry (such as the Grand Trine or Mystical Triangle) created by three or more Sexual Planets (Venus, Mars, Pluto, Juno) in a CAC are Sexual Planetary Geometry. Like all Planetary Geometry, Sexual Planetary Geometry greatly elevates the importance and increases the power of the planets which form it. Minor geometric patterns of Sexual Planets in a CAC form Sexual Planetary Synchronization. Planetary Synchronizations increase the power of synchronized planets, but not as much as does Planetary Geometry. Beneficial patterns of Sexual Planetary Geometry are more favorable than stressful patterns.

Lust Bond
More than one Juno Sexual Linkage between two people in their CAC creates a Lust Bond. Juno Sexual Linkages are formed when one person’s Juno links to one of the other person’s Sexual Planets (Venus, Mars, Pluto, Juno) or Romance Planets (Venus, Neptune, Chiron). Lust bonds bond a couple sexually. They are mutual and do not create the imbalance of power as is present in Sexual Captivations.

Sexual Captivations
Multiple Juno Sexual Linkages AND Saturn Bonds. Juno Sexual Linkages are formed when one person’s Juno links to one of the other person’s Sexual Planets (Venus, Mars, Pluto, Juno) or Romance Planets (Venus, Neptune, Chiron). Saturn Bonds are pure enhancement linkages (Trine, Conjunction and Parallel only) between one person’s Saturn and the other person’s Sun, Moon (if exact birth time is known), Earth, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, or Chiron. Sexual Captivations create extreme sexual intensity coupled with an imbalance of power unless there is Saturn Balance. Can create desperate obsessions and can be very destructive.

List of celebs with Sexual Captivations
Planetary Aspects and Geometry in Scientific Astrology



Two-Planet Sexual Linkages

Two Sexual Planets linked by a Conjunction, Trine, Parallel, Quincunx, Contra-parallel or Contra-latitude in a CAC.


Ultimate Sexual Linkage (Venus + Juno) A Juno Sexual Linkage. See list of celebs with this linkage
Irresistible attraction that can compel people to find a way to get together. Can just be a super-hot amour without complication or could blind a person to important facts or tempt them to abandon their values. But…. only UNTIL a couple marries, then this linkage dissolves completely, leaving the partners to wonder– WHAT HAPPENED? After this the partners may begin to blame each other for the loss of attraction. Often this linkage indicates a relationship will not last. Juno Sexual Linkages are the most commonly-found linkages in extramarital affairs.

“Yin & Yang”* Linkage (Venus + Mars)
This linkage is lifelong whether or not a couple marries. Though it does not create the overwhelming heat of other Sexual Linkages, it synchronizes the partner’s energies and make them perfect complements to each other, raising lovemaking to a high art.

“Passionate”* Linkage (Venus + Pluto)
A lifelong linkage whether or not a couple marries. Though this linkage doesn’t create the immediacy of some other linkages, it does create sensuousness and passion and it makes a couple yearn to spend time together both as lovers and companions. This linkage can in some instances lead to jealousy. The Venus-Pluto linkage is also Golden linkage and supports making money together.

*Fireworks”* Linkage (Mars + Pluto)
This linkage makes a couple desire one another RIGHT NOW, regardless of time or place- it burns VERY hot for months or even a few years. However, the Mars-Pluto linkage INEVITABLY burns out completely, whether or not a couple marries, leaving nothing but ashes. This is another case where the partners wonder– WHAT HAPPENED? With this linkage too, the partners may begin to blame each other for the loss of attraction. This linkage is SO HOT that clients seldom believe it when they’re told this linkage will burn out until it’s too late. : )

“Primal”* Linkage (Mars + Juno)
The Primal Sexual Linkage is the most impersonal of all sexual linkages. It is more based upon “you’re hot, I’m hot, and here we are” rather than any deep appreciation or affection for each other.

Marital Sexual Linkage (Chiron + Mars)
Creates sexual attraction and a romantic physical bond that often leads to marriage. However, even as a linkage it can on occasion create some level of domestic disharmony.

