The best time to make any important decision is when you are in personal Wisdom cycles. These are the times when your thinking and intuition are most clear. The more concurrent Wisdom cycles you are in, the better.
The worst times to make big decisions are when you are in personal Blunder, Nuclear, and/or Blackout cycles. All 3 of these cycles interfere with your good judgment and can lead you into making a major mistake. The very worst times are when you are in multiple, or peaking, personal Blunder, Nuclear, and/or Blackout cycles. Be sure to avoid these times for important decision-making and also be sure to check your work more carefully during these times too.
Not only are your personal cycles relevant, but you also need to factor in the quality of the day itself. This also has a measurable effect on your outcome. Best Days maximize benefits/rewards and minimize risks. Worst Days maximize risk and minimize potential rewards.
Find out all these personal cycles with one of these instant personal astrology calendars:
Thinking and Big Decisions only:
Thinking & Big Decisions, + Money, Love, Charisma & Fame: CEO Calendar:
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Get Universal Best & Worst Days for the current month here: