Starting a new fitness regimen will definitely benefit from the right timing!
To set yourself up for success, you’ll want to be receptive mentally and energetic physically, plus you’ll want to avoid injury.
Receptivity is shown, interestingly, in personal Cinderella cycles. Not only do Cinderella cycles bring your Soulmate and help people to see you as your best self, but they also help to create an open mind which allows “buy-in.” Practice your new workout regimen for the first time when you are in at least one Cinderella cycle.
Repellence is shown in personal Nuclear cycles. Anything new you begin under Nuclear cycles, especially multiple Nuclear cycles, are seldom a “fit” for you. and you are likely to later find yourself with serious and irreconcilable differences with whatever was begun during these times. Avoid Nuclear cycles during your first workout.
Vitality and physical energy is impacted by your personal Good Health and Bad Health cycles. They work pretty much as they sound. These are also your Good and Bad Safety cycles, as they will impact how prone you are to injury and how quickly you’ll heal if injured.
Other cycles which can make you prone to injury are Blackout Cycles a.k.a. Heartbreak Cycles. Starting anything new during Blackout cycles most often eventually leads to failure or heartbreak
Find out these crucial cycles with these 2 Instant Personal Calendars, click or copy/paste links:
Or, combine these cycles in a single Custom Calendar (not instant, allow 7 business days) click or copy/paste the link:
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