Mood Astrology

You or they getting feelings hurt a lot?

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You or they getting feelings hurt a lot?

Hurt Feelings Clashes include Saturn and certain Saturn Midpoints. This difficult clash creates real compatibility challenges.
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Why am I so frustrated now?

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Frustration most often comes when you are experiencing the transits called Nuclear transits or cycles. Nuclear cycles include transits such as clash transits from Saturn to Jupiter.

During Nuclear cycles you may feel more impatient, grumpy, frustrated and alienated. Your life may not feel like it “fits.” However, Nuclear cycles, especially during multiple Nuclear cycles and/or during the power orb, are the worst times to make major life changes.

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Do you have the Anxiety Clash?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Anxiety clashes include the worry asteroid Sappho.

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When you are feeling down…

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The personal cycles influencing you are always changing. If you are in difficult cycles, you are unlikely to feel your best.

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Why are so many things going wrong now?

Magi Astrology Q&A Astrology Magi Helena Love Astrology Transits Heliocentric Astrology Sex Sexual Astrology Marriage Astrology Soulmate Astrology Dating Astrology Midpoint Astrology Planetary Geometry Golden Cinderella Compatibility Report










Your personal astrological cycles vary enormously and are powerful influences on how you feel and how things go. If a lot of things are going wrong, it’s likely that you are in unhelpful cycles…

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