Lifetime Sexual Linkage or Long-Term Partners Linkage (Juno + Chiron)
Often the couple with this linkage will have a lifelong affair, even including children, but never marry. See Chiron – Juno Rules in Glossary

Obsessive Sexual Linkage (Juno + Pluto)
Creates sexual obsessions.

Long-term Mistress Linkage (Juno + Neptune)
Another linkage which inclines a couple to have a lifelong affair, even including children, but not marry.

Juno Sexual Linkages in general: 
A Juno Sexual Linkage is perhaps more likely than any other sexual linkage to compel a couple to act on their attraction. Juno Sexual Linkages always burn out if a couple marries. These linkages are the most commonly-found linkages in extramarital affairs.


See Chiron – Juno Rules in Glossary
Planetary Aspects and Geometry in Scientific Astrology




Sexual Clashes

Sexual Planets which form a square or opposition in a CAC. A Super Sexual Linkage is altered by the fact that it contains two Sexual Clashes, but single Sexual Clashes eventually lead to sexual disappointment and can create jealousy and possessiveness.


Super Sexual Linkage (2 Sexual Clashes found in the 6 dimensions of a CAC)
Super-hot sexual linkage. Will burn out inevitably if either of the Clashes is Mars-Pluto. Will burn out after marriage if either of the Clashes is with Juno. Could also be created by Sexual Planetary Geometry with two or more clash angles.

Lust-Hate Clash (Mars Clash with Chiron)
This clash creates a high degree of sexual attraction, but also incompatibility and antagonism.

Other Sexual Clashes (Clashes between any 2 Sexual Planets)
Create initial sexual attraction which slowly fizzles out until they are burned out completely. Some, such as the Mars-Pluto Clash, ultimately lead to power struggles and antagonism similar to the Lust-Hate Clash.




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Sex in Scientific Astrology: Understanding Individual Sexuality


Who is likely to be faithful
Who is inclined toward cheating
Who has a tendency toward sexual addiction
Who has issues or blocks in their sexual expression
The overall level of a person’s sex drive
Sexual tastes- what turns a person on and off

Sexual Aspects can be created by any allowable aspect, though enhancement aspects (Conjunction, Trine, Parallel, Quincunx, Contra-parallel, and Contra-latitude) are the most powerful. The presence of and flavor of natal Sexual Aspects reveals an individual’s sexual needs, capacity and tastes. With Magi Astrology it’s easy to see who is likely to be faithful to a partner, who is inclined toward cheating, and who has a tendency toward sexual addiction. It’s also easy to see who has issues or blocks in their sexual expression and the overall level of a person’s sex drive. Beyond this, natal sexual aspects and geometry can also reveal sexual tastes- what turns a person on and off.

Quantity of Sexual Aspects
Some people have many Sexual Aspects, some have a few and some have none at all. The number of Sexual Aspects is indicative of the individual’s basic level of sexual appetite. Having more Sexual Aspects is not necessarily better; the higher the individual’s sexual needs as indicated by the number of Sexual Aspects, the less likely that individual is to be faithful. It bears repeating here that natal aspects of any kind are no guarantee of behavior- this is a FREE WILL UNIVERSE. Anyone, at any time, can choose to follow negative impulses or to honor their commitments. Regardless of the number of natal Sexual Aspects, it is important that a partner is chosen who has a similar level of sexual desire for mutual satisfaction. The greatest imbalance seems to occur when a female has more Sexual Aspects that her male partner.

Analysis of Sexual Aspects
Both sexual and non-sexual planets aspecting one or more sexual planets give clues to a person’s sexual needs and desires. Both the symbolisms of the planets involved and the type of aspect(s) formed are used to analyze the native’s sexual nature.

