Considerations when scheduling a retreat include both the dates of the retreat itself and the date you first announce the retreat.
The dates of the retreat and the announcement date should ideally be highly favorable dates in the Universal sky.
Additionally, as the retreat leader, your personal cycles will also be critically important.
Important personal cycles (transits) to factor in to select retreat dates:
Cinderella (improves your appeal and charisma)
Health (to have plenty of energy)
Nuclear (creates impatience, frustration & bad decisions)
Blackout (creates heartbreak & bad decisions)
Important personal cycles (transits) to factor in to select retreat announcement date:
Cinderella (improves your appeal and charisma)
Nuclear (creates repellence)
Blackout (creates heartbreak)
Some clients prefer to have me custom-select their retreat dates and announcement date. If you want to DIY the process, here’s how:
Get a personal astrology calendar with relevant cycles. You can combine the two instant calendars below to get all the cycles. Be sure to read in the calendar key how to combine personal cycles with Universal cycles.
Instant Personal Success + Love Calendar
Instant Personal Health & Beauty Calendar
Cherry-pick the specific cycles you want with a Custom Calendar
This is NOT an instant calendar. Please allow 7 business days.
Another option is a Premium All-1 Calendar
This calendar gives you much more personal advice from me, month by month. You order the specific cycles you need (see above) and can see each day rated for each cycle. The Premium All-1 Calendar is also not an instant calendar, since I custom make it for each client, learn more here: