Natalizations in Scientific Astrology

Online Lesson 7: Natalizations in Scientific Astrology


Magi Helena explains the importance of choosing powerful natalization dates.


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35+ years of statistical research shows what really works in astrology. Though all forms of astrology agree that the dates of new beginnings are important, statistical research has proven how very crucial these dates are!

Better Timing = Better Outcomes!

Learn the real keys to carefully-curated date selection. Make your dreams come true.

Timing Impacts Outcomes!!

Research has proven that the date you start an important FIRST will have a powerful and predictable effect on its success or failure. Whether a new beginning date is carefully chosen or comes together randomly, it has the power to create great happiness and success, or devastating heartbreak.

In Scientific Astrology, we call important firsts or beginnings NATALIZATIONS. When we begin something new, we NATALIZE – or create – the birth chart for that relationship or venture.

Natalizations have a cumulative effect – think of a natalization as creating an energy imprint. The natalization of the entity creates the major energetic pattern, and then like attracts like. Strong initial natalizations tend to attract beneficial subsequent natalizations and poor initial natalizations tend to attract poor subsequent natalizations.

With this knowledge, we can use the stars to create the outcomes we dream of in any new relationship or venture. Make your own luck by understanding the secrets of Natalizations.

Natalization dates are important for the following:

In Love:
Joining dating service dates
First email dates – First phone call dates – First meeting dates
First lovemaking dates
Wedding dates
Divorce dates
Special Event dates

In Success:
First email dates – First phone call dates – First Meeting dates
Application Dates (all)
Incorporation & LLC dates
Interview & Employment dates
Bank & Brokerage Account opening dates
Partnership & other Legal Agreement dates
Mortgage-Signing dates
Lease-Signing dates
Domain Purchase and Website “Go Live” dates
Important Meeting dates,
Legal Filing dates
Project Initiation and Submission dates
Product Launch dates
Artistic Release dates
Investment Buy or Sell dates

Not every Natalization is of equal importance. 

See lists of Tier 1 and Tier 2 Natalizations for both personal and business here

Natalization Basics

First and foremost, Scientific Astrology only works if you stick to the proven principles. If you mix and match with other forms of astrology, you will negate much or all of Scientific Astrology’s amazing accuracy. To learn to choose fabulous natalization dates you must first understand and use ALL these basic principles of Scientific Astrology:

Use all 6 Dimensions of Scientific Astrology
Allowable Aspects and Orbs
Focus on Planetary Geometry
Only use Scientific Astrology Planetary Symbolisms
Avoid the most pernicious Clashes
Understand Terminology

Then, you can move on to these Key Principles for choosing natalization dates:

Choose a powerful date
Set up powerful progressions
Choose a date with powerful linkages to your natal chart
Make sure symbolisms match
Avoid powerful negatives

The above list is NOT in order of importance. All these principles are of critical importance.

Natalizations are one of the most complex topics in Scientific Astrology and may be difficult to grasp for the beginner. Be patient with yourself if you don’t understand it right away. You can always revisit this lesson again later after you have attained a greater understanding of Scientific Astrology.


Choose a Powerful Date

Choose a date that has stand-alone super-power! The date itself represents the thing being created (born) on the natalization date.

To find super-dates, look for:

● Powerful Enhancements to the Sun and/or Earth, which are preferably part of:
● Powerful Planetary Geometry.Planetary geometry is the single most significant factor in any chart!
● Other powerful configurations: planetary synchronizations, eclipses, bi-level aspects, exact aspects, other super-tight aspects, repeated planetary pairs, etc.
One of the reasons that Planetary Geometry and Synchronizations are so important in a natalization date is the way they respond to transits. We call most transits to Planetary Geometry or to a Synchronization “double blessings” because when almost any beneficial planet transits the same degree range as the Planetary Geometry or Synchronization in almost any sign of the zodiac, you get multiple favorable transits.
● Planetary movement. Planetary movement sheds light on the relative “favorableness” and strength of natalization aspects. There are three types of planetary movement in natalization aspects:
Bi-directional aspects (when 1 planet is direct and 1 is retrograde)- these strengthen favorable aspects and weaken turbulent aspects.
Double-direct aspects- these should always be avoided if the aspect is turbulent. Double-direct quincunxes are often but not always turbulent – it’s best to avoid them unless you are an advanced practitioner of Scientific Astrology and can weigh them appropriately.
Double-retrograde aspects- these aspects are the very best to have if an aspect is an enhancement, but the worst of all if the aspect is turbulent.
● Applying Planetary Geometry and aspects – these are more powerful than separating ones.
● Tight aspect orbs – tighter aspects are stronger than wider aspects (All within allowable orbs).Powerful Progressions – see next section.