Planetary Aspects and Geometry in Scientific Astrology
Planetary Symbolisms in Scientific Astrology


Male and Female Sexual Aspects*

*This section is based on older research that was hetero-normative and gender-binary. I am an #ally and will be doing a comprehensive re-write of this page, which will also reveal new research discoveries. Please be patient. I care and I know this part must feel very wrong. Doin’ my best

It was previously stated that sexual aspects are not the same for men as for women – that there are many more male sexual aspects. Um…. I wonder who decided this????

Male Sexual Aspects

Venus- Mars
Venus-Juno – Juno Sex Aspect, Super Sexual Aspect (enhancement only)
Mars-Juno – Super Sexual Aspect (enhancement only)
Pluto-Juno – Super Sexual Aspect (enhancement only)
Juno-Chiron – Juno Sex Aspect (enhancement only)
Juno-Neptune – Juno Sex Aspect (enhancement only)

Female Sexual Aspects

Venus-Juno – Juno Sex Aspect, Super Sexual Aspect (enhancement only)
Mars-Juno – Super Sexual Aspect (enhancement only)
Pluto-Juno – Super Sexual Aspect (enhancement only)
Juno-Chiron – Juno Sex Aspect (enhancement only)
Juno-Neptune – Juno Sex Aspect (enhancement only)



Degraded Sexual Aspects


There is a certain type of Sexual Aspect which can incline a person toward sexual addiction- the Degraded Sexual Aspect. A Degraded Sexual Aspect is any aspect in which an important Saturn midpoint is in very close aspect with both planets of a natal Sexual Aspect. Degraded Aspects have the ability to be especially toxic and destabilizing.

Important Saturn Midpoints are the following: Saturn-Chiron, Saturn-Jupiter, Saturn-Mars, Saturn- Neptune, Saturn-Pluto, Saturn-Sedna.

Absolutely without judgment, to assist learning–

 Celebrities who have publicly admitted sex addiction or who are or have been notable for sexual excess:


Anthony Kiedis
Bill Clinton
Billy Bob Thornton
Charlie Sheen
David Duchovny
David Letterman
Eric Benet
Gene Simmons
Harvey Weinstein
Jack Nicholson
Jesse James
John F. Kennedy
Jude Law
Kanye West
Magic Johnson
Michael Douglas
Rob Lowe
Russell Brand
Tiger Woods
Tom Sizemore
Warren Beatty
Wilt Chamberlain


Degraded Sexual Aspect

Geo Venus Conj. Mars with Saturn-Jupiter Midpoint
Helio Pluto Sq. Juno with Saturn-Chiron Midpoint
Helio Venus/Juno/Uranus with Saturn-Chiron Midpoint
Helio Venus Conj. Mars with Saturn-Pluto Midpoint
Geo Mars/Pluto/Neptune Geometry with both Sat-Jup & Sat-Chi Midpoints
Geo Mars Sq. Juno with Saturn-Jupiter Midpoint
Geo Venus/Mars/Pluto/Juno Geometry with Saturn-Chiron Midpoint
Geo Juno Con. Pluto with Saturn-Jupiter Midpoint
Geo Pluto Sq. Mars with 4 Saturn MPs, Helio Juno Sq. Mars & Qcx. Pluto with 5 Saturn MPs
Geo Venus/Pluto/Juno Geometry with Saturn-Jupiter Midpoint
Geo Venus Sq. Juno with Sat/Chi, Sat/Nep, Sat/Jup AND Sat/Plu MPs
Helio Mars P Neptune with Saturn-Jupiter Midpoint
Geo Juno Conj. Mars with Saturn-Jupiter Midpoint
Geo Mars P Pluto with Saturn-Sedna Midpoint
Helio Venus/Mars/Pluto Geometry with Saturn-Jupiter Midpoint
Geo Venus Conj. Mars with Saturn-Jupiter Midpoint
Geo Venus Tri. Juno with Saturn-Pluto Midpoint
Helio Mars CL Neptune with Saturn-Chiron Midpoint
Several, including Geo Juno P Pluto with Saturn-Jupiter Midpoint
Geo Mars Sq. Juno with Saturn-Sedna Midpoint
Geo Mars Sq. Pluto with Saturn-Sedna Midpoint
Geo Venus Qcx. Mars with Saturn-Chiron Midpoint
Geo Mars Sq. Uranus with Saturn-Chiron Midpoint

Sexual Addictions can manifest in a number of ways, not just through infidelity, though there is considerable overlap of celebrities on the lists above & below.



