Love Astrology

Relationship hot then cold?

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Hot, then cold?

Hot and Cold Linkages and Clashes include Uranus in most cases. Higher than average numbers of Hot & Cold Linkages and Clashes indicate relationships which fluctuate in their level of intensity, even when they are long-lasting and committed, so these fluctuations are not in themselves indicative of problems.

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Is loyalty important?

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Is Loyalty important?

Loyalty and Trust Linkages between charts include loyal planets such as Jupiter and Vesta. Loyalty and Trust Linkages increase the desire to be loyal to each other.

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Want to be your most beautiful?

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Timing Matters! Be your most beautiful by using your personal right timing!

If you’re looking your best, you are probably in a personal Beauty cycle.

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Afraid of Heartbreak?

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Afraid of heartbreak?

Heartbreak Clashes include clashes between Saturn and Chiron in various forms. Heartbreak Clashes are extremely common.

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Live your best life!

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Feeling excluded?

Timing Matters! Improve your odds of friendship and acceptance by using your personal right timing!

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Want to be an influencer?

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Timing Matters! Improve your odds of major fame by using your personal right timing!

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How well do you communicate?

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How well will/do you communicate?

How well you communicate is determined by Communication Linkages and Clashes.

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Going through heartbreak?

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Timing Matters! Improve your odds of Love, Success, Beauty, etc., and avoid heartbreak and failure by using your personal right timing!

If you are going through a heartbreak, you are probably in one or more personal Heartbreak (also known as Blackout) cycles. Blackout cycles, especially multiple Blackout cycles, are worst possible times for almost anything, including meeting new people.

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Could you forgive each other?

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Could you forgive each other?

Forgiveness Linkages include gentle and empathetic planets like Vesta, Neptune, and Chiron. Forgiveness Linkages are important in assessing long-term compatibility because they help a couple to work past difficulties, conflicts, and challenges in their relationship.

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I kissed a guy 7 years ago and am now considering a relationship with him, what is our Ruling Chart?

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If you kissed someone but did not ever make love with them, your Ruling Chart for this relationship currently is the original date you first met face-to-face.

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When should we get married?

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The DATE YOU GET MARRIED creates the astrological birth chart of your married life. It’s the map of the road ahead for you and your partner. Because of this, your wedding date is critical to both your futures.
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I’m heartbroken. How can I figure out what went wrong?

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This is an important question! Any time something doesn’t work out, you have a golden opportunity to unpack the situation and learn how to do things differently in the future. Always remember that heartbreak can happen outside of romantic relationships too, so many of these hacks below can help you in your career also!

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When to meet your soulmate?

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Timing Matters! Find your Soulmate or improve your current relationship by using your personal right timing!

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When to start an online conversation on a dating app?










The right time to meet your Soulmate, or to just meet a quality person, is determined by both your personal astrological cycles AND the quality of the Universal days in the sky. Each relationship “milestone” which happens under great stars helps a relationship continue, be happy, and advance to the next milestone.
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When to make the most money?

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Timing Matters! Improve your odds of the greatest success by using your personal right timing!

You can make the most money when you are in Golden & Silver cycles.

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How can I know if we’ll be compatible?

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This is a great question and one more new couples should be asking.

Natural compatibility is determined by the linkages and clashes between planets and points between your two natal charts.

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Maybe Next Time

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Timing Matters! Avoid sexual fails by using your personal right timing!

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Can you make money together?

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Can you make money together?

Golden Linkages indicate financial potential between 2 people. They include combinations of financial planets, such as Venus and Pluto. Read more

Ball and Chain?

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Do you drag each other down?

Ball and Chain Linkages between 2 charts include Saturn. This is a common linkage, but it is not helpful to relationships. In a Ball and Chain Linkage, the Control person can have a dragging-down effect on the other person. This can happen in a couple of ways:
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You or they getting feelings hurt a lot?

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You or they getting feelings hurt a lot?

Hurt Feelings Clashes include Saturn and certain Saturn Midpoints. This difficult clash creates real compatibility challenges.
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Will our sexual chemistry last?

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I’m glad you asked! As critical as lasting sexual attraction is to a relationship, not all sexual linkages between two charts have the same duration. Some do last forever. But, some ALWAYS burn out, and others ONLY burn out with marriage!
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Wondering if it’s just a fling?

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Wondering if it’s just a fling?

In the absence of Soulmate Geometries or Linkages, a high number of Fling Linkages and/or Clashes indicate the likelihood of a short-term relationship. Fling Linkages and Clashes include changeable planets such as Uranus or Juno.
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Butting heads too often?










Butting heads too often?

Power Struggle Clashes reflect a face-off between the most muscular planets such as Saturn, Pluto, and Sedna.
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Feeling obsessed? Are they obsessed?

