Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!
The Dismay Clash includes the Saturn/Jupiter Midpoint. This clash can create confusion similar to the Confusion Clash, and hurt feelings similar to the Hurt Feelings Clash.
The Control person in this clash not only mystifies the other person, but also hurts them even when they don’t mean to. The other person is not only hurt, but seems unable to understand why or how it happened. Further, the Control person may not be especially caring or understanding about trying to repair things or avoiding similar problems in the future.
Strategies for dealing with this clash are similar to the strategies for the Hurt Feelings Clash:
1. The Control person must learn to apologize for hurting the other person and try to avoid doing so in the future, and
2. The other person must try to let these incidents go by without taking them too personally or taking them in too deeply.
Over time this clash can be quite damaging to the relationship unless these strategies are employed fairly consistently.
Average number of Dismay Clashes: 0-1. High number of Dismay Clashes: 2+.
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