More about Enhancements, Aspects and Orbs, and Planetary Geometry


Set up powerful progressions

Setting up powerful progressions is one of the very most important considerations in choosing dates for important natalizations.

Understanding Progressions:
● All progressions in Scientific Astrology use the “day for a year” construct.
● There are two kinds of progressions in Scientific Astrology: Pure Progressions (Progressed Alignments) and Progressed Transits.
● Pure Progressions are more powerful than Progressed Transits.
● Pure Progressions are the Planetary Geometry and aspects formed by the progressed planets with each other. To look ahead for one year, advance the natalization chart one day.
● Progressed Transits are the Planetary Geometry and aspects formed in the CAC (Combined Alignment Chart) BETWEEN the progressed planets and natal planets.
● Examples:
Pure Progressions- the chart of the sky 10 days after a wedding date is read as the chart of the pure progressions for the marriage’s 10th year. This chart’s linkages and clashes define the major stellar influences on the marriage for the time.
Progressed Transits- the chart for the progressed transits for the 10th year of the marriage would be the aspects in the CAC (Combined Alignment Chart) BETWEEN the 10th day after the wedding and the chart of the wedding date. The applying linkages and clashes in this CAC also define the time period for the marriage, though less strongly than the Pure Progressions.

Important types of progressions in natalizations:
● Enhancement progressions to Sun and/or Earth. Best if part of Planetary Geometry! Multiple positive progressions to Sun and/or Earth are even better.
● Financial progressions, especially those in Planetary Geometry, are crucial to any type of business or financial natalization, but are even important in wedding dates since financial solvency is one component of marital success. At least 3 financial progressions should be included in virtually any natalization if at all possible.

Setting up powerful progressions:
● As in all things, the most important thing to look for in progressions is Planetary Geometry. Planetary geometry- especially symmetrical planetary geometry- is the single most significant factor in any chart. The most stunning progressions are multi-planet pure progressions which form planetary geometry.
● Consider the speed of the planets in the aspect. Do you want this progression to last, or end as quickly as possible?
● Consider which planet would be applying by progression. Chiron applying to Saturn is VERY different than Saturn applying to Chiron.
● Consider both pure progressions and the progressed transits. Pure progressions are most powerful while they are applying, though there is some aftereffect for a while once they begin to separate. Separating pure progressions are much more significant if they form a part of planetary geometry.
● Consider planetary geometry as it unfolds in the progressions. Listed from most to least powerful: Symmetrical planetary geometry, asymmetrical planetary geometry, planetary synchronization, multi-planet aspects, two-planet aspects.
● Consider when the progressions peak.
● Consider when direct planets will go retrograde in the future, or when retrograde planets will go direct. This would dramatically alter the unfolding progressed chart.
● Applying aspects ARE more powerful that separating aspects, but perpetual progressions are more important than quick progressions set up by applying aspects. This is why bi-directional aspects can be so powerful in natalizations.

More about Planetary Geometry


Choose a date with powerful linkages to your chart

Natalizing something important pours cement over your transits of that time. A natalization allows you to take transiting stars with you into the future – otherwise, if you don’t natalize anything, once a transit is over, it is over. This can be a blessing or a curse! If your transits are super-powerful, then a natalization allows you to take those super-charged stars with you for as long as the business, relationship, etc. you natalized lasts. If your transits are unfavorable, DON’T NATALIZE ANYTHING! Let unfavorable stars pass you by – don’t ever take them forward and let them influence your future!!!

A natalization date must be chosen which forms excellent linkages with your natal chart. The Combined Alignment Chart (CAC) between you and the day (your transits on that day) shows what you can get from the relationship, entity or enterprise. Think of this as the “harvest” – the CAC shows what you can potentially reap from what you have natalized, for good AND for ill.

