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General DIY astrology lesson:
Some people worry that if they don’t know the birth time they won’t be able to get accurate info. What most people have never really thought about is this: The issue of birth times is murky at its very best.
First of all, what is the definition of time of birth? There is no absolute definition. Is this the moment when the baby’s head crowns? When the infant is fully delivered? When the infant draws its first breath? Is it the moment when the umbilical cord is cut? What is the actual anatomical moment of birth?
In practice, it’s said to be when the baby’s body is entirely clear of the mother’s body regardless of natural or Caesarian birth. But should that really be considered the moment of birth? My own opinion is that until the cord is cut, the infant is not a stand-alone physical being. But that’s just my opinion. I’ve even asked doctors this question, and no one knows for sure.
Then, there’s the issue of clock accuracy. There were no atomic clocks until very recent years. Before atomic time, clocks were seldom exactly right. What if the doctor’s or nurse’s or midwife’s watch or clock was off? And, doctors and nurses often write down birth times later, from memory, rather than at the moment. What if the birth time was written down later after the birth, and wasn’t remembered correctly? …Unless of course the mom is an astrologer, yelling OK, everyone’s watches synchronized? Everyone ready to note the time?… as it was when I was giving birth to my son.
Due to this, all birth times should be taken with some skepticism, and especially times which may have been rounded, like 12:00 pm, or 2:30 am, etc. Then of course there are lots of people whose birth certificates simply have no time shown at all.
Even rectified birth times are suspect, no matter WHO did the rectification, since there is no way to prove the rectified time is correct. At best, it’s an educated guess.
This can all be very confusing. So what to do?
The first thing to do is to use Science-Based astrology. Science-Based astrology does not need birth times for accuracy.
Think about it this way: The only way to prove what really works in astrology was to do broad statistical research. We use public figures for research, since both their birth data and their life stories are known. And verified birth times are not often available for public figures. But even without birth times, Science-Based Magi Astrology developed a supremely accurate system.
But by all means, use the birth time when you have it. And even if it’s tempting, don’t fudge your or someone else’s birth time just so you can see what you want to see. It’s better to have less info than get wrong info lodged in your brain.
By the way, birth time is more of an issue in the Geocentric and Heliocentric longitudes, since the planets move more slowly in the declinations and latitudes.
When the birth time is unknown, I use 12:00 noon for charts, but I do not use Moon. My love compatibility reports and personal astrology calendars do not use Moon either if birth time is unknown – again, better less info than wrong info.
To conclude, it’s impossible to be absolutely certain about birth times, but the really good news is you don’t need them. The most accurate astrology in the world is based on research-proven principles which do not require a birth time. This makes things a lot easier for everyone! Hooray!
Wishing you all good fortune! Love, Helena