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Soulmate Linkages lesson:
So, you’ve met someone. Someone interesting. Really interesting. And now your mind is full of questions, the main one being… Is this it? Is he or she The One? Have I met my Soulmate?
Like the rest of us you probably don’t love uncertainty, so you look to astrology for some answers… Does my sign match with his or hers? And you get some not-very clear answers. Or you get an answer but you doubt it because it’s based on such generalizations. So you may end up more confused than ever.
If you want to know the truth about how to identify your Soulmate, write Real Soulmate Truth in the comments below.
Well, there IS a way to know if you’ve met a potential Soulmate using astrology. A way that is NOT too unclear or too general. A way that’s really specific and personalized. A way that was discovered by statistical comparisons of 10s of 1000s of charts of both successful and unsuccessful relationships.
Here’s what all that research has discovered: The REAL way to know if you’ve met a potential Soulmate is to look at the minor planet Chiron. Chiron is the ARROW that points to your Soulmate. Research has proven that Chiron rules true love, committed relationships, marriage, families and children.
Before we go forward, let me say that there is not just one Soulmate for each person. There are many, many potential Soulmates for everyone. So how do you know if the person you’ve met is one of yours?
Potential Soulmates are shown in Soulmate Linkages and Soulmate Geometries when you compare 2 birth charts. And Soulmate Linkages and Geometries ALWAYS include Chiron. Soulmate Linkages, also known as Romantic Super-Linkages or RSLs, always must include 3 planets total, 1 of which is Chiron. There are very specific rules for Soulmate Linkages, get all the deets in the link below.
Soulmate Linkages are a sign you feel connected on a deep level, that you feel like kindred spirits or family already. Soulmate Linkages indicate that you may marry, and the more Soulmate Linkages you have, the more likely you will marry.
Using Chiron, you can also tell if the feeling is completely mutual. The more times you are the “Chiron” person in your Soulmate Linkages with someone, the more invested you are in the relationship and the higher your hopes. In my Love Reports I call the Chiron person, the Hopeful person, because that’s what they are. The Chiron person is the one with the high hopes for the relationship, the one who feels most “at home” in the relationship.
So it’s best when each of you is the Chiron or Hopeful person about the same number of times across all the Soulmate Linkages you have. It’s most out of balance when 1 person is the Chiron person in lots of Soulmate Linkages and the other person’s Chiron isn’t found in any Soulmate Linkages at all.
How many Soulmate Linkages can a couple have? Some prospective couples have 0, others can have a lot. Lauren Sanchez and Jeff Bezos have 8, each of them the Chiron person in 4. This a great – it’s a high number of Soulmate Linkages and an even balance in being the Chiron or Hopeful person.
Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade are another couple with a high number of Soulmate Linkages, and closely balanced: this couple has 9 Soulmate Linkages total, with Gabrielle the Hopeful person in 4 and Dwyane the Hopeful person in 5. Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez also have 9 Soulmate Linkages, closely balanced.
Will Soulmate Linkages guarantee happiness? Sorry to say, no. Soulmate Linkages are the first and necessary component of a Soulmate relationship, but they are only 1 component. Happily-ever-after needs compatibility too! And compatibility is measured by other metrics than Soulmate Potential, so to really understand the likely outcome of a relationship, there are other things to look at besides Chiron.
I hope this video has shed light on a super-important topic: How to identify your soulmate using astrology.
Wishing YOU forever love! Helena