When is it safe after a Blackout (Heartbreak) Cycles ends?
“I used to think I shouldn’t make any natalizations three days after a Blackout peak. My calendar key says that one must only wait a day after the Blackout bar ends. Which one is it? I have a Blackout period ending on April 23rd. Does that mean April 25th is OK and a day I could make a natalization?”
For natalizations, it’s most important to wait one full day after a Blackout or other negative cycle ends. Since calendar cycles are graphed for noon each day, once the cycle has been missing from your calendar for one day, you know it’s gone.
Natalizations capture the applying cycles on the day of the natalization, so once you are sure a negative cycle is gone, if the day is a Magi Best day and your other relevant cycles are great, go for it!