The personal cycles influencing you are always changing. If you are in difficult cycles, you are unlikely to feel your best.
Feeling down is often associated with being in Blackout aka Heartbreak cycles, though you can be pretty unhappy under Nuclear cycles too. Blackout cycles are times when people see you at your worst, relationships can become rocky, and initiatives can fail. Under Blackout cycles, people who are good for you are pushed away from you and people who are bad for you are pushed toward you. All this can make anyone feel down.
Emotionally, Blackout cycles can make you weepy, despairing or feeling that it’s pointless to continue. Be careful though, Blackout cycles also make you more prone to making mistakes, including BIG mistakes, so they are a very poor time to make major decisions.
Blackout cycles, especially multiple concurrent Blackouts or peaking Blackouts, are the very WORST times to start a new business or meet someone new.
Good news is that good stars follow bad stars and good times follow bad times. Leverage your ever-changing cycles by waiting out bad times and moving forward strongly when the stars favor you and the achievement of your dreams.
You can find out your personal cycles with one of my instant Personal Astrology Calendars. They’re available for Love, Success, Beauty, Health and more. Get more info and find the one that’s right for you here:
The calendars below automatically include both Blackout and Nuclear cycles:
Instant Personal Love Calendar:
Instant Personal Success + Love Calendar:
Instant Personal CEO Calendar: My favorite!
My calendars come with a 100% money-back guarantee. Try one with confidence!!