Khloé and Lamar are a sad example of a couple whose wedding date was truly a double-edged sword – their relationship was made even more loving by their wedding date, but they were also destroyed by it. Their potentials for True Love and being Soulmates for each other were only average or a little better, but the bright side of their wedding date was bringing a deep tenderness and sweetness for each other and commitment to their marriage. Lamar’s high level of attachment to Khloé made him try to overcome his addictive tendencies, and Khloé’s high level of control over Lamar probably helped him in his efforts.
See Khloé and Lamar’s Potential Scores Recap from their Love-Stars Complete Relationship Report at right.
There were 2 factors which led this couple into the trouble that culminated in Lamar’s overdose in October 2015 – the devastating dark side of their wedding chart, and Lamar’s own bad health cycles that month.
Despite the love in Khloé and Lamar’s wedding chart, it was also a
with not just 1 but 3 horrible Heartbreak Progressions and 2 Nuclear Progressions. You can see these devastating aspects in Khloé and Lamar’s wedding chart at right. Since wedding dates have a proven impact on each person’s life and career, the Heartbreak Progressions in this chart sadly helped Lamar to fall back into his addictions and suffer his severe health crisis.
Lamar’s addiction issues came to a head when he was found in a coma in a Nevada brothel in October, 2015.
at that time – see his Health Star-Timer for that month at right. Had he known that he was in such risky cycles, he could have chosen to be especially careful and thereby avoided his disastrous experience.
Forewarned is forearmed, and if we know we are at risk we can use our free choice to be careful and avoid problems. This crisis was probably one of the final straws which led this loving couple to divorce.
Looking back at Khloé and Lamar’s Potential Scores Recap in their Relationship Report (top image) we can also see that Lamar’s vulnerability to heartbreak with Khloé is especially high, so it isn’t too surprising that he’s having more trouble now that she has finally filed for divorce.
Send your prayers to Khloé and Lamar – this couple has been through so much! Two rays of hope – if Khloe and Lamar finalize their divorce and remarry on a MAGIcal Date – or if they stopped their divorce and just renewed their vows on a MAGIcal Date – they could have a real chance for love and peace together.