Serial Cheater Aspects


Serial Cheater Aspects are another discovery of Magi Society research. These are aspects between the asteroids Juno and Sappho.

Celebrities who have publicly strayed outside their partnership(s) one or more times:


Arnold Schwarzenegger
Balthazar Getty
Bill Clinton
Billy Bob Thornton
Charlie Sheen
David Beckham
David Duchovny
David Letterman
Donald Trump
Eddie Cibrian
Ethan Hawke
Eliot Spitzer
Eric Benet
Hugh Grant
Hugh Hefner
Jack Nicholson
Gov. James McGreevey
John Edwards
John Ensign
John F. Kennedy
Jude Law
Magic Johnson
Mark Sanford
Russell Brand
Ryan Phillipe
Tiger Woods
Tom Sizemore

Serial Cheater Aspect

Geo Juno parallel Sappho – an almost exact aspect
Geo Juno trine Sappho
Geo Juno-Sappho in 4 planet Planetary Geometry
Helio Juno-Sappho in Magi Zodiac7one aspect
Helio Juno-Sappho in Planetary Geometry with all 4 sexual planets
Geo Juno contra-parallel Sappho
Helio Juno trine Sappho
Geo Juno parallel Sappho
Helio Juno contra-latitude Sappho
Helio Juno quincunx Sappho
Helio Juno trine Sappho
Helio Juno opposite Sappho
Helio Juno square Sappho
Helio Juno-Sappho in 5 planet Planetary Geometry
Trans-dimensional Juno Sappho: Geo Sap qcx. Juno, Helio Sap. tri. Juno
Geo Juno-Sappho in multi-planet Planetary Geometry
Geo Juno trine Sappho
Geo Juno parallel Sappho
Helio Juno parallel Sappho
Geo Juno-Sappho in multi-planet Planetary Geometry
Geo Juno parallel Sappho
Helio Juno trine Sappho
Geo Juno trine Sappho
Helio Juno trine Sappho
Geo Juno trine Sappho
Helio Juno opposite Sappho
Helio Juno trine Sappho in Planetary Geometry
Geo Juno-Sappho in Magi Zodiac7one aspect
Geo Juno square Sappho

Not every celebrity who has been caught cheating has a cheater aspect- it is more often found in charts of serial cheaters rather than one-time cheaters. In my own practice, thus far it appears that not all people with natal serial cheater aspects actually are current serial cheaters, though people with these aspects are often “serial flirts.”

Again- natal aspects of any kind are no guarantee of behavior – this is a FREE WILL UNIVERSE. Anyone, at any time, can choose to succumb to temptation, or to grow, learn and heal enough to find a healthier and happier way to live their life.


Send Blessings to the people on the lists above and to their love ones and don’t judge. Hurt people hurt people. If you don’t do the self-work, your old traumas will hurt others. Addictions become trauma-loops, they’re an attempt to medicate pain and shame, then they cause more. The stress of fame + availability of willing partners just adds to the issue. There are 12-step programs for sexual addiction as for other addictions. If you think you might be a sex addict, please seek out local or online resources for more information.

Online lessons in Scientific Astrology are tutorials in elementary and essential principles. They are not intended to teach basic astrological concepts – some knowledge of simple astrology is very helpful.

Each lesson is an important building block in learning to be proficient in Scientific Astrology. This system makes chart analysis much easier by providing clear-cut guidelines to understanding and interpretation.

Formerly Co-Director of the Magi Certification Program and formerly a Certified Level IV Magi Astrologer, I left the Society in 2022. When I was a member of the Society I was limited in what I could reveal. Now, I can tell you about many exciting discoveries!! Check back periodically to see new material.

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