Soulmate Linkages between two charts reveal soulmate potential. The more Soulmate Linkages you share, the deeper your Soul connection and the greater the likelihood that you will marry. Soulmate Linkages are formed between the planet Chiron and certain other planets in the second person’s chart, according to specific rules.
Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!
Lust-Hate Clashes include Mars. The Lust-Hate Clash inspires strong sexual attraction but usually also indicates incompatibility – especially about the future of the relationship…
Your personal Beauty and Ugly cycles vary a lot, and unfortunately for all of us, there are always more Ugly cycles than Beauty cycles. That’s why everyone has so many bad hair days!
Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy! Captivations indicate a hold or bond, and they function like glue to hold people together…
Your personal astrological cycles vary enormously and are powerful influences on how you feel and how things go. If a lot of things are going wrong, it’s likely that you are in unhelpful cycles…
Mars parallel Saturn peaking in the early hours of Nov. 12, 2020 in US time zones.
ANXIETY ALERT! Sept. 8 – 9: Saturn contra-latitude Sappho in Helio is going exact Wednesday Sept. 9. This affects everyone
By Magi Helena “America’s #1 Astrologer”
You don’t need to be an astrology expert! Learn the secrets of love compatibility. Get your real potential for a successful relationship.
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