The date of your first face-to-face meeting with someone new creates the Ruling Chart of the relationship. Your Ruling Chart is the chart of the journey ahead for your relationship…
Give every potential new relationship the best possible opportunity to be wonderful by meeting new people on the best possible days, even if very briefly. No matter how brief the meeting, your first face-to-face meeting forms the Ruling Chart of your relationship.
The best time to meet a potential new flame is when you are a maximum number of personal Cinderella cycles and a minimum number of Nuclear and Blackout cycles.
For the most help from the Universe, combine a day with great personal cycles with a Universal Best Day.
Accidentally met on a bad day? Learn how to fix it here:
Find out your Cinderella, Nuclear and Blackout cycles with an Instant Personal Love Calendar:
From $9.99. Get one almost free with a $9 signup coupon!
See Best and Worst Universal Days here:
More about Ruling Charts here: