When you are feeling especially tired, it can be stress, lack of sleep, boredom, or depression, but it can also be in your ever-changing stars.
When you are in more personal Bad Health cycles and fewer personal Good Health cycles, one of the most common symptoms is fatigue. If you are young and healthy, multiple Bad Health cycles can just signal periods of poor sleep, poor digestion, or being more susceptible to catching a cold.
If you have any ongoing health issues, Bad Health cycles can signal periods when you don’t do as well and may have flare-ups.
Serious illness is not so often seen on a transit calendar, serious health challenges are more likely to be found in your long-term progressions since most serious disease requires a long time to take root.
Even if your fatigue is caused by the stars, your body is still tired. Get lots of rest, reduce your stress load, exercise moderately, and eat right. This will likely prevent anything negative from happening until your health stars improve.