Gaga and Taylor had True Love, moderate or higher Soulmate potential, high Sexual Heat, and high Clash Severity in certain key clashes. Though Gaga and Taylor blamed their long work-related separations for their split, I think it’s likely that their separations kept their relationship alive much longer than it would have otherwise lasted.
You can see Gaga and Taylor’s overall relationship recap and likely outcome scenarios at right.
Relationship clashes take some time and proximity to manifest, so a long-distance relationship or one with frequent separations helps to mask the depth the problem.
Gaga and Taylor had high numbers of two very difficult clashes:
Napalm Clashes
which can create a lot of toxic fallout during and after disagreements, and
Power Struggle Clashes
which make it difficult to create win-win solutions to problems.
The good news, if there is ever good news when a couple breaks up, is that the Heartbreak Potential for both Gaga and Taylor is lower than average. This indicates that both should be able to get on with their lives without too much pain.