Timing Matters! Improve your odds of Love, Success, Beauty, etc. by using your personal right timing!
If you’re super frustrated, you are likely in one or even more personal Nuclear cycles. Nuclear cycles have many effects and can be difficult unless you know how to work with them.
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Timing Matters! Improve your odds and avoid mistakes by using your personal right timing!
You are most likely to make a major mistake when you are in personal Blunder cycles. Blunder cycles incline people toward making mistakes, sometimes BIG mistakes. Blunder cycles are the worst possible cycles for making major decisions.
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The DATE YOU GET MARRIED creates the astrological birth chart of your married life. It’s the map of the road ahead for you and your partner. Because of this, your wedding date is critical to both your futures.
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The right time to meet your Soulmate, or to just meet a quality person, is determined by both your personal astrological cycles AND the quality of the Universal days in the sky. Each relationship “milestone” which happens under great stars helps a relationship continue, be happy, and advance to the next milestone.
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When you make a purchase, you’re creating a chart for the path ahead between you and the item you purchased. This chart will rule your relationship with the item for as long as you own it.
Ever wonder why some things work out that “shouldn’t,” and other things don’t work out that “should?” The difference is TIMING!
All initiatives, including making a purchase, opening a financial account, or signing a business agreement, create an astrological chart for whatever you initiated.
The best time to make any important decision is when you are in personal Wisdom cycles. These are the times when your thinking and intuition are most clear. The more concurrent Wisdom cycles you are in, the better.
Starting a new fitness regimen will definitely benefit from the right timing!
To set yourself up for success, you’ll want to be receptive mentally and energetic physically, plus you’ll want to avoid injury.
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There are 5 key cycles that you need to keep in mind when scheduling a presentation or performance. Two offer POWERFUL help, three can really harm your performance.
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Everyone wants you to believe that you should always listen to your intuition. This is both true and false.
Your intuition is not consistently of the same quality day-to-day. Your personal cycles, or transits, vary a lot and absolutely impact the quality of your intuition.
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Considerations when scheduling a retreat include both the dates of the retreat itself and the date you first announce the retreat.
The dates of the retreat and the announcement date should ideally be highly favorable dates in the Universal sky.
Additionally, as the retreat leader, your personal cycles will also be critically important.
My clients who enter juried shows such as film festivals, actually choose which shows to enter each year based on their personal cycles. If you know you have great chances, enter! If you’re not likely to receive an award or mention, don’t.
If you want to reach out to an ex to try for reconciliation, you definitely want the stars in your favor! Here’s how to select a day with the best odds of success:
The primary KEY is Cinderella cycles (transits) in both of your personal astrology calendars.
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For a tattoo, you should consider these personal cycles:
Beauty and Ugly cycles, and Good and Bad Health cycles.
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The best times to make major decisions are when you are in multiple personal Wisdom cycles and if few or no Blunder cycles.
Wisdom cycles are the times when your judgment is most clear and far-seeing. These are the best times to make crucial decisions for both your career and your personal life. During these cycles, your mind is calm and centered and you are most likely to receive Angelic guidance in your life.
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These are the dates that will have the most influence over the success or failure of your business or career:
Incorporation or LLC Date
Harness the astrological keys found in the charts of Apple, Microsoft, and many
more. https://magihelena.com/product/astrology-success-date/
Staying with a diet can be seriously helped by starting it at the right time!!!
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The most helpful personal cycles for interviews are personal Golden, Silver, Cinderella and Super-Fame cycles.
Golden and Silver cycles are your most winning days for anything to do with making money, they are your best days for business and financial opportunity. These cycles are the best times to meet new people for profit in business, to start a new venture or a new job, to sign important agreements, to start a business, or to launch a product or website for maximum profitability.
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The most helpful personal cycles for auditions are personal Cinderella cycles and personal Super-Fame cycles.
During Cinderella cycles, people see you in your best possible light. Your charisma and ability to make a good impression are at a peak. The more concurrent Cinderella cycles you are having, the more charismatic and wonderful you are perceived to be!
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Your personal Beauty Days are the days when you are most radiant and attractive and are the very best days to take photos. They are also the best times for cosmetic procedures, as well as beginning new beauty products including skincare and makeup.
So often, the difference between success and disaster depends on TIMING.
The first visit to a new doctor or surgeon creates the chart of your relationship with your doctor for as long as you remain their patient, so it’s important that the first visit be on a very good day!
The most helpful personal cycles for submitting any kind of application are personal Cinderella cycles. During Cinderella cycles, people see you in your best possible light. Your charisma and ability to make a good impression are at a peak. The more concurrent Cinderella cycles you are having, the more charismatic and wonderful you are perceived to be!
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To know if two people can make money together, the primary consideration is how many Golden and other financial linkages you have between your two charts. The more the better! Better still: if you have financial geometry in your CAC (Combined Alignment Chart.)
“Millionaires don’t use astrology. Billionaires do!” – J.P. Morgan
The chart of the day you start a new business is your most important predictor of success or FAILURE! So, this date should be VERY carefully chosen.
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