For example, you could set up a company on an excellent day, but if you don’t have the necessary Golden, Silver and Cinderella linkages with that day, you will be unable to profit from the company for some reason, despite its excellent natalization date. The same could go for a relationship – even if you met a great person on a great day, without Cinderella linkages you would ultimately discover they are not your soulmate.

Powerful Linkages to include in a natalization CAC:
Combined Planetary Geometry is most powerful!
● Golden and Silver Financial Linkages are a must for business or finance but also benefit personal relationships.
● Cinderella Linkages benefit both business and personal natalizations.
● Protective, Loyal Jupiter Linkages.
● Linkages with tight aspect orbs – tighter aspects are stronger than wider aspects.
● Linkage symbolisms should match the relationship or enterprise. See next section.

More about Linkages and Planetary Geometry

Make sure symbolisms match

Aspects and Planetary Geometry are powerful in the areas symbolized by the planets in the aspect(s). A great incorporation date would not be the same as a great wedding date. A great premiere date for a movie about a tragedy would not the same as a great premiere date for a love story. You must include planets which specifically symbolize the entity being created. This principle is called Aspect Confirmation.

● Choose the planets to emphasize in a natalization using these Planetary Symbolisms.
● The Sun or Earth represents the entity being created, such as the business or the marriage.
● The Earth in the heliocentric latitudes also represents all humanity.
● Symbolisms are important in the day AND in the linkage CAC to the day.
● Examples:
A Venus-Mercury enhancement or linkage could be interpreted as: money from speaking, writing, or the travel industry.
A Neptune-Chiron enhancement or linkage could be interpreted as: a long-term marriage, a life-prolonging medication, lasting public trust.

Planetary Symbolisms and Rulerships


Avoid powerful negatives

As said before: DO NOT NATALIZE UNDER BAD STARS! Natalizing something important pours cement over your transits of that time. The natalization allows you to take transiting stars with you into the future – otherwise, if you don’t natalize anything, once a transit is over, it is over. If your transits are unfavorable, DON’T NATALIZE ANYTHING! Let unfavorable stars pass you by – don’t ever take them forward and let them influence your future!!! It is better to wait a LONG time – even years – to start a business or get married than to natalize anything really bad in an incorporation or wedding chart. This is true EVEN IF you also have multiple concurrent positive transits. One transit does not cancel out another transit, however there can be a partial offset if there are a great preponderance of positive transits. See Putting it all together.

Powerful negatives to avoid in a natalization – avoid these BOTH in the day itself AND in the CAC.

● Heartbreak and Nuclear Clashes.
● Saturnian Planet Clashes with Sun and/or Earth.
● Other Saturnian Clashes.
● Saturnian Clashes are not always avoidable, but are less damaging when:
They do not create a Saturnian progression.
When the Saturnian planet is no longer applying.
When the Saturnian Clash is not to Sun and/or Earth.
When the Saturnian Clash is not to a Romance or Financial Planet in a wedding date.
When the Saturnian Clash is not to a Financial Planet in a business date.
The natalization is timed to minimize the period of a negative progression.

About Heartbreak and Nuclear Clashes
Romance, Financial, & Saturnian Planets

Love Natalizations – Weddings and Relationships

Important Love Natalizations:

● First email dates
● First phone call dates
● First face-to-face meeting date
● First lovemaking date
● Engagement date
● Wedding date

Each natalization creates an energy imprint that leads (positively OR negatively) to the next natalization. Positive natalizations for each step help to guarantee the next step is reached. Negative natalizations at any step may derail the whole relationship. The last relationship milestone reached on the above list represents the Ruling Chart for the relationship, EXCEPT that the first meeting date is never completely discarded until the couple marries.

Choosing General Love Natalizations

In the day:
● Strive for symmetrical Planetary Geometry.
● Set up a progression from Jupiter, Neptune or Chiron to Sun and/or Earth.
● Avoid Saturnian Clashes, especially the Heartbreak Clash.
● Try to include Cinderella aspects.

In the CACs:
● Strive for symmetrical Planetary Geometry.
● Be sure to include Cinderella Linkages.
● Avoid Saturnian Clashes, especially the Heartbreak Clash.
● Try to include Jupiter linkages to natal Sun and/or Earth.

