“If you meet someone during a heartbreak transit is it guaranteed the relationship ends in a heartbreak? Or a perfect natalized Wedding chart helps?”
It’s a free-will Universe so nothing is set in stone! Meeting someone under a Heartbreak transit makes it less likely that this person is your Soulmate, and more likely that they can break your heart. However, how bad it is really depends on all your concurrent transits on that day, including Cinderella transits, Nuclear transits and how many Heartbreak transits you had in all the dimensions on that day. You can get this info with Instant Ruling Chart Report.
You can help the situation by being sure to choose your first lovemaking date carefully. This date creates your Love Chart and will co-rule with your first meeting chart. Choose your first lovemaking date using Instant Personal Love Calendars for each of you.
A perfect or near-perfect Wedding date can offset Heartbreak clashes in a couple’s CAC. Also, the wedding chart will supersede the first meeting chart (cancelling out those Heartbreak transits) and become the ruling chart of the relationship.
Much Love, Helena