When should I start an expensive new product or beauty device?
The more expensive the beauty product or device, the more important it is to use it for the first time under your personal Beauty stars. The first time you try anything new, you’re creating a forever chart between yourself and the thing you started. For a pricey product or device, or even something everyday, you want that chart to be good!
Your personal Beauty cycles are the times when you look most radiant, attractive, and photogenic. These are the very best times for salon appointments and for beginning new beauty products including skincare and makeup.
Beauty cycles are the best times for first appointments with a new hairdresser, esthetician or other beauty specialist and are also the best times to schedule special events, public appearances and photo sessions. Beauty cycles are also the best times to schedule cosmetic procedures of all kinds including cosmetic dental work.
Ugly cycles are the opposite of Beauty cycles. Ugly cycles are the times when you look your worst and should avoid all cosmetic procedures and cosmetic dental procedures. Avoid any important salon appointments and do not start any beauty-related products including skincare and makeup. Ugly cycles are the times when it’s just too easy to get ugly results! Ugly cycles are the worst times for first appointments with a new plastic surgeon, dermatologist, cosmetic dentist, hairdresser, esthetician or other beauty specialist.
There are only 4 short Beauty cycles and 9 Ugly cycles which can be fairly long – maybe this is why we all have so many “bad hair days.” The key for starting a new and expensive product or device is to look for time periods with the maximum number of your personal Beauty cycles and the fewest Ugly cycles.