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Feeling obsessed? Are they obsessed?

Obsession Linkages include the planetary rulers of obsession, such as Pluto and Sappho. Obsessions can create consistency in the form of perpetual intensity.
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Why aren’t we getting along?

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The answer to this question could be found in several places. It will depend on whether you normally get along, or whether you typically do not get along with each other.
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Do you have Hot & Cold Linkages or Clashes?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Hot and Cold Linkages and Clashes include Uranus in most cases.
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Do you have Benevolence Linkages?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Benevolence Linkages include true-blue, helpful Jupiter. One-sided Benevolence Linkages indicate one person’s willingness to help or protect the other person.
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Do you have Loyalty & Trust Clashes?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Loyalty and Trust Clashes include clashes between loyal planets such as Vesta, and Saturn or Uranus. Loyalty and Trust Clashes may decrease the desire to be loyal to each other.

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Do you have Loyalty & Trust Linkages?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Loyalty and Trust Linkages include loyal planets such as Jupiter and Vesta. Loyalty and Trust Linkages increase the desire to be loyal to each other.

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Do you have Nuclear Clashes?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Nuclear Clashes include Jupiter clashes with Saturn. Nuclear Clashes represent major differences between the couple that can never be resolved. Often these differences are in fundamental areas that are integral to the way each person lives their lives.

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Do you have Communication Linkages?










Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Communication Linkages include linkages with Mercury and Pallas.

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Do you have Communication Clashes?


Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Communication Clashes include clashes with Mercury and Pallas.

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When should I reach out to my ex?










If you want to reach out to an ex to try for reconciliation, you definitely want the stars in your favor! Here’s how to select a day with the best odds of success:

The primary KEY is Cinderella cycles (transits) in both of your personal astrology calendars.
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Do you have Forgiveness Linkages?










Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Forgiveness Linkages include gentle and empathetic planets like Vesta, Neptune, and Chiron. Forgiveness Linkages are important in assessing long-term compatibility because they help a couple to work past difficulties, conflicts, and challenges in their relationship.

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Do you have the Marital Sexual Linkage?


Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

The Marital Sexual Linkage creates some sexual attraction and a romantic/physical bond that often leads to marriage.
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Do you have the Passionate Linkage?


Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Though the Passionate Linkage doesn’t create the immediacy of some other linkages, it does create sensuousness and passion and it makes a couple yearn to spend time together both as lovers and companions. This forever Sexual Linkage is lifelong whether or not a couple marries. Read more

When should we get engaged?


Excellent question!

Getting engaged is one of the milestone events in a relationship that creates a co-ruling chart for the relationship, so getting the timing right is important. Ruling charts are the road map of the journey ahead for the partners together, and they are a major influence on the relationship’s future. Once engaged, your relationship is co-ruled by your first face-to-face meeting date, and your engagement date.
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Do you have the Ultimate Sexual Linkage?


Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

The Ultimate Sexual Linkage can create nearly irresistible attraction. It can compel the two of you to find some way to get together – even if there are serious obstacles.
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Do You Have Fireworks Sexual Linkages?










Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

The Fireworks Linkage is a temporary but smokin’ hot Sexual Linkage which makes lovers desire one another RIGHT NOW, regardless of time or place.
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Do You Have Yin & Yang Sexual Linkages?










Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

The Yin and Yang Linkage is a forever Sexual Linkage – it is lifelong whether or not a couple marries. Though it does not create the overwhelming heat of other Sexual Linkages, it synchronizes the partner’s energies and makes them perfect complements to each other, raising lovemaking to high art.
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Do you have the Magical Linkage?










Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

The most Magical of all linkages, the Magical Linkage helps to unite a couple and make them want to marry. This linkage is one of the three most commonly found linkages in married couples, and is one of the most romantic linkages too.
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When should I decide about my relationship?










Everyone always says to trust your gut, and I agree, BUT. The BUT is that your intuition is not always at the same level of quality.

When you are in personal Wisdom cycles, your intuition is wiser than usual. You are more able to hear and understand Right Guidance from the Angels, your Spirit Guides, the Universe.
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Do you have the Kindred Spirits Linkage?


Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

The Kindred Spirits Linkage is an excellent indicator of both compatibility and true love potential. It creates a high level of trust, and there may be the feeling of having known each other previously.
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Do you have Infatuation Linkages?


Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Infatuation Linkages include changeable Juno. Infatuation Linkages can create intense desire and the illusion of love for a time but actually reduce the likelihood that a couple will marry.  Average number of Infatuation Linkages: 2-3. High number of Infatuation Linkages: 6+.
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Do you have the Fascination/Repulsion Clash?










Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Fascination/Repulsion Clash: A relationship with the Fascination/Repulsion Clash may start with incredible chemistry. Sadly, this is a Soulmate Clash, and Soulmate Clashes make it unlikely that you are Soulmates. Soulmate Clashes are big indicators that the relationship probably won’t work out UNLESS you also have Soulmate Linkages.
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When should we make love for the first time?

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The chart of the first time you make love is called your Love Chart. Your Love Chart becomes a co-Ruling Chart of your relationship along with your First Meeting Chart – the chart of your first face-to-face meeting.

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Do you have Impossible Dream Clashes?










Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Impossible Dream Clash: A relationship with the Impossible Dream Clash may seem like a dream come true at first. Unfortunately, a relationship with this clash somehow seldom works out or leads to marriage, no matter how wonderful it seems in the beginning.
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Do you have Fortunate Couple Linkages?










Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Fortunate Couple Linkage: The Fortunate Couple Linkage blesses a couple in many ways and is one of the three most commonly found linkages in married couples.

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Do you have Wrong Person Clashes?


Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

The Wrong Person Clash is a Soulmate Clash, and Soulmate Clashes make it unlikely that you are Soulmates. Soulmate clashes always include a Chiron clash.

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Do you have Cinderella Linkages?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

All Cinderella Linkages include Chiron. Cinderella Linkages are linkage aspects between the Chiron of one person and certain qualifying planets of the other person.

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How can I get clarity on my relationship?

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Back when I was single, what I hated most was confusing relationships! You know what I mean: the relationship that seems so good some of the time that you trust it, and then _______ happens or doesn’t happen, and you doubt it. Especially when it cycles from good to bad then good then bad……. Your poor heart goes up and down, over and over again.

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Do you have Soulmate Clashes?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict its outcome with 95% accuracy!

Soulmate Clashes include many types of Chiron clashes. Soulmate Clashes, especially multiple Soulmate Clashes, can be a big indicator that the relationship won’t work out, even though it probably starts out seeming like “this is IT.”

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Do you have Soulmate Linkages?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict its outcome with 95% accuracy!

Soulmate Linkages (AKA Romantic Super-Linkages) between two charts are signs of true love potential. Soulmate Linkages always include Chiron. As with Soulmate Geometries, couples who form multiple romantic super-linkages are inclined to marry – the more romantic super-linkages, the greater the chance of marriage.

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Do you have Heartbreak Clashes?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Heartbreak Clashes include clashes between Saturn and Chiron in various forms. Heartbreak Clashes are extremely common. In each Heartbreak Clash, the Heartbreaker is the likely person to break the other person’s heart, though Heartbreak Clashes do occasionally work in reverse. Heartbreak Clashes are insidious – they begin with powerful attraction and bind a couple strongly, especially the person most likely to get their heart broken. It makes sense that Heartbreak Clashes work this way – if they didn’t draw you in in the first place, your heart couldn’t get broken.

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Do you have the Anxiety Clash?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Anxiety clashes include the worry asteroid Sappho.

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Do You Have Control Clashes?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Control Clashes include Saturn. In each Control Clash, the Control person feels that they should have significant control over the other person. The other person seldom agrees with this assessment and clashes ensue, possibly followed by the other person breaking it off with the Control person to get away from being over-controlled.

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Most Important Love Dates

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The most important Love Dates are these:
First face-to-face meeting
First lovemaking
Engagement Date
Wedding Date

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What are Ball & Chain Linkages or Clashes?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

The Ball and Chain Linkage includes Saturn. This is a common linkage, but it is not helpful to relationships.

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What is the Dismay Clash?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

The Dismay Clash includes the Saturn/Jupiter Midpoint. This clash can create confusion similar to the Confusion Clash, and hurt feelings similar to the Hurt Feelings Clash.

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How to identify your Soulmate

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Soulmate Linkages between two charts reveal soulmate potential. The more Soulmate Linkages you share, the deeper your Soul connection and the greater the likelihood that you will marry. Soulmate Linkages are formed between the planet Chiron and certain other planets in the second person’s chart, according to specific rules.

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Do you have the Lust-Hate Clash?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy!

Lust-Hate Clashes include Mars. The Lust-Hate Clash inspires strong sexual attraction but usually also indicates incompatibility – especially about the future of the relationship…

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Do you have Captivations?

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Linkages and Clashes between two charts tell so much about your relationship, it’s easy to predict the outcome with 95% accuracy! Captivations indicate a hold or bond, and they function like glue to hold people together…

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When’s the right time to meet someone new?

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The date of your first face-to-face meeting with someone new creates the Ruling Chart of the relationship. Your Ruling Chart is the chart of the journey ahead for your relationship…

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First Date Chart?

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