For a tattoo, you should consider these personal cycles:
Beauty and Ugly cycles, and Good and Bad Health cycles.
Beauty cycles are the times when you look most radiant, attractive, and photogenic. These are the best times for first appointments with a new hairdresser, aesthetician, or other beauty specialists. These are the best times to schedule special events, public appearances, and photo sessions, and are absolutely the best days for getting a tattoo!
Ugly cycles are the times when you look your worst and should avoid all cosmetics-related procedures and cosmetic dental procedures. Avoid any important salon appointments and do not start any beauty-related products including skincare and makeup. Ugly cycles are the times when it’s just too easy to get ugly results! Tattoos are super important because they are permanent. The last thing you want is an epic fail tattoo.
With tattoos, you also need to consider your personal Good and Bad Health cycles since occasionally tattoos can have health consequences. However, unless you are in TERRIBLE Bad Health cycles since tattoo risk isn’t as severe as some things, you should be good to go. Please wait though if you’re in terrible health stars!!
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