Ever wonder why some things work out that “shouldn’t,” and other things don’t work out that “should?” The difference is TIMING!
All initiatives, including making a purchase, opening a financial account, or signing a business agreement, create an astrological chart for whatever you initiated.
The statistics are clear: bad charts create predictably bad outcomes. One of the easiest ways to improve your life is to use right timing for anything important, whether for money, career, love, sex, health, or beauty.
Every time you buy something, you create a chart that has a powerful and predictable influence on the relationship between you and the item. This chart rules your relationship with the item for as long as you have it. Obviously for big-ticket items and installment purchases, you want this chart to be great!
Depending on what you are buying, you may want to look at your personal Golden, Silver, Cinderella, Health, Beauty, and/or Fame cycles. Wisdom cycles will help you make a wise choice. The worst cycles to be in for a major purchase are Heartbreak (aka Blackout), Nuclear, and/or Blunder cycles, especially multiple or peaking negative cycles.
It’s not only important to have good personal cycles but to make major purchases on days that are Best Days in the Universal sky. This also has a measurable effect on your outcome. Best Days maximize benefits/rewards and minimize risks. Worst Days maximize risk and minimize potential rewards.