Choosing Wedding Dates

In the day:
● Strive for symmetrical Planetary Geometry.
● Set up a progression from Jupiter, Neptune or Chiron to Sun and/or Earth.
● Set up at least 3 financial progressions.
● Avoid Saturnian Clashes, especially the Heartbreak Clash.
● Include planets whose symbolisms support both careers.
● Try for Cinderella aspects.

In the CACs:
● Strive for symmetrical Planetary Geometry.
● Be sure to include a minimum of 1 Cinderella linkage in each CAC.
● Avoid Saturnian Clashes, especially the Heartbreak Clash.
● Try to include Jupiter linkages to each natal Sun and/or Earth.
● Include linkages between planets whose symbolisms support the person’s career in each CAC.

Cinderella Aspects and Linkages
Financial Planets and Saturnian Planets



Success Natalizations – Business and Financial

Important Success Natalizations

● First email dates
● First phone call dates
● First face-to-face meeting dates

In business relationships – consultant or professional/client, employer/employee, partner/partner – each of the natalizations listed above creates an energy imprint that leads (positively OR negatively) to the next natalization. Positive natalizations for each step help to guarantee the next step is reached. Negative natalizations at any step may derail the whole relationship. The last relationship milestone reached on the above list represents the Ruling Chart for the business relationship.
● Application Dates (Employment, University, Program)
● Incorporation & LLC dates
● Interview & Employment dates
● Bank & Brokerage Account opening dates
● Partnership & other Legal Agreement dates
● Real Estate Listing dates
● Mortgage-Signing dates
● Lease-Signing dates
● Domain Purchase and Website “Go Live” dates
● Important Meeting or Conference dates
● Legal Filing dates
● Project Initiation and Submission dates
● Product Launch dates
● Artistic Release dates
● Major Investment Buy or Sell dates

Choosing General Success Natalizations

In the day:
● Strive for symmetrical Planetary Geometry.
● Set up a progression from one or more Financial Planets to Sun and/or Earth.
● Include planets whose symbolisms support the planned venture.
● Avoid Saturnian Clashes, especially the Heartbreak Clash or Saturnian Clashes to financial planets.
● Multiple Financial Progressions are a MUST!

In the CACs:
● Strive for symmetrical Planetary Geometry.
● Include multiple Golden and Silver Linkages.
● Avoid Saturnian Clashes, especially the Heartbreak Clash or Saturnian Clashes to natal financial planets.
● Try to include Jupiter linkages to natal Sun and/or Earth.
● Include linkages between planets whose symbolisms support the planned venture.

Choosing Incorporation Dates

In the day:
● Strive for symmetrical Planetary Geometry.
● Set up a progression from Pluto to Sun and/or Earth.
● Try to set up additional progressions from Financial Planets to Sun and/or Earth.
● Set up at least 3 financial progressions.
● Avoid Saturnian Clashes, especially the Heartbreak Clash Saturnian Clashes to financial planets.
● Include planets whose symbolisms support the planned business.
● Try for Cinderella aspects.

In the CAC or CACs:
● Strive for symmetrical Planetary Geometry.
● Include multiple Golden and Silver Linkages.
● Avoid Saturnian Clashes, especially the Heartbreak Clash or Saturnian Clashes to natal financial planets.
● Try to include Jupiter linkages to natal Sun and/or Earth.
● Include linkages between planets whose symbolisms support the planned business.

Financial Planets and Saturnian Planets



Putting it all together

What you are essentially doing in choosing a natalization date is looking for a window of time when ALL of the considerations outlined above come together. As said before: It is better to wait a LONG time – even years – to start a business or get married than to natalize anything really bad in an incorporation or wedding chart. This is true EVEN IF you also have multiple concurrent positive transits.

The quintessential question in choosing dates to natalize is always how to weigh good formations in the sky versus bad. There is never a perfect time and all aspects are felt to some degree. To be VERY general, it is better to have a great pattern in the sky along with a bad one, than to have neither. One transit does not cancel out another transit, however there can be a partial offset if there are a great preponderance of positive transits.

● Allow PLENTY of time. A wedding date or incorporation date can take 8 HOURS or more to select. I prefer to block out an entire day without distractions for the main work, then pray on it overnight. If I don’t wake up EXCITED about the date, I start over. As a student it will likely take you much longer. Be patient – this isn’t a simple or quick process.
● Start your date selection project on a Universal Best Day. Work on it on Best or neutral days only. Finalize your selection on a Best Day. This assures you have the highest and best possible influences while you are choosing the date.
● Dismiss ALL wishful thinking. Stick firmly to Scientific Astrology principles and consider the facts only.
● Remember that Planetary Geometry is the strongest influence within the chart of the day and in the CAC.
● Assess pros vs. cons. If there are negatives, assess their importance based on the Negatives section above. There will ALWAYS be some negatives in ANY date. The key is to weigh the relative importance and preponderance of good vs. bad. There should be at least 5 OR MORE great progressions/linkages for every bad progression/linkage, and even that ratio may not be good enough. Look for STELLAR, SUPER-CHARGED days – they are worth waiting for!
● Set up the general natalization time frame based on slower enhancements, then dial in the final date based on quick enhancements.

If you MUST natalize something under less than perfect stars:
● Maximize positive and protective progressions and linkages.
● Minimize negative progressions and clashes.
● Time your natalization to absolutely minimize the duration of negative progressions. We’re talking minutes or hours here, not days.
● REALLY avoid Saturn, Juno, Sappho and Sedna clashes.
For a business, try to pick a date with powerful progressions which last at least 3-4 years. Then pick a better date sometime within those 3-4 years before the progressions run out of steam.
● If you must choose between a better chart of the day vs. a better CAC (again it’s far better to wait for BOTH) choose the better CAC. Remember, the CAC represents the “harvest.”

Undoing or Re-Natalizing a poor natalization:
Some natalizations can be undone or re-natalized and others can’t. Until you can re-natalize, or if you can’t re-natalize, at least shift as much of the energy as possible to the positive by carefully selecting subsequent natalizations.

Remedies for poor Love natalizations:
● First Meeting Date in love: Can’t be re-natalized but be sure first lovemaking date, engagement date and wedding date are superior, if you reach any of these milestone dates. It is possible that the energy set into motion with a bad first meeting date kills the relationship.
● Wedding Date: Choose a super-favorable date to renew your vows. After stating your new vows, ask that God to create for you a rebirth of your marriage.

Remedies for poor Success natalizations:
● Incorporation: Re-incorporate on a favorable day. Until that day arrives, the business can at least do subsequent things on good days, such as signing a lease, opening a bank account, buying a domain name, launching a website, hiring key employees, meeting important clients, etc. None of these smaller natalizations would overpower a bad incorporation date, but each one would help somewhat until the new incorporation date arrives.
● First Email or First Phone Call: Be SURE to schedule a first face-to-face meeting on a powerful date, if you get that far – poor initial natalizations often kill the relationship before it can develop further.
● First Meeting Date in business: Can’t be re-natalized. Make sure to sign agreements on powerful dates.
● Mortgage-Signing: Sign refinance papers on a powerful day.
● Lease-Signing: Ask your landlord to re-sign new lease papers with the same lease term and do this on a powerful day.
● Domain Purchase: Transfer ownership of your domain to someone you trust for a sum of $1. On a powerful day, pay $1 to the person to transfer the domain back to you. (This is at least a partial remedy.)

Perfect Natalizations don’t exist:
● There is no such thing as an absolutely perfect natalization date no matter how long the time window for your choice.
● When the necessary time window for a natalization is short, your options may be EXTREMELY limited.
● With 6 dimensions and all the points and midpoints we use, there will NEVER be a perfect day without a few drawbacks.
● Do your best. It’s all anyone can do.
● Don’t drive yourself crazy – THERE IS NO PERFECT NATALIZATION DATE – but there are plenty of great ones given enough time!
● If in doubt, consult Magi Helena : )


Online lessons in Scientific Astrology are tutorials in elementary and essential principles. They are not intended to teach basic astrological concepts – some knowledge of simple astrology is very helpful.

Each lesson is an important building block in learning to be proficient in Scientific Astrology. This system makes chart analysis much easier by providing clear-cut guidelines to understanding and interpretation.

Formerly Co-Director of the Magi Certification Program and formerly a Certified Level IV Magi Astrologer, I left the Society in 2022. When I was a member of the Society I was limited in what I could reveal. Now, I can tell you about many exciting discoveries!! Check back periodically to see new material.

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