Afraid of heartbreak?
Heartbreak Clashes include clashes between Saturn and Chiron in various forms. Heartbreak Clashes are extremely common.
In each Heartbreak Clash, the Heartbreaker is the likely person to break the other person’s heart, though Heartbreak Clashes do occasionally work in reverse. Heartbreak Clashes are insidious – they begin with powerful attraction and bind a couple strongly, especially the person most likely to get their heart broken. It makes sense that Heartbreak Clashes work this way – if they didn’t draw you in in the first place, your heart couldn’t get broken.
High numbers of these clashes can hold a couple together, sometimes for years, before these clashes ultimately break one or both of their hearts. Sometimes there are many, smaller heartbreaks along the way. This seems to happen even when the couple truly loves each other and the Heartbreaker is a good person and has no intention of doing harm.
It is possible that each person can be the Heartbreaker in one or more Heartbreak Clashes too. The more Heartbreak Clashes a couple has, the more likely the relationship will end in heartbreak. Heartbreak Clashes do not indicate which person has more control in the relationship or which person might be pushing the other away with their behavior. They only indicate each person’s potential for heartbreak in the relationship or during a breakup. The Nuclear Heartbreak Clash includes Chiron clashes with the Saturn/Jupiter Midpoint. The Nuclear Heartbreak Clash is the most damaging type of Heartbreak Clash. It can be highly confusing and crazy-making and create unbelievable heartbreak.
High numbers of Heartbreak Clashes usually end up being a deal-breaker in most relationships, even if the relationship lasts months or even years before it ends with a broken heart or hearts. However, a low to average number of Heartbreak Clashes be overcome IF a couple has multiple Soulmate Geometries or Linkages AND they marry on a perfect or near-perfect wedding date.
Average number of total Heartbreak Clashes: 1 or 2. High number of total Heartbreak Clashes: 5+. Average number for being the Heartbreaker: 2. High number for being the Heartbreaker: 4+. Heartbreak clash totals above include Nuclear Heartbreak Clashes.
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