There are 5 key cycles that you need to keep in mind when scheduling a presentation or performance. Two offer POWERFUL help, three can really harm your performance.
Everyone’s personal cycles are always changing. Knowing and leveraging your ever-changing cycles is how to bring manifestation into being.
The two main helpful cycles for performers and presenters are Cinderella cycles and Super-Fame cycles.
Cinderella Cycles
During Cinderella cycles, people see you in your best possible light. Your charisma and ability to make a good impression are at a peak. The more concurrent Cinderella cycles you are having, the more charismatic and wonderful you are perceived to be!
Cinderella cycles are great times to meet new people for the greatest acceptance, to sell yourself and your ideas, to go on an interview or audition, or make a presentation. The charisma boost during Cinderella cycles should not be under-estimated. Cinderella cycles are also critical for singles looking to meet their Soulmate. More info on this here:
Super-Fame Cycles
Super-Fame cycles are times when you can most easily achieve fame and broad recognition. These are great times to make public appearances, schedule performances and auditions, sign contracts related to fame and recognition such as with an agent or public relations firm, and release movies, music, books, or other creative materials.
You also need to know when you are having any of the three cycles which can really damage your ability to perform or present well. These cycles are Outcast, Nuclear, and Blackout.
Outcast Cycles
Outcast cycles are times when you are most likely to be disliked and to offend or alienate others. These are times when you have to work extra hard to avoid creating enmities and are some of the worst times for public appearances. During Outcast cycles, attempts to increase popularity or to ingratiate yourself with others often backfire, and the wisest course can be simply to maintain a low profile.
Even the most charming and charismatic people have to watch every word, gesture, and joke during these cycles since it is so easy to antagonize others. You can easily get blamed for things that aren’t your fault, and no amount of logic will convince people you are right during these cycles. Put a smile on your face, be agreeable, don’t make waves, say “I’m sorry” a lot, and don’t take rejections personally.
Nuclear Cycles
Nuclear cycles can create repellence. Nuclear cycles are also representative of severe bad judgment and planning. During Nuclear cycles you may feel more impatient, grumpy, frustrated, and alienated. One effect of Nuclear cycles is that they will make you more error-prone both in your judgment, your computations, and in your speaking and writing.
Blackout Cycles a.k.a. Heartbreak Cycles
These are the worst possible times for almost anything, including meeting new people or even just presenting to someone for the first time. Starting anything new or trying to push your agenda during Blackout cycles most often eventually leads to failure or heartbreak. Blackout cycles are characterized by bad judgment and people seeing you in your worst possible light.
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