So, an extremely low number of captivations….20 or less let’s say, but high number of soulmate geometry, linkages, Cinderellas, etc. Would that be bad?
It says captivations are not good, yet they clearly help longevity of a relationship a lot. So is it better to have few/none or many? If there’s not enough glue/bond, with captivations specifically…… then we separate?
I’m confused again…magi says Saturn/captivations are very bad but yet, they hold a relationship together for the long-term…at least that’s how I’m reading it. (Also with captivations, does midpoint to midpoint count? Ex: Jupiter-Saturn midpoint is right on top of mars-Saturn MP, sun-Saturn MP, etc.) Thanks so much! Your help is appreciated!!
Great question! Captivations are like glue. They do hold a couple together.
It’s good glue if it’s a happy, healthy relationship. It’s bad glue if it’s a toxic, dysfunctional relationship. High numbers of captivations are great if it’s a great relationship, they help it weather any storm. If it’s a bad relationship, many captivations make it very hard to escape, despite the misery.
Low numbers of captivations are fine, but the relationship has less glue. However, there are many more factors than captivations to consider in order to accurately predict the outcome and duration of a relationship!
And no, a midpoint cannot captivate another midpoint.