Timing Matters! Be your most beautiful by using your personal right timing!
If you’re looking your best, you are probably in a personal Beauty cycle.
Beauty cycles are the times when you look most radiant, attractive, and photogenic. These are the best times for first appointments with a new hairdresser, aesthetician, or other beauty specialist. These are some of the best times to schedule special events, public appearances, and photo sessions.
Beauty cycles are also the best times to schedule cosmetic procedures of all kinds including cosmetic dental work. These are the best times for salon appointments and for beginning new beauty products including skincare and makeup.
Unfortunately, there are only 4 Beauty cycles, and all are short, so none of us have as many Beauty cycles as we might like. Beauty cycles include transits such as linkage transits from Venus to Sun.
Find out your personal right and wrong timing with one of my Instant Personal Astrology Calendars. Available for Love, Money, Beauty, Decisions, Fame, and more.
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