TV Host Billy Bush’s career has been seriously damaged by the October 7, 2016 revelation of a 2005 video with presidential hopeful Donald Trump. The explosive video contains numerous references to non-consensual sexual harassment and to women in a highly derogatory way.
Unsurprisingly, Bush is in HORRIBLE stars in October. On October 7, Bush was in
Success Heartbreak cycles affect business only, while regular Blackout cycles affect BOTH our career and personal life.
In Billy’s case, the transgressions which came back to bite him happened back in 2005. Whether you believe that Billy really behaved badly or whether you believe that he was just humoring a celebrity, it’s certain that the release of this video has badly damaged his career. As of this writing, Bush has been suspended by NBC’s Today Show indefinitely pending further review, though rumors suggest that Bush and NBC are nearing agreement on a contract settlement.
One effect of Blackout cycles is that
– even to retribution from earlier “sins.” Had Bush been in strong Cinderella cycles with no Blackouts when the video was leaked, he might have escaped much of the damage. Since everyone has Blackout cycles, and occasionally has a Blackout “Cascade” like Bush is experiencing in October, that’s just one further reason to